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Everything posted by Mona

  1. Hello Yogurt, too bad you have a terrible taste on shoes but <3
  2. Idk if SV goes there tbh 1. Persians/WL (cos they haven't fought eachother and don't think it will happen...) ## 3. Pandemic 4. TR 5. Revolt 6. SA - guess SV would be here if they did f2p properly (they said they are focusing on p2p rn) 7. Latin Crew 8. Arroz 9. Deathrow 10. Zerg Unit 11. Latin Crew 12. New Power 13. Playdead 14. ACU
  3. SHUSH ❤️ luv u stop sucking up yo
  4. Could you please leave my signature alone? Thanks.
  5. Wasn't about you.................. wot kid yes double post already
  6. Runescape Nameuh... M0naPreferred Name MonaDiscord IDMona#5222Current ClanWLPrevious Clan Historyosrs? No previous clan. Pre-eoc? Envy, WL, Tukuruk91's tries of clans, Legends of Glory, MMA, Hell Soldiers and prob others that aren't worth mentioning.Are you interested in joining?Only if you can get rid of Victor and David.Brief IntroductionHello, I'm Monalisa known as Mona, I'm from Brazil and I'm 26 years old, I've been playing RS since I was 12 (off and on) and pre-eoc I used to do a lot of clanning, when Jagex decided to kill PvP I became a skiller where I comped my account and kept getting it back (even though I didn't play it anymore, I'd log in and do reqs to keep the cape) until I finally gave up 2 years ago. Never really got into osrs until past month when some people invited me to join WL cos they reopened and look at me now...
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