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Posts posted by Howl

  1. What childhood sports did you take up and why?

    golf - My dad loves golf and got me to start playing it when I was ~4, did the same with my sister.

    karate (Isshin-ryu) - I think I had a friend doing it or something, but I started at ~5 and then stuck with it.

    boxing - I'm going to count this one even though I didn't start until college. I took it up partly because my friends thought I couldn't do it.


    Did you ever make it far in the chosen sport?

    golf - I played varsity golf for 3 years, but I was somewhat mediocre on the team. I had the talent, but my mental game was crap. I'd play awesome one day and blow up the next, I didn't have any consistency. I think I'd be considered good at golf by most people's standards.
    karate - I was one of the youngest in my gym to reach black belt and then second degree black belt. Won a decent number of trophies too.

    boxing - My final year of school, I was club captain and won the school's championship.


    Are you currently still doing any of the sports you did and how often?

    golf - At this point I only ever play with friends/family for fun. I haven't practiced in ~7 years. I don't even have my clubs in my apartment.

    karate - I haven't touched it since leaving for college, I don't think I'll pick it up again.

    boxing - Pre-pandemic, I was teaching at a gym and still training. I don't think I'll compete again (because CTE), but the itch lingers a bit.


    Proudest accomplishments -

    golf - I guess playing varsity for 3 years. Always a good time when I can manage to beat my dad.

    karate - Getting second degree black belt at a young age (~14) was rare at the time and people were usually a little taken aback.

    boxing - Winning a championship was certainly cool, but I've always enjoyed the teaching aspect of it more. My final year I cornered 9 different boxers in the finals and I was the most popular corner for the entire tournament.

    Biggest regrets?

    golf - I just don't think I could ever get into it as much as my dad is. I think if anything, I wish I had spent less time on golf and more time doing other sports.

    karate - Not sure if I have any regrets here, it was a big part of my childhood. I stopped competing when I was 12-13, so maybe having continued to compete through my time.

    boxing - I didn't start until half way through college and I wish I had started my first year. I think I could've created a legacy and no doubt my college experience as a whole would've been different.

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