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Posts posted by Howl

  1. 44 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    We have the talent. The lines are just in shambles due to lack of chemistry, our goalies are made of swiss cheese, and the coaching is non-existent (although looking up for this year).

    I even bought an Eichel jersey the day he signed his massive contract. I just want to see them make a run in the playoffs finally.

    I've had an Eichel jersey since he got drafted, we're so lucky to have him, but it's clear he's frustrated

    I think the talent is (mostly) there. It feels kind of like the Bills a few years ago, where we just need to get over this mental hump...

    damn I just want to watch playoff hockey

  2. 35 minutes ago, Da Bazz said:

    I agree, but when I started clanning (12y old) I wasn't even aware of the organized side of PvP. I didn't know I enjoyed it because I didn't even know it existed.

    If you remove (estimate) 2000 people that still play and that used to clan from the player count there are still 98k people that might be interested. I think people would be interested in our style of clanning however the effort is something I'm not sure younger players (if those exist) are willing to invest. The skill floor even for just F2P as you said is quite high if you are literally a noob at the game. Finding these players especially those that don't view the clanning scene as to toxic would require you to talk to literally everyone.

    Yeah - and I think it would take an effort from Jagex to help promote clans that has never existed (nor do I think it ever will). Although supposedly there's supposed to be a clan system update sometime soon?

    A coworker/good friend of mine got back into scape during the lock downs. He's talked about how he would love to join a serious PvP clan, but would have no idea they existed if I hadn't told him. Obviously a singular/anecdotal case, but I want to believe there are other people who might think the same way when things like CWC discord exist.

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