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15 Goofball

About Logan

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  1. Looks easy, grats Tempest
  2. Faith and Flag
  3. seems like the hostile takeover wasn't too successful...shame. oh well, better luck next time DF
  4. Seemed to me that the few "crashers" there would rather attack random vs attacking actual clan members.....strange
  5. the santa costumes
  6. Congrats on 2 years Tempest!
  7. Logan


    Grats, still trying to get mine
  8. Logan

    Max Wizard

    watch out, those wizards are dangerous
  9. Grats on the loot
  10. Logan

    ez money

    Nice loot
  11. Nice job as usual Tempest!
  12. I heard you were the mastermind behind the varrock sewers fight.....xd Who was the least biased official in solace and why was it me
  13. Hola
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