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Everything posted by TooWhite4You

  1. can confirm that was the worst diary requirement
  2. other than combat (specifically magic) im right there with you on this one. was my first non combat 99 because it indirectly is a combat stat with energy, you could really see the effects during clan wars fights.
  3. the corporations of the virus world just want huge profits.
  4. how about something actually useful for clans
  5. i dont think the way to reach new parts of space is to move faster, but instead figure out how to bend space to basically jump from point to point.
  6. now thats fucking science. ty for the free lesson professor ?
  7. yes once everyone high risk has had it and the longer term side effects have been looked at. I understand it has had crazy amounts of money/man power put on this project but the earliest a safe vaccine was developed took a few years, and this is happening in roughly 10 months.
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