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Everything posted by Frenchfry

  1. adidas if you were to have 1 kid... boy or girl
  2. What made you choose that for a rsn??
  3. Well said, agreed on all points - couldn't have said it better myself
  4. I would have too many questions to ask but as a side note, just wanted to say I find it hilarious that you linked that PE vs UBH video as I just watched a different pov of that video like a month ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwpO0v_5mHg (cringing reading the comment section btw) Still had no idea how we won looking like a bunch of chickens with our heads cut off half the time, but still a fond memory I would bet with a lot of certainty we are the only two people who even have any memory of that fight at this point, good times
  5. Congrats on many successful and consistent years WL, not easy to do
  6. rev lmfao no 1 god2/socker star/master1282 among others, all good guys
  7. Take whichever you can get as soon as you can get it
  8. was poison the worst clan you've ever had a rivalry with
  9. what would you say in your opinion was the biggest reason that led to ronin eventually fizzling out (along with most of the clan world at the time) what would you say was scotts biggest weakness in regards to leading ronin who was the biggest idiot we ever had in ronin in your opinion and why was it sippinpurple
  10. LMFAO thats some old shit right there :hat: wheres the gun at tho
  11. Yo whatsup! How's bidoune??
  12. Runescape Name (Don't post if login name) Frenchfryy Preferred Name Frenchfry Current Clan None Previous Clan History Phoenix Elites 2007-2009 Crimson Raiders 2009-2012 Ronin 2014-2016 something like that Who do you know in Tempest? Recognize a bunch of names Are you interested in joining? Not currently, not actively playing Brief Introduction Hey everyone, my name is John and I'm 29 , married with a son turning 1 soon. Love seeing a lot of old names I haven't spoken to in awhile, hope you all are doing well. It is great seeing that F2P warring is coming back in style as I certainly miss seeing it. There is clearly a ton of potential here and I hope you're all able to realize it. I will enjoy watching it happen from afar and wish ya'll the best of luck! ?
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