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Everything posted by s-Raven

  1. Simple factory reset could do the trick, you don't wanna go into each keyboard and delete. Itll suck. I've done it before.
  2. Don't forget not even allowed in discord. If you gonna spit the truth it needs to be the whole truth boy.
  3. Then you have failed this city.
  4. I've noticed almost 200 views. Yeah that was just wrong what did @Dalejamesw do to ya'll
  5. Wrote it in 2 hours. Gimme another fat beat. Reapawn please the world needs you. Thanks fire for the fire. Apple music exclusive Licking that bicept while I sang it. As Sheamus would say... Are you not entertained?
  6. Ooo just like DI for years, so its kinda nostalgic for you huh.
  7. That's actually a good comeback. Imma have to steal it.
  8. Actually it's called ec·cen·tric
  9. Same man, same. Its shocking beyond a computer what lives we truly live.
  10. That person had a shitty childhood then.
  11. In Honour of the recent tragic death of Chadwick boseman. Death due to colon cancer: Black Panther' will debut on ABC at 8 p.m. tonight, commercial free! https://c.tenor.com/v6_-YSdZkb8AAAAE/wakanda-panther.gif
  12. dude this game can get racist lmao
  13. Thanks for viewing! She did pretty good tbh
  14. https://comicbook.com/movies/news/chadwick-boseman-dead-at-43/
  15. Hey rish! hope all is well.
  16. Such a good lad to talk to.!
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