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Flytan last won the day on August 13 2024

Flytan had the most liked content!


42 Goofball

About Flytan

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  1. Murray 1990
  2. Holy fuck you're old
  3. Whoever pays me more. My vote and opinions are always for sale.
  4. my skin is pure
  5. bruh i have tons of mental issues but aint no fucking way i'm ever getting my mother a sweater like that.
  6. Flytan

    im back

    rams suck rams suck
  7. 1-3 times and it's usually back to back like USA is world war champs
  8. Rare
  9. rip
  10. Flytan

    Tempest vs Valhalla

    we'll get u next time lmao
  11. Flytan

    im back

    The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure.
  12. Flytan

    Flytan v Kai

    ? i figured it was funnier bro take it easy, you're gonna die early getting so upset all the time.
  13. Flytan

    Flytan v Kai

    Dude are you bragging about winning a poll where I literally voted for you myself?
  14. Flytan

    Flytan v Kai

    ? why would i care about this vote, ill tell you right now that there's 0% chance I'm ever in any fight whatsoever, so ya, I'd probably lose lmao
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