Nah, they had around a decade of success but never really won anything with it and now they're trying to be bad to het high draft picks. It's actually kinda sad. Also the name doesn't fit the city, should have changed it.
Wee Rab flaming me is hilariously ironic because of how his DF stint went lmao.
Kai is obsessed with me, I've been told by numerous ranked officials that he has tried to get me banned numerous times. Sad honestly. Now hinting at actual violence. Tempest does collect a lot of weirdos but I think kai might be too much
Ok, who ever is the person setting off fireworks atm. go kys or smth. They are not even fireworks just sounds like small bombs going off here. It's been communicated a lot here - can we not do fireworks ourself this year. - Plenty of Ukraine refugees in area with possible PTSD and so.