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Posts posted by MILAD

  1. @Grug



    Seeing as you're in the Australian timezone, which obviously made it difficult for you to attend events back then, I am wondering. Was it uncomfortable for you to wake up early, and how much effort did you care to put in? I ask this because I understand that in order to attend actively, you had to put in that effort many people did not have to. My follow-up question to this: Did you ever think about permanently stepping down, but still somewhat try and do as much as possible when it was more suitable for you? If so, who do you think would have been the perfect candidate to replace you? We had a tendency in EH to have between 2-3 leaders, so obviously there would have been a replacement at the time (2007-2008).



    @3lite @Vanuckle



    Do you believe that EH reached the maximum that we could've reached? Did we have any more things to achieve that we didn't and what was the reason? Also, I now remember that you also played WoW, but my question is: What do you think about the outcasts (that's what they were called, the WoW crew that seperated a bit from the community and some even skipped events too,  by specifically Flavofaven99 back then (may God bless that cute voice of his)) and what kind of impact did they have on EH as a whole? 


    In regards to the question above, this is is somehow connected. Do you remember at one point we had a few key members leave for TT? Finalman123, Warren121212, Devil1081, Gilby18, Ptw Matrix3, etc etc. Why do you think they all left simultaneously and what was the cause of it? I remember Warren121212 stirring up a lot of shit on forums/IRC about how we're very cautious with everything, we don't take risks, we don't try and push for our maximal potential that we know we have within the clan, and so on. It is possible though that some of these names were kicked, but it has been 11 years, so my memory of it is vague. 



    Thank you ❤️




  2. Not really a question, but I thought I'd express a few things that I've taken with me in my life that actually taught me and shaped me in a way to become that part of my personality. 



    As leaders of the clan, officials and members, all playing their different roles and part to its success, I had the utmost respect for most knowing deep down that they cared for our success. In EH, being that guy with an ego was not tolerated. The collective trophies were more valued than the individual accomplishments, such as praise and awards. The respect shown from the leaders, the attitude and the power of character were displayed in a very genuine, yet strict manner which obviously were strong points of a great leader, with great sympathy and understanding, but characterized to stay loyal to duty and put the organization before anyone. I do admit @3lite protecting me a lot and that showed me that sometimes, in life, you can't be square about things and that exceptions sometimes have to be made and not give up on someone. 



    I learned, despite the fact of how I act around people on any platform related to the game, how to be mature and handle situations with great care, dialogue and patience. I was given a chance to become a part of a community after 3 intros I made. At the time, I was angry and furious, Today, I understand that it was because the officials that declined me back then had their reasons and they were loyal to them, despite the fact that deep down inside, they knew I'd be a great addition, but principles are always a first. 



    What I loved and hated about EH was one of those things. Strict, yet understanding of the concept that sometimes exceptions have to be made. And at the same time, we could meet each other half way (with the officials). I admired the time and effort put into the clan, from every single official and member ever involved, in particular Islamia. He was, hands down, the most intelligent guy in the game, well spoken and had EH as his full time job it seemed at the time. I think that everyone who was led by Islamia understood that. He taught me to be patient and wait before responding. I've taken all of those attributes with me to my life. And as corny as it sounds to some of you, I think about the scenarios of what would certain members/officials of EH do now in this situation which I am placed in, regardless if it's a good one or a bad one. 



    In regards to the paragraph above, I joined the clan at the age of 12. I was a young, outspoken, vulgar, spastic kid, who joined the realm of the most honourable, grammar strict clan in the game. The fact that I survived 2.5 years still amazes me til this day and the fact that 3lite, Broski and Islamia didn't kick me still baffles me. I am grateful and truly appreciative for everything you guys have contributed to the clan, inside and outside. The prosperity of the clan was thanks to many great loyal members, but mostly to the leaders that guided it to its greatest success, both in the highs and the lows. 




    • Like 3
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  3. WL and VR having a clean fight for the whole duration, wow

    Tempest and AF have a clean 1v1 on the same world, even more wow

    Rod logs in to get off one spam tower then runs away and proceeds to log out, priceless.



    you can keep trying and trying, but at the end of the day, you will drown in your own tears

    • Sad 1
  4. noticed the arrow when I was in New York 2018. I suddenly decided to just stand still and look at a FedEx truck in downtown Manhattan. This older guy came by and was like "if you look carefully, there's an arrow there somewhere. Once you see it, it will be all you can think about". I felt like I was in a movie.

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