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10th Reaper

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Everything posted by 10th Reaper

  1. If you could wipe a game from your memery so you was playing for the first time, what would that game be? Mine would be either Tenchu Z or Skyrim.
  2. Inside a bank vault like he did on the film Jumper.
  3. I'm sad. I'm like 750 kc and I've only have the shitty dragonbone necklace
  4. Ayyy congrats man. What happened to the white lights
  5. Yeah when i got mine i hit 4 reeeee's on the first 4 hits.
  6. Damn 54 seconds, was you using range or melee?
  7. Post your Vorkath PB's here and see who is the best, This is mine, using range.
  8. Lets get some big boi specs in.
  9. I like watching aggressive inline worlds championship. The trick them people are do are insane. If I had to lick out of the list I would be Football UK. But also American football go dolphins 🐬
  10. Dung was easily the best skill. Was also a laugh anh didn't feel like a grind to train. In osrs Slayer for sure followed by Rc.
  11. I'm aiming to max my main account which is 2179 atm. I do have a hard-core that has 93fm but I stopped playing that because leagues came out and after it finished I started playing the main again.
  12. 😑 super lucky on the pet kc there. I'm 94 slayer and on just started killing grotesque guardians but they are really fun.
  13. I would recommend going to a donor centre and asking about it again. Also long as you didn't catch anything you sound be fine.
  14. Oh SHIT that sounds awful and would put anyone off. Yeah thats the size of the bruise I had when she went through my vein. Was a nice purple colour.
  15. I'd have to say Reign total body fuel, the beryy burst and melon mania are nice af.
  16. What is you favourite slayer task atm and why? My eyes light up everytime I get a blue dragon task because I want he Vorki pet and I want slayer xp a the same time.
  17. Well you have another 162m xp to get it in.
  18. Very nice, you got the pet yet?
  19. Cheers pal. Looking forward to seeing it 😀
  20. Do you not have set donor buildings. Like we have one in the city centre that's always a donor centre.
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