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10th Reaper

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Everything posted by 10th Reaper

  1. Nah gunna tell you now, im A rh - Gave blood on wednesday.
  2. Yes lad, you can stay with our raids team now.
  3. Yeah we went in deep on MHW
  4. Aye grats, you are starting to catch me up
  5. I think i would be a peace knowning i finally quit the game.
  6. Thank you for the fight, keep up the good work tempy
  7. Ayy congrats man, looks like all fun skills left.
  8. Grats on the 99, and a very close second
  9. Aye ill message you tomorrow
  10. So me and @Scumpr decided to have a little friendly race to 99 smithing with the winner getting their cape bought for them and @Da Bazz gifting 10m to the winner. It was a close race with us being level to level every step of the way, but i managed to pull forward and take the victory. It has been a fun 2 days =].
  11. You are 100% a weirdo if you dont wear socks around your house.
  12. Yeah ill take 10m off bazz
  13. Congrats man, at least you aint dry.
  14. Can anyone join in? im only level 93. ill race to 99 for 10m
  15. ayy 5 more to go Bonus death at olm, got orb'b at 10 pray and then got hit by crystals was funny af
  16. If you look hard enough you'll see your iron in purple dhide pal
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