An absolute feast for Tempest. Like @Kaimentioned, this was one of the best Pvm comps I've had in Tempest, super close all the way through. Surely a rematch is in the works?
Seeing Blink in 2012 just after they'd reformed would have to be up there for me. Slipknot in 2016 was definitely a great one as well. If I had to pick my all time favourite I think it would have to be seeing Spanish Love Songs/Hot Mulligan September of last year. Two incredible sets. Sadly Hot Mulligan's was cut short due to a spastic jumping into the crowd and knocking himself out and injuring other people. The clip below won't play for me but the frame at the start tells the tale enough.
I went to my first festival last year (Slamdunk). The bands were incredible but they'd really oversold tickets and getting around the site was a total fucking disaster. It would take a killer lineup for me to pay to go again.