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Everything posted by Jebrim

  1. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Nope. I am a Christian.
  2. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    None, but I guess what you would a conspiracy might differ from what I would call a conspiracy. I think many people act in certain interests and push their values because they truly believe in them as indisputable facts. They often don't even realize their own biases. I think the Deep State is real, but that it's merely just the civil service that supports big government. They obviously would oppose any political agenda that sought to shrink the size of the federal government since that would leave their own jobs at stake. I don't consider this to be a conspiracy, but some might. Some try to call replacement theory a conspiracy too, but I wouldn't really call it that either. Democrats want to import Third Worlders to replace the conservatives already in America so that they can outvote us. It's not really a secret. I don't believe in any conspiracies like that evil rich Jews control society and all politics, or 5G is going to harm us all, or that GMOs are poisoning us.
  3. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    College is a waste of time and money if you are not pursuing a major that provides a reliable six figure income as a result. Anything in Engineering, Finance, Business, Law, or Medicine are good careers to pursue. Outside of that though, you're wasting your time. Really bad majors include Psychology, Art, History, Philosophy, Sociology, Gender Studies, etc. I have actually been elected in and appointed to various capacities within the state party. I intend on running for an SREC seat if the current seatholder in my district decides to run for the Texas Legislature. The SREC is the governing board of the Republican Party of Texas. I have been recognized before, yes. Word of mouth has spread around campus about me. I have also sat in class next to someone I saw playing RuneScape. I told him I was #1 in Agility and he responded, "You're Jebrim?!?" I'm a pretty boring guy to hang out with. Maybe that's because I don't drink. I do want to practice more country swing dancing though. I have played every version and expansion of the Civilization series since Civ3. I still play Civ to this day, much more so than RS. I also used to be pretty good at Ace of Spades and was sad when Jagex shut it down. I also play C&C Rivals on my phone. I very much want my own kids. It has been the single biggest motivator in getting me to turn my life around. I saw the state I was in when I was in my early 20s and knew I was in no position to be a father when I couldn't even provide for myself, so everything I've been working towards since has been to become self-reliant. I am now making the six figure income I've worked so hard for. I just need to find the right woman now to marry first. 🙂 No, I am not Oslo. I very much disagree with his choices.
  4. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I should point out that I was an atheist/agnostic for many years. There are many problems with Catholicism. In terms of its inner details, it relies heavily on oral traditions and non-Biblical sources. It is very ritualistic when the lessons of Jesus were very much about the opposite. Catholics act like the Pharisees in many ways. Catholicism corrupted the original Christian faith by incorporating pagan ideas and traditions within it. Protestantism is about trying to tear out that pagan corruption and returning to its original state. From a high level perspective, Catholic ways also simply do not work. The culture they've created has resulted in Latin American and Southern Europe being much worse off than their Northern Protestant neighbors. The Catholic religion in many ways results in different morals. They are far more concerned with doing "good works" under the threat of Hell looming over their heads, which makes them much more inclined in supporting a welfare state. They don't see any shame in accepting handouts. They don't believe in pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. I am an evangelical. There are two main camps within this movement: Baptists and Pentecostals (charismatics). The latter believe in modern gifts such as speaking in tongues, healing, and prophecy. They can get a bit wild too with dancing during worship service. Baptists aren't quite like that. Since I don't believe in modern gifts and prefer a more stoic worship, I am a Baptist. More specifically, I am Southern Baptist since they tend to be more serious about their faith than other Baptists. Generally speaking, I actually try to embrace traditional Southern values as much as possible, even though I wasn't born here. I believe it to be the best place on Earth. Regarding your second question, RuneScape delayed my career starting off. This was especially the case when Old School RuneScape launched. I pretty much missed the final month of classes as I instead focused on becoming the first to 99 Agility. I then took the next semester off as well.
  5. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    All of them. 😂
  6. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I’m not into conspiracy theories.
  7. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    The reality is that there still remain consequences for one’s actions due to the many rules and laws and simply reactions from others. One’s own feelings aren’t just magically erased either. Wanting to avoid these consequences does end up maintaining some sort of civilized behavior. Moral nihilism is merely the philosophical rejection of internalized rules that restrict behavior. In practice, it just means that there’s a bit more of a rebellious attitude and the lack of any outrage over things that others tend to get morally outraged about. I ended up abandoning it eventually anyways. RuneScape played a role to some extent. I have always opposed cheating. I ironically enough became known as one of the moral players in the game due to my insistence on being legit and not utilizing bugs, afkables, xfering, alts, or donations.
  8. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Shampoo and Conditoner: Suave Professionals with Frizz Control Body Wash: Axe Toothpaste: Sensodyne Fresh Mint Socks: White ankle socks. I am barefoot unless I am wearing my cowboy boots. I have not worn any other type of footwear for over 6 years now. It’s been just as long since I’ve tied shoelaces too. 😂 RuneFest: I have never been to RuneFest. I have no desire to go to the UK. I did attend RuneWest in Kansas City that was run by a streamer. It wasn't really my crowd though. I got into a debate with Ice Poseidon there. Porking scandals: I had to Google what this meant. No, I have not. I believe in abstinence. One should wait until marriage.
  9. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    2008 or so was also around the time I did anything with them. I noticed in this link that your home world was 91. That was mine as well at the time, so it makes sense. https://runescape.salmoneus.net/forums/topic/232977-the-blacknights/
  10. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I need to get some sleep. Paused at the top of page 4. Keep the questions coming. I'll be back.
  11. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    This is what our gas stations look like.
  12. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Nope. I have always generally had good self-esteem. I turned to God because I came to believe that God's way works best and that Jesus actually died and returned from the grave to walk this Earth. The Resurrection is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. As for the broader concept of a Creator, we are just as much the technology that God created for us in this Universe we live in as Andrew Gower is the God of the Gielinor Universe that he created. If true AI ever existed within RuneScape, no amount of scientific analysis about its environment could ever tell it about the outside world that you and I live in. It would only be through direct communication from the outside world into it that this AI could ever learn anything about our world. It is with this same analogy that I view God's relationship with us. The Bible is a recording of the various times in history that God has "logged in" and communicated with His Creation and shared his Word with us.
  13. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    In 2006, my goal was just to get 99 Agility and a single digit rank. Less than 100 people had 99 Agility at the time and skill capes were not out yet. I managed to get level 80 Agility and was in the top 2k of players as 2007 came around. I then disappeared for a few months due to irl reasons and came back at around 4k rank. Some of my old Agility friends had become top ranks in the skill and I wanted to compete with them. 200m Agility became the big goal from then on, starting from when I was in my lvl 80s. I ended up eventually dating two of the Agility ranks I competed with after passing them both on the hiscores. 🙂 Starting over was an interesting experience. It gave me an excuse to do noobier courses. I have always loved mastering the whole skill, not just the fastest courses in the game. This experience with noobier courses is actually what had helped me win King of the Skill in later years.
  14. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    No, I have not been diagnosed with any mental disorder. In fact, I don't believe in the whole Psychology/Psychiatry fields. Having a long philosophical history of approaching Epistemology as a Skeptic, it is very difficult for me to just blindly embrace soft sciences that lack any rigor. They are not falsifiable via counterexamples due to the reliance on statistics, controlled experiments that isolate variables cannot be performed, and they can't predict anything. Yes, it is an achievement. I worked my butt off for it. I usually tell them that I spent 17k out of 24k hours on RuneScape running around virtual obstacle courses and that I'm #1 in the game at what I do. My parents were not actively involved in my life. I moved across the country when I was 18. My mother passed away when I was 23. RuneScape has not been a priority for me for many years. I have been focused these past few years on becoming a man that is able to be a responsible father and husband that can provide for his family. You can see that in just looking at how much my Xp gains dropped after I maxed in OSRS. The 6 years between 2008 and 2013 were where the bulk of my hours have been. My time on RS has crashed since. I don't even play anymore. My goals were the only thing keeping my around and I have now completed them.
  15. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Prior to finishing up 200m Agility, I asked Jagex to raise the Xp limit. They refused to do so. Andrew told me to go train the new Dungeoneering skill coming out instead. I wanted to continue doing Agility and didn't want Jagex's arbitrary limit to hold me back from that. I flirted with going for 200m RC a couple of times, but ultimately ended up deciding on sticking with Agility. My friend Suomi was working on 200m in all skills, I knew I was not going to be able to push out the hours to compete against him, and I did not want to be the Suomi Jr. I created a niche of my own instead. What I felt during Agility all depended on the music playing. I had certain songs that were relaxing. I had others that I used to get pumped up and help me stay awake if I was going for a record. Nope. It was a journey and I am happy that I had all the experiences I did with it. The only main negative is that it delayed me getting my career going, but I also was not the type of person at the time that had the values and work ethic to follow through on it either. In an odd way, RuneScape helped build that up in me and to be proud of the work I did. The challenges I had to overcome also made other challenges in the real world seem easy in comparison. It's also much harder to impress me as well.
  16. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I set a goal. A very public goal in fact that made me very well known within the RuneScape community. I had to meet my goal. Failure was not an option since the embarrassment from it would be too much. It was also why I had to win King of the Skill for Agility. I had to defend my title as the best in Agility. I had a lot more to lose than to gain from that. Doing it though also helped me cement the trifecta of skilling achievements: long-term endurance (1b Agility grind), nolifing (RuneTracker and CML records), and maximum xp/hr rates (KotS). I set #1 records in all category for Agility.
  17. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    10? That'd be a struggle. There's too many clan names off the tip of my tongue that I don't quite remember. I have heard of Damage INC but don't know anything about them. Obey The Cow and Bradfordly/Turgall. Both have done about half as much Agility as I have.
  18. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Their values bleed into everything. It's in subtle ways, but you'll see conservative values demonized. Take The Arrow tv series for example. The first season is all about how rich businessmen are the bad guys out to ruin the world for their own greedy desires. The bad guys in Resident Evil are also a big corporation, even though there is no real financial incentive for destroying life on Earth like that.
  19. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I got 1b Agility Xp last year. If I do log in, which is rare, it is only to hang out and chat with people.
  20. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    My favorite JMods are the ones that work on the Engine Team since that's the type of work I do for my own career. My least favorite are the woke LGBT types. I don't really play anymore, nor have I really focused on the non-Agility content of the past few years, so I can't really speak much towards that. I do in general support new content and would love to see a new skill come out. I voted for every new skill proposal. I used to stream regularly back in 2013 when I was racing to max. I have not streamed much since.
  21. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    No. I believe in waiting until marriage. She is not the marriageable type. I want someone that shares my values.
  22. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    No. I oppose what Oslo did.
  23. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    All day every day for 8 months straight. I actually held back to some extent and took it easy, not sleep depriving myself too much unless I absolutely needed to since it can take a toll on the body. I ended up just outlasting the competition.
  24. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    It varied. Most of the time I didn't. I'm addicted to country music, which determined a lot for me. Good songs created a good mood that kept me online doing Agility longer. Bad songs made me feel like logging off. I was able to get optimal Xp rates at any course I'd already mastered, even while watching movies. That wasn't a concern. I've always been quite social though, so doing anything on social media or getting into a big argument within RuneScape could cost me some ticks. Casual conversation wouldn't though since I got quite good at typing a few words at a time in between each obstacle.
  25. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    My only relationship with Zezima was in 2008. We had some mutual friends, he voiced me in his SwiftIRC channel, we played some Vertigo II together and talked briefly, but that's about it. I never saw much of him after that and I haven't tried to stick around since. I think he's a bit overrated. It cannot be afk'd. I also like that the clicks are in the main game scene and not just in the same locations in the inventory like some other skilling often is. No.
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