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Everything posted by Jebrim

  1. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I like it. Sadly I haven't had as much experience with it as I would've liked. I only got to play with it for a couple days before I ended up finishing 1b Agility.
  2. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Lincoln was a tyrant. The only reason he's portrayed positively in mainstream society is because the winners always write the history books.
  3. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I have several friends that are homosexuals. I am always encouraging them to find Jesus and turn from their sinful ways.
  4. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    He's a bit of a bum lol.
  5. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    People's political positions are viewpoints that are influenced by their value systems. I has nothing to do with "facts." I oppose marijuana because I do not want to breathe it in and do not want my children growing up around it. People should not be using substances to get high. You may be perfectly okay with that, but I am not. I want to make sure I have tools to prevent my neighbors from doing it if it becomes a nuisance to me.
  6. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Most of the world embraces socialist ideas, therefore most immigrants coming to America tend to also embrace socialist ideas. The few exceptions are those coming from countries fleeing rampant socialism, such as Cuba or Venezuela. Conservative still outvote liberals inside our red states. State governance is much more important than federal governance.
  7. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I don't think I know you.
  8. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Calling me insane devalues the meaning of insanity.
  9. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I don't really travel internationally, although I have been to Canada and the Bahamas briefly. I already am in the best place on Earth, so travelling anywhere else would just mean that I'm going to someplace worse. If I were to travel, I'd probably just want to visit places that were most similar to Texas so that I could compare them to here. Places that come to mind include Alberta, Queensland, and Northern Ireland. That said, I am aware that none of these quite match what we have here. I am mostly of Italian ancestry and my brother is currently stationed in Sicily, so I may some day go and visit him and Italy. I don't really like the high density housing situation in Italy though.
  10. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I promote this flag today. 🤠 The American Revolution, Texas Revolution, and Civil War all had the same theme: A central government tried to exceed its constitutional limitations and impose its desired set of policies on a people against their will. The secessionists fighting for independence were all federalists that fought for the right to self-government. The beauty of America is that every state can govern itself however it wants. The Radical Republicans tried to toss those principles of self-government and rule of law aside in their quest to impose their preferred set of policies on Southern states. They didn't care that what they were doing was unconstitutional.
  11. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    This suggests otherwise: https://buffalonews.com/news/local/does-catholic-church-have-bigger-sex-abuse-problem-than-other-religions/article_e3fe40a8-7af7-59cd-b060-3ea8b95210da.html
  12. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Nothing in this world is certain. That said, I do believe Jesus died and actually rose from the dead. The Resurrection was an actual historical event. These supernatural events were then written down soon afterwards, not centuries later. Other faiths don't have anything like this. Thoughts on Agilitism?
  13. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I haven't actually been hunting, but I'm certainly interested in doing it sometime. The largest animal I've "hunted" and killed is a fish I suppose. I did at least cut off its head, skin it, and cook it over a fire.
  14. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I have. Religion plays a strong role in influencing one's behaviors, values, and even how they vote. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/02/23/u-s-religious-groups-and-their-political-leanings/
  15. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I need someone that loves Texas. I have no interest in going to Austria. If she came here, I'd be happy to meet her. That said, I am a bit skeptical. Isn't Austria a Catholic country? I couldn't marry a Catholic. She'd have to convert and genuinely so, not just doing it for a guy.
  16. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Once was enough. I have no desire to do 2b. If you're asking if I regret having done it, the answer is no.
  17. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    No. If I can do 1b Agility Xp, you can do lvl 60 to 70. I suggest you try training at the Werewolf Agility Course. 🙂
  18. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Precisely that. It wouldn't be a very impressive achievement if it were an easy skill to do.
  19. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    The Burthorpe Agility Course if I wanted something easy or the Bandos Throne Room if I was a bit more daring.
  20. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    All the ones on my friends list. 🙂 Someone contacted my employer a few years ago and tried to get me fired. I actually ended up having a couple meetings with HR and the owner about it as they initially took the accusations seriously. As a result, I no longer reveal where I work. I have since seen others attempt to do the same thing, but my secrecy on the matter has helped foil those plans. I like to read what people are saying about me. Do you mean sign something irl? I'm not going to be giving away my address, so unless they're meeting me in person, I don't really see how I can sign anything for him. I have been hacked a few times. This includes my social media, such as my YouTube account. It has been a few years though since the last incident. I think I've secured everything quite well now. People used to get in via very old NetZero emails I had, which had security issues that could not be fixed. I ended up just permanently closing and deleting those email accounts from their systems to resolve the problem. Now nobody, not even myself, can ever use them again. I obviously oppose any decisions that would expand this LGBT woke nonsense in the game.
  21. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I haven't heard of it. I don't pay attention to soccer at all, or even European matters. I don't like Europe.
  22. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    My mother. She passed away a few years ago.
  23. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    By stop tying our hands behind our backs and just eliminating the enemy entirely. Acknowledge that Islam itself is the problem.
  24. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Women look great in flares. 🤠
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