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Everything posted by Jebrim

  1. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    No, but a sentence that is long enough to heavily discourage its use in our society. RINOs do not believe in our party platform: https://www.texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/2020-Platform-Ready-for-Publication-10-23-2020.pdf I supported their support for Protestant Christianity and opposition to Catholicism. I do not support their methods with regards to breaking the law. I would never join them either. It is a public expression of faith. Go get baptized only after you've truly been saved. It is symbolic only; an ordinance, not a sacrament. That's what happens when you put hippies in charge. We spent far too much money trying to switch to unreliable green energy that could've been spent improving our natural gas infrastructure. Furthermore, what natural gas shortages occurred were the result of stupid human errors where the Obama administration forced them to switch to electric compressors and then the grid operators shut down the electricity powering those compressors. We should give the Texas Railroad Commission regulatory authority over ERCOT instead of the PUC having it. I hate to break it to you, but Bruce Wayne is not real. True Islam is Islamism. The rest are just pretenders. We can measure and compare different cultures by the results we see from those that follow them. There's a reason why every single Anglo country outperforms all the rest. There's a reason why certain Asian cultures do so well. There's also a reason why Latin and Muslim countries underperform. Yes it is real. It has always existed. It is not an issue. Democrats do it too. They actually held the House for nearly 60 straight uninterrupted years. They didn't complain about gerrymandering until they lost the advantage. The right to self-government. To govern their own affairs as they see fit, even if outsiders don't like the laws they have. It is this principle that maintains the peace in the long run. Let state have their own set of laws. Let them differ. It gives people choice. It's far better than having a one-sized-fits-all approach. Attempting such a thing upsets a great many people and leads to bloodshed, which is exactly what we see throughout history whenever it's been attempted. Ranked by deaths per capita. These states had the strictest lockdowns in the nation and still ended up having the highest proportion of deaths. It was simply not preventable. Evil is anything that God has deemed to be evil. Marxist is when you want to overthrow the established traditional Capitalist order with new theoretical ideas based on establishing equality of outcome. The UK has many stabbings and is the burglary capital of Europe. Gun ownership rates were also never particularly high. Furthermore, it was the British attempts to take away American guns that led to the first shots of the American Revolution. We have the Second Amendment to be able to use them in revolution against a tyrannical government that oversteps its constitutional limits. That is the main purpose of the Second Amendment. Yemen isn't doing anything right. They're a war torn country because of the many Muslims in it.
  2. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Are you no longer Baptist or in Alabama?
  3. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    The window for AMAs is usually 24 hours. I didn’t promise any longer. This thread is already twice as long as any other in your archives. Please respect my wishes. I have other things to attend to over the coming days and won’t be able to devote significant time to this thread regardless. In fact, @truealmost closed this down yesterday. I asked him to leave it open for just a little longer so that people that haven’t asked questions yet would have the opportunity to do so. It’s now turned into a back and forth with the same individuals over and over. We’re done. I didn’t come here to argue.
  4. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I think we are done with new questions boys. I will answer what remains, but let’s close this AMA up. It’s been going on a bit longer than it should’ve. I will happily talk to y’all over Discord after this is completed.
  5. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Christianity in Europe is a joke. Only the Northern Irish embrace anything like the Evangelical Christian faith that is common here in America. The Northern Irish opposed same-sex marriage and abortion. The British Parliament a couple years ago forcibly legalized it in that country against their will. I think it’s an utter travesty. Their people did not support it.
  6. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I oppose same-sex marriage. It is actually part of the Texas Constitution that marriage is between a man and a woman and that the state may not create anything of the sort or similar with regards to members of the same sex. Yet our state constitution is no longer being enforced. It’s a travesty. 76% of Texans voted for this to be added to the state constitution just a few years ago. America did not always get involved in the affairs of other nations. We used to only be concerned with protecting the Western Hemisphere from European interference. We do have some trading partners and allies like Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea that provide many mutual benefits. We should protect our shipping lanes with them. I would not have gotten involved in European wars. I would’ve let the Nazis and Communists kill each other. It’s none of our concern. I think Europe today is largely ungrateful and leeches off of us. I see little reason why we should continue our NATO alliance with them.
  7. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I would not have gone to war to end the genocide, no. In fact, we didn’t even learn about it until the war came to an end. That wasn’t even the justification used for the war. We have mass murder occurring every single day with the unborn all across the world. What is happening is just as bad as the Holocaust. Are we obligated to conquer the globe to end this travesty? How many additional tens of millions died under the Communists? Are we obligated to conquer them too? These are ultimately other people’s problems. They need to figure them out for themselves. The same goes for whatever happens in another US state. It isn’t any of my concern, just as what goes on in my state isn’t any of anyone else’s concern. I will defend Texas against any outsiders trying to tell us what we ought to be doing. They need to mind their own business.
  8. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Self-government. The right to govern their own affairs. A right they’ve always had. Outsiders simply have no say on what their laws ought to be on any matter when it doesn’t affect them. This is the very principle that the American Revolution was fought over. The North violated that principle in their quest to forcibly change Southern law against their will, just as the British had done to them decades prior.
  9. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    The human institutions we have form the stable foundation upon which economic and technological growth can occur. The only manifesto is the manifesto talking about a rejection of manifestos. 😂 Read The Conservative Mind by Russell Kirk. My favorite philosophers throughout history are Edmund Burke, David Hume, and John C Calhoun. Take from that what you will. I wouldn’t have a problem with the return of any past capital punishment. Hangings are fine. I also don’t think people should sit on death row for decades. No, it is never justified to break the law. In fact, the Bible says to obey the authorities. The only reason not to is when the authorities are illegitimate. This occurs when the government exceeds its constitutional limitations and tries to exercise powers it does not have. The Constitution is the law of the land, not whatever administration just happens to be sitting in power at the time.
  10. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    1. They are enemies that have threatened us. For our own security, we cannot trust them. This is especially the case for Iran, which comes from a culture where suicide bombings runs rampant. Mutually Assured Destruction won’t work with them. 2. I believe in personal responsibility. Those who refuse to pull themselves up by their bootstraps will get no sympathies from me. The Articles of Confederation actually denied rights to paupers and vagabonds. That said, being poor doesn’t prevent one from traveling. The homeless manage to find their way to blue states just fine. All you need are the clothes on your back and a Greyhound ticket. I know because I’ve done it. 3. Yes. We are not a democracy. The federal government exists to represent the states, not the people directly. I don’t even support the general public voting for President. I’d rather see power return back to the state legislatures where they belong. Both the Senate and the Presidency were originally intended to be selected by the state legislatures, not by popular vote within the state.
  11. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    It is illegal in Texas to send unsolicited nude photos. I would not appreciate nudes being sent to my phone. It actually says something (negative) about a woman that would do such a thing. States are sovereign, not municipalities. Both local governments and the federal government get their authority from the states. I very strongly oppose all abortion and find it evil. It is murder. That said, other states have the right to have laws I find to be evil just as much as we have the right to have laws they find to be evil. That’s the beauty of federalism. We don’t have to kill each other over it.
  12. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    The Discord, yes. The clan, probably not. I don’t play RS anymore.
  13. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    If they can’t get their own financial house in order, they shouldn’t be having a say in how taxpayer money should be spent. In fact, they’re not even paying property taxes to begin with. They deserve no say.
  14. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I would restrict voting rights to property owners, not white male status. Poor white males shouldn’t be able to vote.
  15. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    You are not a conservative. You are a libertarian or moderate that is attempting to hijack the conservative label. The national Republican Party is also not conservative, although the Republican Party of Texas is. Conservatism is about conserving the traditional way of doing things. What it means varies depending on the historical context of each society. Conservatism would mean something very different in Italy than it would mean in America. American's history is different. What are traditional American values? Every state in early America had sodomy illegal. LGBT values are not conservative. Those are progressive. Below is an example of the laws in Virginia, as pushed for by Thomas Jefferson. Castration was the punishment for both sodomy and rape. Not a single place in the entire world had ever accepted same-sex marriage as a concept until the Netherlands did in 2001. That's how recent this is. In fact, if you were a true constitutionalist, you would oppose the way it was forcibly legalized across the nation in America against the will of the people of the states. It shouldn't even matter whether you favor same-sex marriage or not, you should oppose the way that the Supreme Court unconstitutionally legislated from the bench and overrode all state constitutions and statutes on the matter. What they did was wrong. I couldn't care less about some random pillow dude.
  16. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Because only progressives would waste their time choosing such an unproductive career path. The rest of us are actually out there working real jobs that add real value to society.
  17. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    None at all. Honestly, it helped me build up a work ethic and move away from the extreme primitivist fringe I used to be a part of. My quality of life and future prospects have never been better. I moved on past RuneScape long ago. I would not have supported a constitutional amendment requiring all states to have the same voting policy. Also, contrary to the bad history we are taught, it's not actually true that it was impossible for women to vote even before the amendment. There were also free blacks that owned property. There were even black slaveowners. The overwhelming majority of historians (90%+) are also progressives. There are 33.5 Democrats for every Republican in History departments. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/10/03/voter-registration-data-show-democrats-outnumber-republicans-among-social-scientists If you are in America, you should be able to view my Pandora: https://www.pandora.com/profile/thumbs/jebrim
  18. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I have no idea. People have said some pretty nasty stuff to me. I have very thick skin though and don't really let such stuff bother me. It's difficult to even remember them anymore tbh. The Hasidic Orthodox Jews are probably the biggest supporters of Israel out there.
  19. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Yes. I have done a thousand times more Agility than you have. GOML. 🙃
  20. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Krillin would probably kick their butts. I would probably Kenshin. I'm thin like him lol. I think Michelle Bachmann was the best candidate running in 2012. It's a shame she didn't win. 😞 I didn't like Mitt Romney. I threw away my vote. The same goes for 2016 as well when Trump won the nomination, although I did vote for him in 2020. My vote mattered more after I moved to Texas. Firstly, I would never personally rewrite an application to be in Python of all things. That's simply not the direction I've chosen to take my career. I write code for real-time C++ applications. I've specialized in 3D graphics and you may be able to convince me to write some embedded C++ code, but that's about it. I wouldn't venture into the world of Python and certainly not the world of web. That said, to answer your question, if I were to be open to doing any type of software engineering work, the bigger question to ask is Why? I would be meeting with the client to fully understand the problem they are experiencing before I suggest any changes. We have requirements elicitation for a reason. There is no general solution that you can knowingly apply to all situations for the limited information you've provided. Some projects may be justified switching to Python and other projects may not. The biggest thing I'd be looking for are the non-functional requirements that must be met. What quality attributes are absolutely necessary? How much time would it take to rewrite the application rather than expand the existing one? What is the condition of the existing codebase and what bugs are being experienced? How much funding is available? I can't remember the last time I even watched the Superbowl. I'm a grown adult and have seen nudity before. I'm not going to shrivel up and die if I see it. It doesn't mean I think it being out there is a good cultural influence on our society though.
  21. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    The author of that PowerPoint was named Alex. He got triggered because I took the conservative position that one should wait until marriage. As I was making a point regarding his less than conservative credentials, I asked him if he was a virgin. He responded with a joke saying he was a Chad, and so I dropped it. However, a week later he expressed that this question upset him and he wanted to force me to never ask people that question ever again. I refused. I also know nothing of what you speak regarding the last sentence. I have engaged in some sexual acts in the past, but never intercourse. I was not always a Christian.
  22. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    You think I play sports? 😛 Probably rodeo. 🤠
  23. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I'd have a problem with it, but I'd also choose to never enter Maryland either. I wouldn't start a war with them over it.
  24. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    It would be very unfortunate if I found out that either myself or my wife were infertile. I would obviously seek medical assistance. I would not allow another man to impregnate my wife with his kid. That's absurd.
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