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Everything posted by Jebrim

  1. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I didn't say anything about banning or not banning vaccinations. I said vaccinations shouldn't be mandated. That's an entirely different discussion from whether drugs should be banned.
  2. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I have probably been one of the most social of the top players in the RuneScape community as far as talking to people in the RuneScape community goes. I've met many thousands upon thousands of players. You can probably even see how social I am judging by how long this AMA has been going. It's about twice as long now as all the others on this forum. 😅 As for my irl social life, mine has exploded ever since I got involved in politics and got off of RuneScape. 😛 Alexander Hamilton is probably the worst among the Founding Fathers. He moved us in the wrong direction and I'm glad his faction lost power at the turn of the 19th century. Yes, it was a mistake. I support the people that became known as the Anti-Federalists. They themselves though identified as federalists. I'm not sure what the question here is. I see a couple question marks though, so I guess I'll respond with a yes? Yeah. I've been banned a few times. Twitter does not like it when I tell trannies that they are really guys. They then suspend me again after they get a bunch of reports informing them that I am dodging a past suspension.
  3. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I have lived in an area where marijuana was legal. A big reason I came to Texas was to get away from that. I want my kids being raised in a community where drugs are not prevalent on the street. I want the freedom to be able to open my own windows and use my yard without worrying about my next door neighbor smoking pot and me potentially breathing it in. I want the freedom to be able to drive down the road and not worry about potentially breathing it in. I have no desire to have THC in my system or to smell that crap. If anyone is going to drug me against my will with their airborne mind-altering poison, then they deserve to rot in prison.
  4. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    If you can get me to come online. I really haven't been playing since I got 1b Agility last year. Your clan lucked out in stumbling across me. I had logged in just to play some of the new Connect Four in the GE. No. It is actually part of the Texas Constitution that marriage is only between a man and a woman. We both support this.
  5. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Most of my friends are actually boomers, so this wouldn't be too unusual. That said, I'm not a pker, so I don't think I'd be the right person to lead this clan. I would ban botting from the clan and not allow for toxic behavior, to have a better cultural environment, but I also would not censor people for their political beliefs either. Hate speech is free speech as far as I'm concerned. It depends. How okay are you with shifting into the skilling world? 😛 I used to run my own top skilling clan back in the 2011-2013 era. We were TMOA, the True Masters of Agility. Originally started as a clan for people doing 120 Agility, we expanded into a clan that focused on getting 200m in skills. People's ranks were determined by having high xp in difficult skills. Maxing all 99s gave you no benefits. Suomi was our best member and we were widely respected in the skilling community. I am not suitable to be the leader of any clan at this time though because I no longer actively play RuneScape. I am quite active on my personal Discord server though. Y'all are welcome to join. 🙂 https://discord.gg/fsRJu9HkUv We have dedicated political roles based on your political beliefs. The rules are pretty lenient.
  6. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    5’9” Reliability and resale value. Besides, Toyota trucks are not really foreign. The Toyota North American truck division is run by a red-blooded conservative American. Toyota is actually a pretty conservative company and does not rush into embracing new technologies before they're mature. Also Toyota is currently the only truck maker in Texas. No. I would imagine 18 without parental permission? Maybe 16 with parental permission? I don't really care about this subject that much. I have no issues with current state laws on the matter. Actually, no. I have a great many real life friends that share very similar views to me. I am very glad I moved here. You should see my Facebook. I'm nearly maxed out at 5k friends. There's a lot of activism happening here. The political scene is my social life and I have formed many more relationships here than I ever had anywhere else I had lived. What happened with Papa John's is a shame. I want to try their new stuffed crust pizza. Lol.
  7. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Are you actually in the DFW area? 😮
  8. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Likud governs favorably towards Christian Arabs and, among the Arabs that do vote for Likud, Christians are overrepresented among them. Likud MP Yariv Levin put forth and got passed a bill that provided official recognition for Christian Arabs as a separate minority group. The Christian Arabs, “our natural allies,” differ from the Muslims “who want to destroy the state from within,” Levin said.
  9. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    The American colonies fought to secede from Britain because Britain was attempting to centrally govern them after the colonies had already been self-governing entities for over a century. It's actually a mistake to think that taxes were the cause of the American Revolution. It was the British government not sticking to its constitutional limitations and interfering with the right of self-government of the American people. The American colonies had their own legislatures, and had those individual legislatures voted for taxes, then there wouldn't have been any problem. After the war was concluded, the treaty with Britain enshrined recognition of 13 independent and sovereign states, not 1 American state. A state in legal terms is equivalent to what we call commonly today refer to as a country. Texas as well fought to secure its right to self-government. The Mexican President decided to seize power and toss out the 1824 constitution that guaranteed federalism within Mexico. The Texas Revolution, just like the American Revolution, was a war fought between centralists and federalists. The American Civil War also goes by other names, such as the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between The States. It too was a similar fight between centralists and federalists. The Radical Republicans in the Northern states wanted to end slavery in the Southern states, even though they had no constitutional authority to interfere with domestic state policy, not even through the federal government. States had the constitutional right to have laws that other states didn't like. It gets even more complicated than this though. The Constitution was in many ways a contract between the states. As part of the contract, a condition was added that those who break the laws in one state and then flee to another must be returned back to the original state where the crime was committed. This Extradition Clause, and the Fugitive Slave Clause, were of paramount importance and the Southern states would never have ratified the Constitution and joined the Union without it. Over the years, though, 14 Northern states passed what are known as personal liberty laws which refused to return escaped slaves back to the South. In 1859, the Supreme Court even ruled against them on this, but Northern states still refused to follow their constitutional obligations. With the election of President Lincoln, the South saw that they would expect no help from the federal government in seeing the Constitution enforced. Since the Northern states refused to abide by their constitutional obligations, then the Constitution was considered null and void and no longer applied to them either, just as what happens when any party breaks a contract. The Southern states then reverted back to their prior status as fully independent and sovereign states. Everything I just described here is what the official Declarations of Causes of Secession passed by the Southern states discussed. The Northern states refused to abide by the Constitution and created the conflict. They then engaged in a war of conquest, tossing out all rule of law, to shove their desired policies down the throats of Southerners against their will. They didn't stop at ending slavery. They also passed big government spending programs like public education, something very strongly opposed by conservatives even to this day. Even before secession, the South was paying 80% of all taxes in the country while the North received the bulk of federal spending. There was a redistribution of wealth from the South to the North that upset many. Here even is Confederate President Jefferson Davis speaking to how the war was about the right to self-government:
  10. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    You're welcome to slide into my DM's and tell me a bit about yourself first. Jebrim#8474
  11. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I don't think election laws alone should be the trigger. I support leaving even if they are fixed. I don't believe being gay is a mental disease. The same goes for transgenderism. I just believe they've been influenced by some bad people to believe in some bad ideas. You can call it brainwashing if you like, or socialization. Either way, their values are flawed and that's why they engage in the behaviors they choose to engage in. Oh, and just to be clear, I define "gay" as those who choose to engage in sexual activities with others of the same sex. I don't define it based on "attractions." Yes. Yes. Idk. Sure. A variety of matters. I tried asking for the 200m Xp limit to be raised many years ago. Andrew told me to instead go train the new skill that was coming out. I also helped Andrew test some keyboard features for his new game engine. There were compatibility issues with American keyboards. I did a big interview with Mod Timbo over my TMOA clan that was supposed to be published on the website. Jagex ended up removing those before mine got released. I was a bit upset about that, especially since I had negotiated getting that in exchange for giving up having our own custom banner we had won to have ingame from a competition we did. Mod Ash and I have also had numerous discussions over Twitter, as well as various other OSRS JMods. I got into a debate with Mod West. I never really supported democracy. I think it's overrated. We are a constitutional federated republic. I think we should limit voting to only property owners like they used to do in the old days. I don't believe that all violence is bad, but I do believe any use of it should be done in accordance with the law. I strongly oppose protectionism. Texas has been booming due to free trade. In fact, there is a long tradition in the South that opposes protectionism. The Confederate Constitution actually banned it entirely. No
  12. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I don't like him. I don't think he's really a Christian either. I don't dislike it, but I'm not an obsessed fan either. I mainly like Dragon Ball Z, Rurouni Kenshin, and Yu Yu Hakusho. Death Note was interesting too. No. Bring back presidential impoundment and refuse to spend money on unconstitutional activities. This would mean roughly 70% or so of federal spending would immediately cease, including Social Security and Medicare. Send out a letter to every Governor that unconstitutional opinions of the Supreme Court will not be enforced, including on issues of abortion, sodomy, and same-sex marriage, and that every state is free to enforce their existing laws on such matters without interference from the federal government. Order every government agency to begin a review of every regulation that does not adhere to a strict originalist interpretation of the Constitution as was understood by those that wrote it and to not enforce any that are unconstitutional under such an interpretation. I imagine Congress would be seeking to remove me from office before long. 😂 Nah, but then again I haven't really watched it that much, so I can't say for sure. I don't really use TeamSpeak, but I could drop by Discord. I'm not a huge fan of voice chat though, especially when it's 30 people all trying to talk to me at once. Because most RuneScapers are social democrats from Europe. I obviously don't like cancel culture. We probably should be giving them a taste of their own medicine to see how they like it though.
  13. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    No. I'm happy to play him without any other commitments coming from it.
  14. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I had to look this up. I would not engage in sex until I got married. After marriage, I would seek to have children, so no, I do not expect I would use a condom. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=raw dog
  15. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Best: The culture, politics, and infrastructure in good parts of the state. Worst: The culture, politics, and infrastructure in bad parts of the state. You can literally overlay a precinct voting map and see how everything worsens in quality the more blue you get. All of the areas people are moving into are the affluent red areas, not the poor blue areas. I can drive straight south into blue Dallas from where I am now and watch as the roads and housing go from high quality down to trash the more I enter into blue territory. I don't think Florida would do that. They're controlled by conservatives. You're much more likely to find such behavior coming out of a state like Maryland. I do not care about breeding stock. Genetics are of no concern to me. What matters are people's values. These are things under your control.
  16. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    The best thing that ever happened for Africa was when Europeans colonized it. They brought civilization to it. Everything went downhill once they kicked the Europeans out and reverted to their old failed ways again. They dug their own graves on the matter. Do you know what European justification for invading Africa was? To end slavery on the continent. Does that mean you support European colonialism?
  17. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I like Mormons. I consider them strong allies, especially in the fight against substance abuse. I just don't agree with their particular theological views. Utah is also another booming state, although it's a bit more expensive to live there than it is here. My great grandfather was actually a Palestinian that came from the West Bank. He married an Italian Catholic in America and his kids were raised Catholic. I am very much well aware that race does not determine your religion seeing as I am living proof of that. The fighting that is going on between Israel and Palestine is religious in nature. Christian Arabs actually do support Israel. What you actually see happening is a war of Muslims attacking the Jews. They religiously oppose the Jews. Evangelicals are huge supporters of the Jews. We recognize that it is their homeland and that certain prophecies of Jesus returning do not go into effect until the Jews regain the Holy Land. One should also recognize that, in an incredibly short time, they have created a prosperous modern civilization in what was an otherwise empty desert. They are surrounded by degenerate barbarians that have failed to accomplish anything of the sort. Why would I side with those that embrace failed ways? See above. See above. Yes, but not criminal lives. You do not have the right to resist arrest. Law enforcement have the right to use whatever force is necessary to conduct a lawful arrest. Every incident of supposed police brutality that I have ever seen has always involved a suspect resisting arrest. Law enforcement acted professionally and were justified in their actions.
  18. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    No clue. Was he really using an engine? I hadn't considered that. I have never claimed to be a libertarian. I think libertarians are wrong. They reinvent an entire moral system out of thin air based on what they call the Non-Aggression Principle, an axiom that has no Biblical origins and no reason for one to even accept aside from the fact that it enables them to justify everything they already want to do. They rely way too much on theory and reinventing society in accordance to their theories, rather than relying on time-proven concepts. In this regard, they're little different than the progressive Left. You will find problems in any segment of the population. I was go as far as to suggest that the non-religious have an even greater problem in this regard. The moral decay caused by atheism is actually the biggest cause of death in this world. Abortion is the leading cause of death in America and tens of millions have died from it here alone. A hundred million people died under the godless communists in the 20th century. Atheism leads to a lack of respect for the value of life. It also leads to a great many sexually deviant behaviors. The LGBT community in particular has a massive problem with this. It won't be long before they start campaigning for pedophilia. We already see it with people like Oslo today. Why call me a moderate? I'm anything but a moderate. 😂 Gnomeball would be cool, but maybe they ought to improve the mechanics of it to add some extra challenge. You're welcome. 🙂 Hmm, maybe. It was certainly true that the goblins they had experiences with were savages. Nope. Never been interested in that.
  19. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    No. I do prefer the Texas State Pledge though. Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, One state, Under God, One and indivisible. We say this at every one of our monthly political meetings.
  20. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    There is no evidence that lockdowns or mask mandates have actually reduced COVID deaths. The greatest deaths within the US still remain in the Northeast region that had the strictest lockdowns. It was never going to be possible to control the spread of this virus. We would've been far better off just accepting that fact from the beginning and not destroying our economy and freedoms in the process. That was a total waste. BLM is an evil Marxist terrorist organization. Nobody should support them. School shootings can be prevented by having more guns in schools. Gun-free zones are what attract shooters.
  21. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I oppose mandatory vaccinations, as well as mandatory masks. I oppose substance abuse. Not mandating that people receive certain drugs does not mean the same thing as allowing all drug use.
  22. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I see the populists as allies, just as I see the libertarians as allies, even though I have some disagreements with both. I think you misunderstand my focus on state politics. We are very well aware that the rest of the nation leans blue. That's all the more reason why we double down on state government. We may not win national elections, but we do win state elections. Ultimately, most laws that actually affect people's lives are laws determined at the state level, contrary to what media coverage might suggest. It's okay if conservatives of my views alienate you because the laws we push here in Texas ultimately have nothing to do with you. You'd be far better off in a state like Ohio that already represents your values. We conservatives are actually huge supporters of shifting the Overton Window to the right. It's the only way we are going to get our elected officials to actually govern the way we want them to. Moderates undermine that. I consider the most important fight within Texas to be zoning density. This might seem strange, but it's actually hugely important. Once you build high density residential housing, you permanently shift the political culture of an area to the Left. All of these New Urbanism projects are attracting liberals to move into them. What we need instead are more sprawling McMansions on large (half acre or greater) lots, with strip malls and office parks to complement them. Attract the conservatives and alienate the liberals by building the type of family friendly communities that conservatives want to live in.
  23. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    This was funny. 😅
  24. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    He didn't. Here is a disgusting hit piece the Washington Post wrote about us. It's full of misinformation, but the key point here is that Ted Cruz is still standing with us. I am also friends with his father and his niece. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/ted-cruz-maintains-ties-to-right-wing-group-despite-its-extremist-messaging/2021/04/23/64387376-8e58-11eb-aff6-4f720ca2d479_story.html
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