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Everything posted by Jebrim

  1. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    All laws are based on the morality of those that pass the legislation. For Christians, we get our morality from God. To claim that religion should not influence public policy is an absurdity that leaves government entirely in the hands of atheists. Freedom of religion is about getting government out of religion, not getting religion out of government. It's simply about not having a single specific church as the official government church like they have with the Anglican Church in England. All of this said, governing social issues is mainly the role of the state governments. The federal government has no real jurisdiction on such things. There is too much immigration. We need to have assimilation. If people are refusing to assimilate, they should not be allowed to come in. The Westboro Baptist Church is a small family church of about 40 or fewer members. They're pretty much dead as an organization. They don't reflect a wider movement. They are welcome to hold whatever views they wish without interference. I don't hate them. I very strongly support Israel. This isn't even related to my work in defense. I am actually partially of Palestinian descent. My last name, Ead, was originally Eid for my ancestors. My great grandfather came from the West Bank. We happened to eliminate Islam from our branch of the family, of which I'm glad. Even with this ancestry, I stand strongly behind Israel. I do not let luck of birth determine my values and beliefs or who I will support. I don't really care. Ted Cruz has no involvement whatsoever in such things. He is in the federal government, not the state government, and this was a state government issue. I would've been far more concerned had the Governor left the state during the disaster. In fact, many of us were already outraged that many of the government regulators responsible for the electric grid in Texas were people that lived out of state and pushed green nonsense. They had no attachments of their own to Texas or our values. They ended up resigning and fleeing from accepting any responsibility on the matter. They did not even show up to testify in the Texas Legislature's committee hearings. They caused the problem with their bad decisions and left us to pick up the pieces. I obviously don't like that Yankee Cuomo. I think the obsession with sticking everyone on a ventilator is what contributed to the New York City area becoming the #1 hotspot for COVID-19 deaths in America. Ventilators killed more people than the virus itself and it took doctors some time to realize that they themselves were the problem and to stop that policy. Our public policy makers need to stop blindly trusting so-called "experts." Even experts mess up.
  2. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Tapered jeans are for beta males. They look funny. My ostrich boots. 🙂 I keep putting pressure on the Lieutenant Governor to not allow these marijuana legalization bills through. If Precinct Chair or Committeeman counts, then I've already done that. I've also been an elected delegate and have been appointed to the SD/County Resolutions Mommittee. That said, these are all local party roles. As for actual government itself, some friends of mine have discussed having me appointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission. I am waiting until I can buy a house in town first. I am a big opponent of high density housing, so it'd be the perfect role for me to contribute. I'm not much of a fan of Info Wars. Alex Jones showed up to our Open Texas rally outside the Governor's Mansion in Austin and tried to hijack our event. He ended up starting a chant of "Arrest Bill Gates! Arrest Bill Gates!" I don't like Bill Gates more than anyone else, but that was completely random and had nothing to do with why we were there. Iowa gave Ted Cruz his first win. 🙂 I oppose the Renewable Fuel Standards and Farm Bill. Ethanol sucks. GMOs are good though.
  3. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    The direct answer to your question is yes. I am a very strong believer in personal responsibility and moral fortitude.
  4. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    People need to learn to man up. People engage in criminal activities due to moral failings. They don't actually believe that what they're doing is wrong and they've lost any concern about the consequences. It isn't a medical problem, but a values problem. They need to improve their value system.
  5. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    They're usually impressed.
  6. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I feel safest when I am surrounded by my many friends with guns. Guns provide security. Lack of guns provides a vulnerable environment.
  7. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I have never been banned. There was only one time briefly in 2007 that an account of mine was temporarily banned, but it was because it had been stolen by someone else. I eventually managed to recover it and get it expunged.
  8. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I answered this in another response.
  9. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    What you call extreme I call just being consistent in my views. It wouldn't be very good if I embraced contradictory notions, right?
  10. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I view Trump as a moderate. He likes to spend a bunch of money. His administration was more conservative than he himself was because of how he delegated decision making to conservatives. I like that he at least had a backbone and could fight the media. The Republican Party of Texas platform is much more conservative than the national one. You're welcome to give it a read: https://www.texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/2020-Platform-Ready-for-Publication-10-23-2020.pdf I support the move, but quite honestly I'm not a huge fan of Republicans in Congress in general. They agree far too much with Democrats than they do with the above platform I linked. Yes. I think Ron DeSantis will be the next standard bearer of the Republican Party.
  11. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    We went to the same university, but he refused to tell me who he was. I like Drumgun, Drowns, Kepi42, GEChallengeM, Vestfold, and Bradfordly/Turgall. They all took skilling seriously. I don't like Hey Jase, Dumbfounded, and others in the community that I've had issues with. That said, I am a very forgiving person, so I wouldn't really describe these as grudges. I do not support his ban. What he says regarding his own personal views on any matter have nothing to do with his RuneScape stats. It's quite concerning that Jagex would do that. Would they ban me for expressing my own controversial views? I support free speech and don't like to see people's hard work destroyed because they said something that the powers that be do not like, even if it's not something I agree with. No, I do not think Lavine is mentally ill. He just has some opinions that I agree with and has some opinions that I disagree with. No, I have not advertised this AMA anywhere. I did let a few friends know that I was doing it though. I have met quite a few RuneScapers irl. Many you probably don't know of. You probably know Destruhawk though. We've met like 3 times. I also met Skwysh and Revan Lives. They were the 4th and 5th people to 200m Agility in the main game. I dated them both and even lived with the former for 6 years. I don't regularly communicate with FakeTom but I believe I still have him added as a friend on Discord. He and his girlfriend were in my Discord for a little bit a few months ago. You can join mine if you like: https://discord.com/invite/fsRJu9HkUv My tweets were more for those that were silently lurking listening to the conversations than for the people I was arguing with. You cannot influence others if you do not speak up. I chose to use what influence I had gathered as a result of my RuneScape achievements to push for the values I believed in, even if it came at a cost to my reputation. Josh owes me $200. He has still not paid up, nor does it appear that he will ever pay up. There are plenty of non-public details about my relationship with Marianna. I am generally private about relationship matters. Some things you just keep between yourselves since it's none of anybody else's business. What I was doing in that DMM tournament wasn't 1b Agility. It was just a goal for 5x 200m via multilogging, which was very different than the 1b Agility I am known for. I didn't expect it to be as early or as rough as it was, but it was probably for the best anyways. I thought I had had some free time to kill on a side project like that, but then it turned out that I needed to go back and focus on completing my actual 1b Agility since the Hallowed Sepulchre was afterwards announced as coming out on June 4th, which was earlier than I'd expected. I had wanted to get my 1b Agility on the same weekend it came out. The ragging turned out to be a blessing in disguise as a result. I don't really care about graceful. I don't like the outfit. The same goes for the monkey backpack. I haven't even done Monkey Madness 2. I only just met True 2k8. I logged in to play at some of the games tables in the GE. Malt Lickeys wanted me to hop to w420. When I joined him there, I met this Tempest clan. @true kept begging me to play @The End, so I did. He said I had to do an AMA if I lost. I played many games and did not win any. 😞 Quite embarrassing really. I don't really know anything about True 2k8 or this clan, sorry. I don't know any reputations. I'm not even sure who you are. You seem to know people that I know. I want to see Agility content that is designed for competitive racing. King of the Skill was some of the most fun I had doing Agility. Sure, I would support Agility in F2P areas becoming F2P. In fact, I'm a little surprised that hadn't happened already. I have nothing against staminas, but I do have an issue against the rooftop courses automatically regenerating one's energy as you run them. That effectively killed super energy potions at the time that update came out. I ran an Agility community from 2008 to 2012 or so that helped inspire hundreds of people to get 99 Agility or beyond. This community originally started out as Zarfot's W89 Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Guild. He and I had much drama in 2008 with a power struggle over it before he eventually closed it and I rebuilt my own community. Flash Powder Factory and Hallowed Sepulchre remain my favorite Agility updates. Anything AFK I don't like, therefore I'm not really a fan of the Hefin course in RS3 and the Ardougne course. I have no comments to make about non-Agility content other than that anything afkable is bad. I work inside of game engines all day long for work, so that software engineer in me is curious in delving inside the inner workings of RuneScape. Third Party Clients are attractive in how they expose some of the inner details. That said, I've generally avoided doing anything with them because I care too much about not doing anything that could be remotely perceived as cheating. I use the vanilla client. It's also the same reason why I've never written a bot, even though I could probably make an epic Agility one. I've worked too hard for everything I've done to jeopardize all that. I also don't wish to enable others to cheat either.
  12. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    None anymore. In the past, it used to be the elf agility course. The Hefin course, when it finally did come out, was a huge disappointment.
  13. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    The one to the cosmic altar in Zanaris.
  14. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    He started in the 1600s and I was in the 1400s. He knocked me down to the 1100s and brought himself up to the 1900s. 😞 I have played RuneScape since 2002. I don't actually play anymore. My goals were the only thing that kept me playing. Those have been completed, so now I'm focused on my irl goals. My current goal is to buy a house in Colleyville, Texas. 🙂 https://datausa.io/profile/geo/colleyville-tx
  15. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    She made a lot of fuss over small issues and didn't know how to forgive and forget and just move on. Relationships require mutual respect and the ability to resolve conflict. She did not know how to do this.
  16. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I support waiting until marriage.
  17. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I don't remember you, but it sounds like something I'd get pissed about.
  18. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I'm not that into Anime other than Dragon Ball Z, so it's all unfamiliar to me.
  19. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Crap, was I supposed to charge for this? You can pay me at http://paypal.me/Jebrim
  20. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    No, I am very strongly against substance abuse. It was all willpower. I don't even drink coffee.
  21. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Remove the Necessary and Proper Clause. Remove the General Welfare Clause. Clarify the Commerce Clause to be much more limited than it has been applied. Add a way for states to explicitly override Supreme Court decisions. Clarify that the Supreme Court is not the final arbiter of all constitutional matters. And, in general, further return power to the states so that we have a confederation once again. The federal government really should not be doing much. It exists to regulate cross-border issues, such as those between the states and with foreign countries. It does not exist to engage in domestic policy within a state, nor to provide welfare to people.
  22. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I am actually a big fan of mentorship and think this is the best thing anyone can do to help others. I do generally feel that fathers really ought to be stepping up to the plate in doing that themselves though and I'm hesitant to interfere with how they're raising their kids without their permission.
  23. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Yes. I own this gun. I like it very much. AR-15s are far better to use than handguns in my opinion. Much less recoil, better aim, and better for home defense since the bullets start tumbling after penetrating a wall, making collateral damage less likely. https://www.sigsauer.com/sigm400-tread.html
  24. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I've actually been unironically quite serious in my tweets. 😛
  25. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    We should've ignored and not let media hype cause us to turn our lives upside down. Just go about life as normal without any lockdowns or mask mandates. I've been quite out and about in public for the past year.
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