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Everything posted by Jebrim

  1. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I look favorably upon politicians that support states' rights and self-government. It's simply none of any outsider's business what laws and policies a state chooses to embrace. Every state governs their own internal affairs as they see fit. Just as we shouldn't interfere with what happens in France, we shouldn't interfere with what happens in another state. Federalism is an incredibly important concept and is the greatest thing about America, far more than democracy. Citizens of all political stripes get to win. A voter at a ballot box has almost no influence, but any citizen can vote with their feet and simply move to a state that has the laws that they want. We have competition and choice among the 50 states. Win-win scenarios are the best. The biggest thing I will always fight against is a national policy seeking to impose on the nation as a whole a one-size-fits-all policy. It doesn't really matter what the specific policy is. California is just as welcome to do things that I might find to be evil, just as much as Texas is welcome to do things that Californians might find to be evil.
  2. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I would add Reagan.
  3. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I mentioned what I worked on. The games industry and simulation industry both use the exact same technologies. Simulation engines are just like game engines. The main difference is how they are optimized. To make anything real-time means that you have to have performance budget to account for and tradeoffs to make. Games will often try to prioritize aesthetics. Simulators are often willing to sacrifice on aesthetics if it means being able to render more objects in a larger scene. Since we render the entire planet Earth to scale, we are dealing with something far larger than you'd find in video games. This in turn necessitates making different tradeoffs. Another difference is that sims will also often separate the visual system from the physics engine, removing coupling between the rendering and the physics, thereby allowing them to be swapped interchangeably. I made a real-time chess game (chess without turns, but with cooldowns instead) called JebChess. It was online for a time. This project helped me land my first job in the industry at Knife Edge Software. What we produced was a flight sim (RealFlight) for hobbyists that worked with radio controlled model airplanes. While it wasn't officially a game, many people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. It even had racing in it where you could do time trials as you fly through rings. You're welcome to judge for yourself. What I worked on for Lockheed Martin was a product similar to Google Earth Pro, but with military applications. My new job involves full flight simulators where you enter into what is essentially a small room with a cockpit, aircraft controls, and many projectors or monitors where the windows would be. We are the industry leader and produce flight sims for both commercial and military partners. For the F-35 simulator, since the helmet renders a full 360 degree view, we actually render a full 360 degree view around you using 24 different image generators that each render a portion of the scene. Everything must be synchronized and stitched together. Both my work at LM and my new company involve full Earth rendering. The physics for flight sims are usually verified using wind tunnel testing. Many flight sims will use lookup tables based on known aerodynamic values of a particular aircraft. RealFlight was unique in that we performed much of our math based on first principles, allowing for a general purpose physics engine that enabled the quick analysis of new aircraft designs, rather than being stuck with existing known designs. Yeah, I've tested flying. That's always the best way to test the rendering. Some things you can't see if you are just using a floating camera. TAA is a great example of this. I've dealt with a nasty ghosting bug that caused pixels from the aircraft to bleed onto the vegetation behind it. If all you had tested was a static scene, then such a bug would not have been identified. I think being on the developmental side of anything gives you a different perspective than the user of that technology. This is true even with video games. Due to my work, I now see a bunch of rendering artifacts in a large number of games that I would never have noticed before I started this career. I'm always on the lookout for them. I also am always thinking about how the various different rendering features would be implemented in each game. I sometimes will even toss a game inside of a GPU Debugger to reverse engineer it and see how they produced the rendering.
  4. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Neither. Life is not binary like this.
  5. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Jagex is fully capable of detecting multilogging. They used to not allow it in the past. Using alts was not always the norm; it only became it after Jagex changed the rules to explicitly allow it. I would support the end of afkable content. It shouldn't even be based on just a rule, but rather through game mechanics itself that prevent things from being afk'd. I do not think random events should've been neutered either. I really don't care about Oslo. He's welcome to hold whatever controversial views he wishes to hold, even if it upsets others. Regarding my own views on the subject matter, I would direct you to read Matthew 18:6. I do support peaceful secession. I don't believe that to be the only available option though to accomplish our goals. We should exercise our existing state sovereignty by utilizing nullification. Just go and abolish abortion entirely in the state and ignore federal attempts to intervene with the enforcement of the laws on our books. We don't need to sit around and wait for the Supreme Court to overturn an already unconstitutional opinion made 50 years ago. The Constitution is the Law of the Land, not the Supreme Court. These concepts are actually embedded within the Republican Party of Texas's platform and abolishing abortion is one of 8 legislative priorities we have for this legislative session. https://www.texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/2020-Platform-Ready-for-Publication-10-23-2020.pdf I do not think Trump is worth all of the fanaticism he generates. His administration was the most conservative in the past century, but that is a pretty low bar to meet and ultimately had little to do with the man himself. Trump is not a conservative, nor has he ever been. We just got lucky that he decided to run as a Republican and that he happened to delegate decisionmaking authority to the conservative faction of the party rather than the moderate faction. I also do not think it is worth it to act like Antifa. I do think the federal government is very much the problem, but I support resistance to the federal government coming from the state legislatures, not from random individuals breaking the law. I would also note that I find it odd that people were not allowed to enter the Capitol to begin with. It is normally a building open to the public. I'm not sure why they were forced to remain outside in the first place. Even the House and Senate galleries are usually available for the public to access while they are in session. I like any skilling content that is not afk. I very much support people setting their own unique goals. In fact, I prefer it. I think it's dumb to go for 200m in all skills. You're going to end up tied among hundreds of others with the exact same achievement. Just as such things have become meaningless in RS3, it will also eventually lose its value in OSRS. Do something unique to stand out among the crowd. Don't just be a copycat. I do not drink alcohol. While it's not a legislative priority for me, I would support efforts to expand dry laws. No.
  6. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Your sins are already forgiven regardless. It's not a matter of that. It's about wanting to please God and avoid sin for its own sake, not because of some threat of Hell looming over your head.
  7. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    @Joshis asking too many questions, some of which appear antagonistic in nature. I’ll answer some of the remaining ones, but no more.
  8. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    @trueI would like to revise a previous answer and say that saddle brown is a favorite color.
  9. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. I think it’s a fair rule that helps disincentivize fans from interfering with the game.
  10. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Definitely not. I hopped there to play with Malt Lickeys’s alt because he couldn’t access w415. I was a little annoyed actually at his choice of world number.
  11. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I don’t like him. He’s a moderate, not a conservative. I’m glad his political career is over.
  12. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Nothing. Let it happen. Trying to fight it is fruitless and would be far more damaging than just adapting to whatever new environment we find ourselves in. To be perfectly honest, it is quite likely that there would be net benefits, just as we had with the last major bout of global warming that ended the last glacial period of the Ice Age.
  13. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Just look at the massive spending bills that came out of Congress this past year. Trillions upon trillions of dollars. Republicans didn’t oppose the principle of having COVID-19 relief spending. They agreed with Democrats on that. They merely disagreed with the size and scope of the spending. It’s gotten ridiculous. There was a time when our elected officials would’ve refused to pass such relief bills because they would’ve been recognized as unconstitutional and outside the authority of the federal government.
  14. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Of course. We are the best place on Earth without a doubt. Especially the red states within here. Nowhere else in the world is quite like us.
  15. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    You assume we value diversity. We don’t want that crap here. Islam sucks. I would aim to alienate them, not lure them.
  16. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    My politics are as simple as just embracing the traditional values that have long dominated the South. Conservatism is not about manifestos. It’s not about some grand intellectual that figures out how to best reorganize society. It’s a complete rejection of that mindset. We embrace human institutions that have survived the test of time. Don’t break what isn’t broken. This is the best place on Earth. People should try to be more like us because our ways simply work better than any others that have ever been tried. Coming up with theories about why they work best is irrelevant and is at best a curiosity. Just accept it all as a package deal on faith alone.
  17. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I have mixed feelings about Trump. Is he a Christian? I don't think so, but I can't know for sure. I think he has at least tried to be more of one in recent years than he has in the past. Mixed feelings on this as well. I really don't care that much about foreign policy. My focus is on domestic policy within Texas. Islam is a problem, so you'll never see me siding with them. I do not support continued membership in NATO. Europe leeches off us. They are ungrateful brats that we saved from both the Nazis and the Communists. We never should've gotten involved in their wars. We should've just let Germany and Russia kill each other and stayed out of it. I really don't care about scandals. I focus on policy. Scandals are just a propaganda tool to try to seize power for your own side. I don't fall for such games. All of these questions are too focused on national issues, which I really don't care much about. Regarding the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence, I am a constitutional conservative. A big part of that is a belief in state sovereignty and self-government. States govern themselves. Too many have been taught bad civics where they think the federal government is where all the important decisions are made. This is wrong. Power resides the most with the state legislatures. Every major war in North America has been about trying to defend that right to self-government. No, I am not on a no-fly list. In fact, I hold a security clearance. Judging by the questions you've provided, I do not at all believe you are a conservative. In fact, there is no such thing a s a socially liberal conservative. That's contradictory language. The Right in America is divided into different factions. One of those factions does actually embrace traditional American values. Those are the true conservatives. Sadly way too many people have hijacked the conservative label to mean something very different. If you're not actually advocating for the principles that were popular in early American history, you are not a conservative as far as I am concerned. To note, this would actually exclude almost everyone in the federal government. As far as elected officials go, you'll only find them within the state governments. They are people you yourself have likely never heard of. I know quite a few in Texas that are on our side.
  18. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Probably Vegeta lol. We work our butts off to be the best.
  19. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I've never heard this phrase before, so it means nothing to me.
  20. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Long story. I wasn't actually convicted of anything though.
  21. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    I fully support Israel. Trump would fully support Israel. DeSantis '24. Trump is not really a conservative.
  22. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Yes. You should come by my Discord sometime.
  23. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    Does anyone have any career-related questions? I very much like talking about 3D graphics programming.
  24. Jebrim

    Jebrim AMA

    They're wrong. People do not have the right to murder their offspring. They should rot in prison for it. Yes. I do believe in science. Science is a technique on how we study our world. Sadly too many things are wrongly labeled as science and that too much certainty is attributed to scientific theory. Furthermore, too many people blindly follow what scientists say as indisputable fact. Nothing could be further from the truth. Any awareness of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science would make one very much aware of the limitations of science, especially when rigorous methods are not applied. Some subjects are just not suitable to scientific study, such as climate and human behavior, due to the inability to isolate and control all the variables involved. It's better than "accidentally" knocking someone up and then trying to murder my own kid to avoid the consequences of my actions.
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