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Everything posted by S3lvah

  1. Omitting Finnish ppl due to bias etc. Leaders: Plavljanic, Michele ac Warlords: Hecticdan, Paul, Tika191 Councils: True 2k8, Ghjjf, IMK, Ellie Nora Members: Jelle, Benji Antrax, Tiffany, Fasty, Scottien, Milad, Raamsdonkje, Jay Z 523, Trwf Sv Honorable mentions: F1r3o & Red_Badger7 – heard them calling once in a TKO + RSD fight and they were 🔥
  2. As a reply from someone who also was a Fools official for most of the 2010s – Can't comment on the crashing since I don't know or remember the origins of it. (Starved of GMT action?) But for what it's worth, after CU closed the last time and Eomeri (and later RKoF and NG members) rejoined Fools, I don't recall us partaking in that anymore – except maybe some retaliatory instances with RoT. So, for most of its existence, Eomeri's Fools eventually became as "honorable" as was reasonable for a large clan in the clan world of the time.
  3. Thanks for doing this AMA. I remember some quite heated wars in 2010–2012 between TR and Fools; in many of them, you outpulled us and we got a nice challenge out of fighting outnumbered. I don't recall that we'd fought the second iteration, but it might have been due to numbers difference and/or clashing time zones. What are some of your most significant memories fighting other GMT clans? Top 5 GMT clans in your opinion? (Free choice of time-frame & whether to rank them 1.–5.) Best/favorite TR callers? Small side-note: we did beat RoT a couple times in F2P CWA during their OSRS prime, including in a player-organized tournament match. They didn't really fight there often as a clan, so didn't get many opportunities, tho.
  4. Now you have the perfect opportunity to make it Chivalry Leg
  5. I don't get the point of rushing in addy to die every 5–10 min. It's seamless enough transitioning to the people in addy for the requisite minute to clear them, and to revert back to the fight. Do clans doing this actually think they're causing grief, or is it just a way of staying relevant when they don't have enough events otherwise?
  6. Everybody's a loser with garbage like this
  7. The above reply to this thread got me curious – would anyone like to elaborate on how the Portuguese language could provide an advantage over, e.g., English? From what I've heard of Spanish at least, it takes (on average) more words than English to convey the same meaning, but speakers talk faster to make up for it. If the same is true for PT, perhaps the learned fast talking/listening helped? ____________________ As many others said, this has been an interesting read; thanks for that. I remember us fighting TCL in the early 2010's, and I recall the respect I had when you guys provided the sort of challenge that made fights engaging.
  8. good to see nothing's changed
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