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Everything posted by S3lvah

  1. How refreshing to have short-prep F2p wildy action. Hope this isn't the last time in a while.
  2. 3310 gang represent Since ppl are posting interesting 2nd/3rd phones (I remember seeing that lemon @Wee Man posted lol, how was it to use / did it get looks?), my 2nd phone was a 3220 that had cool disco lights: and 3rd one was 5700 XpressMusic with stereo speakers and swivel to music buttons on the back:
  3. Any idea/recalling as to what was brewing between Eomeri and Dalejamesw circa 2010? Thoughts/memories of when rot "embargoed" DF (2016/2017), and because Fools ignored it, we fought repeatedly in CWA? Top-# OSRS clans of all time? (Feel free to skip if someone already asked) How did you like being in FF? What did you think of the calling there? (aside from David's well-known prowess)
  4. A Fools AMA would be cool, but pls not during the next ~month XD I think Eomeri would also merit a separate AMA, given his additional dealings with Hippos, CU, Brut/Sol/Rot etc., solo p2p pking...
  5. Hope you've enjoyed your day, brotha 👍
  6. S3lvah


    Very nice; welcome to the gentlemen's league+.
  7. If it turns out it's round and that small, the Coriolis effect might explain why Rot takes so long to find our P2P fights
  8. S3lvah


    I think the location and setting of e-dating can make a bigger difference than whether it's e-dating or "RL" dating. Text-only dating is a recipe for disaster. At the same time, many RL relationships have gotten their start online. Probably not too many on RS, though
  9. Was fun, gf. Wonder why rot takes so long to show up, only to come in 1-item and salad lol. I can make salad faster irl
  10. His clan carried Black Europe, and they'd have won the CJ 2v2 if only CE had been better
  11. I used to do a 20-min workout 3 mornings a week (before showering, so as to be efficient with time). But, I started associating it with the feeling of nausea that often came, and it made getting out of bed hard. That, and the necessity to make the program longer to make progress, made me give up after ~10 months. If anyone has tips on how to overcome these discouragements for working out at home, let 'em be heard.
  12. A little monotone but chill and inoffensive, 5.5/10
  13. This is way too depressing to think about tbh. It's already sad enough without trying to put yourself in that position. But it's just the latest event in a series of recent triumphs of archconservatives worldwide. And they feed off each other on the world stage via nationalistic animosity and divide & conquer tribalism. Also, it makes my blood boil that this is probably a good outcome for the "defense contractors" (Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, etc. idk) that made all that equipment that the corrupt govt forces donated to the religious fanatic group. They already got their $$$, and now Western "liberators" and nearby neighbors have an incentive to buy even more arms from them to pre-emptively guard against a new powerful enemy. And the corrupt generals and politicians had the money and privilege to float away on cushions of cash, while the poor citizens are left to become subjugated to rule by religious nuts. All in all, the rich and corrupt get away scot-free and the poor and powerless suffer, in what is a time-honored tradition on our planet.
  14. Whatever you go with, go with confidence. That's ultimately what matters way more in your quest. Own your hair (or lack thereof) as you own yourself. I'd probably try short hair first so the spot would be less obvious, and if it's unsatisfactory, grow a beard and go bald.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkU564tyD5M
  16. I do not believe in oppressing the cry
  17. I would like to purchase 1 stonk in Onion Bot
  18. Awesome video. I held out for quite a while in case of a Fools comeback, looking from the sidelines since last November when hearing about Tempest from Eomeri. Fools in OSRS constituted an unlikely success story of a country's clan scene banding together and forging a lasting community – years-long old beef left behind as though it had never happened. Eventually, watching a bunch of old warring videos made me nostalgic and want to clamber out of retirement, and I can't say I've been disappointed. You've done some stellar work building this clan up as much as you have in a single year, and at this point in the clan scene's life. The way various clans' people have harmoniously come together as fellow human beings reminds me a lot about an earlier similar story – one of lasting success and prosperity at the highest level.
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