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Everything posted by S3lvah

  1. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what the actual unofficial record of rejoins to the same clan is?
  2. Now this is the kind of trickle-down economy I can get behind
  3. So clean I could eat falafel with hummus, matbucha, tzatziki and a side salad of crisp lettuce and cucumber off it.
  4. Nice going. Don't get discouraged at inferno; it's tough.
  5. The content difference between wet paint and dry paint is the former still contains unevaporated or unoxidized solvent. So, I don't really differentiate between the two. But if I had to choose, I'd say wet, since instead of the dry stuff I'd generally focus on the material whose surface was painted.
  6. Having used many different head- / earphones, I concur with most that they're ideal for different use cases. Open-back headphones for use at home. Best soundstage, most options to choose from when buying, comfortable (if not, get better cans w/ velour pads), don't sweat up your ears. Closed-back headphones for use at work or other still but noisy environments. Insulates you from others and others from your music. Earphones / earbuds for travel and mobile work, for their superior mobility and sound insulation. And yeah, you'll want to maintain your earphones to keep them clean. Often I find that they're easy to clean by removing the rubber tips. Medical remedies should also exist for significant wax problems.
  7. Sounds like we did well. Gj Tempies
  8. A couple more 'selfish' questions, since they seem to be acceptable: 1. Any thoughts/memories of Fools/RSD members (Tonberry, and I think at least 1 other person)? 2. Any memories of fights with Fools, CU or other country clans/teams? The battle on the day before EoC's release comes to my mind, at least. 3. Given the focus on this thread on EST clans, did you regard GMT clans as part of the scene, or more like a junior league or a detached scene like RSB?
  9. Grats on beating the game
  10. Welcome and enjoy the training experience. It's cool how RS is such a long-lived game, and people sometimes return to it even after more than half a lifetime.
  11. As an addendum to True's question about top 5 callers, could you go into more detail about their calling style and what made them stand out?
  12. That's all for Finland lol Interestingly, the quality of some franchises seems to vary a lot between countries. Subway's "Teriyaki chicken" was awful, cartilage-containing rotisserie crap in Norway, while in Finland it's always been flawless slices of chicken breast. I can only begin to imagine how big the differences are vs. here and the US. I'd put my favorite kebab places at A as well
  13. Idk about those but @True 2k8 brings this to every war to fire up @Gochance1:
  14. I like how Jagex only nerfed the caves after RoT lost control of em
  15. S3lvah

    This or That

    actual Mexican 100x over before going anywhere near TB Jeans or shorts
  16. Oh, fellow 2002 starter. It's as they say: A man can leave RS but RS does not leave man. Welcome to the forums.
  17. Somehow I knew the beginning melody would be on the off-beat when the beat started lol not a fan of the rapping voice, but the lyrics are cool, and the singing chill and pleasant -> 7.5/10
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