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Everything posted by Cws

  1. Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful? I prefer civilised debate and discussion although some healthy competitiveness can bring about good fun clan fights. Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok? So many online personas and egos in RuneScape, so much of what is said would never be done in real life. How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players? From an outsiders POV, in RL people I know call the wildy toxic and is therefore a hindrance to them ever getting into the clanning scene. What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else? Getting ddosed by friends
  2. Cws

    This or That

    PC Playstation or xbox
  3. What clans will close? I don't think any will close What clans may reopen? EOS What clans will merge? None Will there be more pure clans? MM Ftw lol Will another main Clan open? probably Who will be #1 F2p / P2P? Tempy f2p #1 / rot p2p cause of numbers with Reign of Sovereign lol Which leaders will become retired leaders? Possibly Cera lool
  4. I think his name was "The_Rs_Jd"
  5. The Clan World is very different to how it used to be back in 2005-11. There are fewer clans now than there used to be, and some often close or like Wilderland retire die to achieving what they set out to achieve. Some close then reopen AF for example in recent OSRS times. So let's debate / discuss the Clan World one year from now. Consider the following, you don't have to answer them, just discuss freely! What clans will close? What clans may reopen? What clans will merge? Will there be more pure clans? Will another main Clan open? Who will be #1 F2p / P2P? Which leaders will become retired leaders? Let's discuss!
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