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Which Clan did you hate the most and why?


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don't hate any but df were probably the most cringe in recent memory because they never did anything ingame for how much they talked, not to mention having pretended to be some honorable clan for years but they had no issues doxing people for dumb reasons while their leader was too pussy to do anything about it, that and other shit just made them a joke all around and they didn't contribute anything to the clanning community anymore lmao 


other clans were also cringe but at least they showed up in the wild whether it was to fight or crash and generated some form of activity 

Edited by Adam_
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For me at 16 years old were Violent Resolution and Genesis during the 2012 crashwar which involved every major clan besides Runescape Dinasty and Divine Forces


Looking back now it was a lot of fun and runescape was played, I will always say that the game as a massive multi pvp arena could of been successful as some sort of e sport had jagex known what to do with it, so many people involved

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2 hours ago, Adam_ said:

don't hate any but df were probably the most cringe in recent memory because they never did anything ingame for how much they talked, not to mention having pretended to be some honorable clan for years but they had no issues doxing people for dumb reasons while their leader was too pussy to do anything about it, that and other shit just made them a joke all around and they didn't contribute anything to the clanning community anymore lmao 


other clans were also cringe but at least they showed up in the wild whether it was to fight or crash and generated some form of activity 

i have always felt like DF does not belong in the top 3



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When I was in BK, it was probably Gladz and TMRD that things were very heated. Then "The' tryna be the older brother while Jagz being Jagz chilling behind these 3






OTP | Barrow Slayerz | RIP Peck | Beach Bros Unit





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Hate is too strong of a word. I think everyone in the midsized scene when I was Downfall on osrs annoyed me though. It was so uncompetitive, people were always making issues for why they couldn't/didn't want to fight. 










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