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How often should you switch jobs?


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"So what do you think? How often have you switched jobs?"

At the moment I'm back at the first company I ever worked for 10 years ago, but as a Manager and by the looks at it they already think all of us undershot the margins when I was in my interview and that I should actually be Senior Management instead.


When I last worked there I was a little shit I mean I was young first real job. I was good at the job, but late, called in sick, would get up and say fuck it then spend the day playing WoW or League. Since then I moved to being a portfolio manager, so I saw the other side of what I do now which is managing the maintenance side in both prime and super prime portfolios (basically, properties where the landlord owns either the whole block or the whole fucking street and sometimes rent is 20-50k a month). I was also at Radisson as an F&B Manager in London and Johannesburg (around when I joined DI), then British Airways as Communications Exec/Engineer, then MOD (translator), then the embassy (translator again) and then Air Canada (Engineering Lead). I wouldn't be as good as I am now at this job, without having spread my wings over the past 10 years at other companies, working in a variety of environments and levels of customer service and understanding all stakeholders.


There's a reason why when I came back here, I shit all over everyone that was on the same pay grade as me, in fact some of the managers who have been here 2 years are actually on less money than me, they started me at the top end because I did this 10 years ago and whilst the portfolios have changed for the better, and whilst technology has changed which puts some previous technical knowledge I had basically turned useless; I know how to speak to high level clients and get things done. Some of them can't do what I can do yet. I ain't even doing anything special I simply reminded the company the level managers have to be to not cost them money in mistakes.


However I have to emphasize here, I will never be out of a job. I am so in fucking demand (this place asked me to come back, I didn't volenteer, I accepted the offer because I loved Air Canada in some ways, but it was not my future, im done wakin up at 4:30am and being treated by people like it's the first time ive worked on an aircraft). I have so many professional connections I could leave my current employer in a year and likely start on near top money (for the grade) for an entry position in investment portfolio management at somewhere like JLL or Knight Frank. You should never ever job hop for the same reason you should never swap clans unless you have a genuine reason to do so. IE you want a bigger challenge or most important, you're losing your sanity and mental wellbeing. 


What it tells an employer when you have a CV like for example mine, it's not a good look to a blank page employer. Because they'll see it as I'm loyal to no one and I'll jump to whatever seems favourable at the time or worse 'jack of all trades, master of none'. It's not as impressive as it actually reads. They don't see the skillset and the level of work, they see the ''every 8-10 months something seems to happen and he just leaves for the last 5 years'. So I'm also extremely aware, irrespective of the directors of this company also being family (not that it means anything - it got me the job the first time, but not the second time. They don't fuck around anymore family is irrelevant at work we're colleagues). But also no other company like this imo exists in London. Again it took years of multiple jobs to realise how good my first job was. I also like the fact these directors will always say 'We're glad to have you working with us' not for us. Little things that are why I will try to stay this time.




E: Also on the subject of pay, this place will pay you whatever you're worth it's not inherently tied into a promotion (hence why I came in on about 8k more than the other manager in my department - and she knows why too at least knew why until we sacked her 2 weeks orso again because apparently shes been shit for 10 months despite saying she could do this job and then kinda got shown up by me in my first week). Ok from Manager to Senior I would earn stupid money, and then from Senior to Exec it'd be stupid. But if your knowledge of the industry improves as well as your ability to generate and maintain revenue in the business with current clients as well as new; these guys will pay you what you're worth. So I'm not in any rush to be a SOM cos I'm top manager money for the bracket we advertise, but my Manager is paid about 5k above the bracket we advertise for her position because there has to be an incentive to improve otherwise obviously, people leave.

Edited by Lavigne






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Have to find a balance between the advancement opportunities that often only come with an external switch vs. trying to keep a resume that's attractive, or at least not a red flag for anyone interested in hiring you.  Typically 3-4 years on average is what I'd say before you start sending out warning signs.  Places aren't going to invest (at a higher level at least) substantial resources bringing in someone that they don't think will last past 2 years.  


When you make a move, make it count. You should be seeing at least a 20-30% increase IMO to make a switch where money is the motivating factor.  




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in the construction industry, you can work for as many as 10 companies in 12 months time. just depends on the projects, pay, locations, etc. I worked for 8 companies in a single year back in 2016. Since then, I have been with 3 companies for 2 years, 2 years and going on 4 years. I have hired in and quit a company in the same day or week dependent on how much of a cock sucker the boss is. My current company has allowed me to really grow and with that growth, allowed me to also increase my salary year upon year. (First 10 months with them I got a 5 figure raise and earlier this year I got a 8% salary increase.) So, like many others have said already it really depends on a lot of things.


Me personally, I think IF after 2 years your company isnt allowing you to grow or helping you grow, then fuck em and feed em fishheads. 


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Lots of good opinions here.  I think that it really depends on what you want and where you are at in life.  If you're happy in your current role, there might not be an advantage in switching to a new job unless you're doing it for the pay increase which should be at least 20-30%, imo. 


For me personally, I'm at 5+ years at my current company and I think that if I wanted to make a career move, it should have been 2-3 years ago.  Now, I think I've set myself up to stay long term because the work/life balance is great and more importantly, I work alongside a great team and even better manager - one that looks out for you and isn't afraid to speak up on your behalf and/or promote the deserving.  One thing my manager has told me recently is that if you're deserving of it, the money will come.  The grass isn't always greener on the other side - switching for just a small increase in pay might not be worth it considering you have to start all over and build rapport.  I plan on staying with my company unless something unfortunate happens or if I somehow hit my ceiling and an amazing opportunity appears that I simply cannot pass up.

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Every year or two if you're being offered a 15% or so raise or more


To everyone saying things like the grass isn't always greener and if you enjoy your current company, you can always leave your company on good terms, work around for a few years, then likely go right back to your original company except now you've got a higher position, way higher salary, and lots more skill 

Edited by Matrix
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14 hours ago, Matrix said:

To everyone saying things like the grass isn't always greener and if you enjoy your current company, you can always leave your company on good terms, work around for a few years, then likely go right back to your original company except now you've got a higher position, way higher salary, and lots more skill 

You have to be careful not to burn bridges, but that can work in certain situations.


I'd also say, just from experience, looking for a new job is exhausting (like a whole separate job itself) and not something I want to do too often.




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Every 1-2 years in a single company if you want to have a nice CV

Gen Z kept resigning after 3-6 months working to get fast cash when they hop for bigger basic salary



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