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What have you read lately?/Book Recs

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Hey everyone!

We got any big readers in this clan? I read every night and I'm looking for some good book recommendations. 

I'm into mostly SciFi/Fantasy and Non-fiction stuff but I read a little bit of everything. Been making my way through Brandon Sanderson's collection and just finished the first Mistborn trilogy. Other books I've read recently that I've really enjoyed have been:

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

Know My Name by Chanel Miller (The victim in the Brock Turner case)

Beartown by Frederik Backman

Dear Girls by Ali Wong

Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe


What have you guys read lately that you would recommend?

On a side note if we have some readers in this clan maybe we could do a Tempy Book Club Forum once a month or every other month. Whatever people need with their schedules. I love reading along with friends and discussing/talking about it.


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Haven't done recreational reading in over a decade, but something I'd like to get back to for sure. Last stuff I remember reading that I liked:


  • Crime & Punishment (old Dostoevsky work)
  • Bartimaeus Trilogy (apparently Google says it's a children series, but I remember it being in the YA section back in like ~2007 -- don't recall it much, but I liked it -- was fantasy genre I think)
  • Tess of the d'Urbervilles (was probably last novel I read, was required for one my classes in high school, but I actually liked it)
  • Thanks 1







4 minutes ago, Eric`` said:

[nerd] Lord of the rings trilogy is my fave all time, read it prolly 30 times lol[/nerd]

Respect. It's one of my favourite book series and my favourite movie series of all time.

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My bookshelf is full of hardcover books of a couple different genres.  I don't have much non-fiction, but for sci-fi/fantasy I can recommend the following:

  • Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time - This is a MASSIVE series in the same style as Tolkien's LOTR.  Currently re-reading it cover to cover again.  Fun fact: Amazon Prime is filming to make this into a TV show in the same scope that Game of Thrones was and I couldn't be more excited, I would recommend this series hands down to anyone.  Be warned though - it's lengthy.  Sanderson actually finished the last three books in the series from Jordan's notes after he passed away from a terminal illness.  
  • Patrick Rothfuss' Name of the Wind - First book in a 3 book series (currently released 3 books, slated for more).  They're extremely good, only downside is Rothfuss hasn't finished the series, he's been pulling a George R. R. Martin lately and is procrastinating, extremely annoying.  
  • George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire - This goes without explaining, with the only caveat being that the series is yet incomplete.  Damn good work though.  
  • Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth - This is okay, I liked some things with it and not others.  He recently passed.  If you do read this series, I recommend ending at "Confessor", after that he started writing more and started the story back up after it ended and I just didn't care for it.  
  • Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn Trilogy - Excellently done, but you already read this one.  
  • Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive - This is next on my list to read, I picked up the first one (The Way of Kings) but haven't started it yet.  
  • Thanks 1
49 minutes ago, Xero said:

My bookshelf is full of hardcover books of a couple different genres.  I don't have much non-fiction, but for sci-fi/fantasy I can recommend the following:

  • Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time - This is a MASSIVE series in the same style as Tolkien's LOTR.  Currently re-reading it cover to cover again.  Fun fact: Amazon Prime is filming to make this into a TV show in the same scope that Game of Thrones was and I couldn't be more excited, I would recommend this series hands down to anyone.  Be warned though - it's lengthy.  Sanderson actually finished the last three books in the series from Jordan's notes after he passed away from a terminal illness.  
  • Patrick Rothfuss' Name of the Wind - First book in a 3 book series (currently released 3 books, slated for more).  They're extremely good, only downside is Rothfuss hasn't finished the series, he's been pulling a George R. R. Martin lately and is procrastinating, extremely annoying.  
  • George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire - This goes without explaining, with the only caveat being that the series is yet incomplete.  Damn good work though.  
  • Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth - This is okay, I liked some things with it and not others.  He recently passed.  If you do read this series, I recommend ending at "Confessor", after that he started writing more and started the story back up after it ended and I just didn't care for it.  
  • Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn Trilogy - Excellently done, but you already read this one.  
  • Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive - This is next on my list to read, I picked up the first one (The Way of Kings) but haven't started it yet.  

I bought the first book of the Wheel of Time recently and plan on starting it in the new year! Name of the Wind and Stormlight Archive are some of my all time faves, can't wait for the 4th book coming out soon. I plan on reading ASOIAF when the series is done. I can't get in another waiting game as I'm already there with Rothfuss and Doors of Stone LOL. I'm excited to read WoT now since we seem to have similar taste, you'll love the Way of Kings. 

  • Thanks 1


Christopher Hitchens - Mortality. 

Edited by Andy

It’s always who built the pyramids and never how are the pyramids ? 



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