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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)
Jon 3 (Furious Swag back then)

Preferred Name 

Current Clan

Previous Clan History
Here's where it gets foggy, but I'll try my best. Keep in mind that I never stayed in a clan or team for more than a few months and hopped around. My Runescape childhood was quite a ride, so buckle up. 



Elite Assassins - First ever clan I joined recruited by B A A A M.


Holy Knights - I'm pretty sure I got recruited then got lured for Dragon Claws, can't remember lmao.


Genesis - During the PH crash war. Holy crap it was toxic. 


Corrupted Knights - Pre EOC clan that I've actually stuck with for a while. 


Ascension - EOC era


Echo of Silence - EOC era


I think I was in Downfall briefly as well, but can't freaking remember. I hung out with Downfall people a lot. 




Team Solar 


Team Annihilation - I think????


Silent Ember - EOC era


Team Overkill - Was leader


Pretty sure there's more here, but idk.


2020 Teams


Zerg Unit




Exiled Forces


Does Clan Wars Community count? Lol.


Who do you know in Tempest?
EPA, Gochance, Caro, Melo, VirgoVaca, Dr Destiny, Pietru, Mohd, Destiny Nx, Kim, Redskull, Boxer, Healer MD, Kevin etc.

(Sorry if I missed you, I literally pulled up the online list and typed names, I know a lot of people here)

Are you interested in joining?
Yes. I gave in Tim. You got me. 

Brief Introduction

My name is Jon. I'm approaching my 30s (still a millennial hehe) and currently serving in the military. I've been in for over 7 years now and I'm currently stationed in Japan (still haven't explored yet cause of COVID). Just here to attend wars when I'm free and play with some old friends. Looking forward to warring with you all. 

Edited by Jonmg
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Always underrated , never dominated




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