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How did you guys get involved with clans?

If i remember correctly, i somehow found out finnish runescape sites(early -05) where ppl where posting topics about clans and advertising them. Never liked skilling so things lead to another and i started hopping from clan to clan for few yrs lol

Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

Clanning kept me around for yrs, even if i was done with the game, but always wanted to be a round and attend events every know and then. Osrs for me was a chance to re-live my memories again. The first few years i had good time and really enjoyed rs again, but the last years i was in fools, i was pretty much done with the game and only attended events and after a while i started skipping them and eventually got kicked.

For those that are clanless, how come?

cba rs

What was your favourite clanning era and why?

Pre box-meta, box meta sucks ass and its boring af. Miss those proper sniper units and making shit clan run laps around wildy

Pre bh crater time, had been clanning for 2 yrs and everything was still kinda new. also, wildy was active af

Start of the osrs. had a chance to re-live my memories

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How did you guys get involved with clans?

Well it all started back in 2003 when I was walking around runescape doing noobish things. I ran into Yogosun who was one of the top players , if not the top player, at the time. Started with some simple conversations and eventually we added each other. I asked him if there was a group of people he played with. He said he was in a clan called 'The' clan. I was interested from the start because I didn't really have anyone to play with since none of my irl friends played nor do I tell them I did. He told me he would ref me which began it all. Still talk to him to this day. Great guy!


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

Around 2011, I really wasn't enjoying the game anymore. I decided it was time to take a small break, a couple weeks or something. Well that turned into years. I did log in from time to time to speak to people or see what new came out. But nothing really grabbed my attention. Didn't even pay attention to the clan world during these years. Because of COVID I found myself pretty bored of playing certain games like PoE/CoD/Fortnite, I decided to jump on RS to see what was going on. For some reason, I was once again addicted to playing lol. Started looking into the clan scene and after posting an intro to DF, I was quickly messaged by old friends about a clan I should join inside and as you could have probably guessed, it was Tempest 🙂


What was your favourite clanning era and why?

My favorite time was probably 08-10. I was most active during that time and the f2p scene was pretty good. Lots of fights, lots of uncapped pkris. None of this stupid box meta shit. Fall ins were taken after snipers cleared and rushed the other clan like it was the beginning of the fight. Was a lot of fun !

Edited by Flukejiver
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How did you guys get involved with clans?

I started out doing a lot of pure pking (hill giants & when Wilderness was removed started to do bh stairs or whatever). Then at some point went main and turned into a W141 prod. Used to enjoy the random CC purple portal wars & playoffs. Eventually found myself in some teams (TT & AV) & leadership positions in clans like Dark Redemption & Holy Knights (CWA based) where I met some great people and started to call. All my experience has been mid-sized (Poison Pre-EOC and during EOC where we just fought Gladz/THE/BK mainly, then quit for a little after 07 was released, and came back & joined Dfall).


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

I just have free time since im still relatively young.. not sure I entirely enjoy warring (esp this meta), but I don't hate it. I prob have the most fun calling and having that opportunity in teams prob helps keep me engaged.


What was your favourite clanning era and why?

Prob the era before Dungeoneering where we just had FOG items.

Edited by Dr Destiny
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How did you guys get involved with clans?

It’s difficult for me to say.  My interest in clanning probably started around 2005 out of a desire to make friends because I didn’t really know a whole lot of people who played RuneScape, but I didn’t officially get involved with any community until around 2006. I had hung around several communities without officially joining. Being older than the majority of the playerbase, it was difficult to find a group of people that had the level of sanity and emotional maturity I was comfortable with and because of that took a little bit for me to become established with the scene.


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?


Friendship. I’ve always considered myself a friend first and a fighter second. If I wanted to be in a clan it’s because I really enjoyed the people that I’ve bonded with in that community, which has always been my primary factor for consideration. The fights are fun, but getting to joke around and have fun with people, socialize and do other things than just RuneScape all the time really enhances your enjoyment of this game. Everyone that I’ve made friends with, everyone I hold close and have come to know in this community holds a very special place in my heart.


What was your favourite clanning era and why?


As much as I love everyone here in Tempest, I would definitely have to say that my favorite era was around end of 2007. As shit as Bounty Hunter was, it was the time period I had gotten involved with DI, and some of the closest friends I’ve had in this community were all still playing in spades at this time. Being in a clan like DI with the people that were involved was really something special. Everyone was driven and wanted to succeed, but also knew when it was okay to just let loose, goof off and have fun. Everyone made me feel included and loved, and I miss a lot of the people I’ve come to know and wish I could speak with some of them again. It’s an experience I will always keep with me, one that I’m thankful for and something that I also cherish today with Tempest. 


Edited by Victoria
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How did you guys get involved with clans?

I was bored with rs in like 05/06 and basically just afked. I was like around 105 cb and wasn't really good at the game so I quit for a bit. When the cwa was released I came back and basically just spent all my time fighting in it. Ended up meeting some people from a cwa clan and I joined True 0wnage. Was there a few months and was trying to get them to do pvp but they never would. So I left for Downfall. 


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

I definitely stuck around for the comradery. I've honestly never cared about RS or really any clan achievement. At the time I, I was pretty immature and just cared about clan beef and memeing. So all I did was just talk shit and be nh for a few years. EOC came out and I was just like fuck it nah. Came back a little in like 2015 I guess, but I don't remember much. Trained up a couple accounts but was busy IRL so I didn't get back into it very long. I am back now because I have a lot of free time because of Covid and want to try warring again. 


What was your favorite clanning era and why?

This is a harder question for me tbh. I think f2p warring in 2011ish was amazing. But looking back, I don't think I'd be too heavily involved now as I was then. The doxing and ddosing, from my perspective now, seems to have calmed down a lot since then. But as someone with other hobbies, things to do, and just being more mature than I was; I just don't have any desire to involve myself in stuff like that anymore. From what I've experienced thusfar, I kinda enjoy how it is now to be honest. I do wish the wilderness could be a little more active, but hey, I'll take a significantly less toxic community overall over some action at this point. I actually enjoy the clumping fights in cwa a lot tbh. I like the change that made energy pots f2p. Honestly the only thing I don't like is the addition of snare to f2p, but I think the Meta is what it is because of snare so it's whatever.

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How did you guys get involved with clans?

I first saw clans fighting in the wilderness as a f2p noob but had almost no idea what the fuck was going on because I was also like 10 I just knew there was free shit on the ground and I thought that was neat. I thought the wilderness was neat and a lot of my irl friends played and we liked pking, I ended up pking a lot in f2p myself and made friends with some girl who had p2p and some 99s and stuff and she must have thought I was a cute noob so she would give me rune scims to pk with that would probably last 2 days max. Fast forward a bit and most of my friends had quit, and the wilderness had been removed and I found my way to clan wars. I made a lot of friends hopping around various ccs and in white portal on random worlds as well and we all hung out there. I spent a lot of my time hopping around various open clan wars ccs fighting and loved it. This is also where I met Tim because he owned one of these ccs and let me come to some fights despite being like probably somewhere in the 80 combats, and eventually where I met ppl from k0 unit/downfall/etc as well (also derek from dk lol). I remembered going over to bh lobby and always seeing big impressive clans there either prepping for fights or just having banter, some names that come to mind were NBK and I think one was called KTS. It was a really fun time period, but I was way too casual to ever permanently stay in any clans or really even get officially into them because my stats were bad and I was also probably really annoying because I remember some of the k0/df people not really liking me. Nonetheless there was a point where I knew the owners of many of the big ccs at clan wars (glissed, soulja melle, etc) and had ranks in them and could go to a lot of the fun fights unless it was something where I was basically just a free kill. I took a break for a few years though I played on and off, and eventually found myself on the pserver scene. Since obviously stats and accounts are much easier to train there and I was a bit older by that point, I "officially" got into clans meeting people who had a lot more experience both from single pking and multi pking and got my taste of both. A lot of these people told me stories about clans they were in and people they knew from clanning as well so I learned a lot not just about clanning but the community. A lot of clans from the real game had stints on private servers as well which was neat. Even did a bit of pure clanning on a couple servers though it was a pretty negligible amount, it was alright fun since it was with friends. Eventually osrs came out and well here I am. I never really took back to clanning on the game because of the state of pvp and clanning in general plus most of my old friends don't anymore either. 

Why have you stuck around/what brought you back? 

Idk if i'm really "back" but i've always liked the pvp aspect of rs and the clanning community is a a large part of that and necessary to the existence of such a community. There's a lot of nice people in it too, even if there's an increasing amount of idiots. A lot of non pvpers don't really understand the importance of pvp for osrs anymore and there is very little valid discussion to be had there with a lot of them, so since I enjoy discussing various aspects of the game it's also nice to have a place to do so with other people who understand how important it is. It's also nice being around people who have a lot of history in that aspect of the game whereas I really don't, because it's neat seeing all the history of everything and hearing stories and all that.

For those that are clanless, how come?

I just have very little interest in the modern clan world. It's kind of sad how you would think as we all grew up and out of doing scummy/questionable shit you'd think things would have gotten better, but they've gotten much worse. There are obviously some people who have been around as the problem/bad guy for ages now, and while they do a lot of not so great things, I almost find it worse that other clans don't think they're part of the problem doing the same shit but trying to hide it, or turning a blind eye to their members/officials doing it. It also seems pretty fucking stupid to me that you can't really make a clan or be in a clan without eventually having to pick one of two sides and with that comes some form of expectation to at least get along with some of the people on your side, and dislike the people on the other side. Sure there's people who do pretty questionable shit, but that's present on both sides. I think it's kind of cringe to have an all out hate for everyone in the clans on the opposite side like so many people seem to have these days, just because they choose to play with people you don't like. If they actually do scummy shit or something worthy of being hated on, fair enough. But it seems like a lot of people in clans are dedicated to harassing pretty much anyone in a clan they don't like which obviously hurts to growth of those clans, and by extension the growth of the community as well. At the end of the day I play this game to have fun and having someone try some cringe shit because I decide to join a clan, or worse, thinking it's cute to harass friends of mine as I often see certain mouthbreathers doing to friends of people in various clans, doesn't really sound like fun even though i'm generally pretty safe with most things. It's a lot of drama and unnecessary bs for very little benefit when I can log in and enjoy the game without it.

What was your favourite clanning era and why?

I mean i've not really had a role in many clanning eras on rs so hard to say, I think it's safe to say this clanning era is pretty dog shit though even if there's some good clans/people still around. I'm obviously biased towards the clan wars/bh era because I had the most fun there, but I also didn't really like craters or the removal of the wilderness. 

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I started playing in 2001 from a bunch of my friends in school. They were all in the BlacKnights so that's obviously where I ended up.


All of them except for me has quit rs since then. One friend moved back to Germany so no idea how he's even doing now lol.


Not sure why I've stuck around so long. I guess I just really like the layout of the game lol. Since 2001 I've only really had a break from Aug 03 to May 05 where I retired but logged on still monthly most due to leaving home at 15 so had a lot going on. About a year starting in 2012 so I missed the beginning of osrs. Then about 8 months when downfall died I played x box but got bored of it lol. 


I really enjoyed rs classic clanning and 2005 till 2007 was awesome as well. After that I've still always enjoyed clanning and being in a lot of different clans in osrs has been nice. Had the chance to see a lot of clans and people I've always known or heard off in a different light. Pre osrs I was basically just bk 10 years, df 1.5 and then few months in small clans. Osrs I've been in downfall,  eos, ronin, poison,  the,  tempest,  impact,  renegades lol

Edited by Vanzant
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Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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How did you guys get involved with clans?

Community clans. I joined one or two while my acc was in the works. Me and a buddy used to always go out on the weekends find worlds of clan fights and watch em mass and shit. Honestly will never forget the impact that had on me. The minute i saw all those spams, organizations and fights i became instantly hooked.



Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?


The natural competitive atmosphere tbh. In TR, when cwa was big last year it was all about just winning. Didnt have to like my clan mates or whatever, just as long as we won together. Things like that where you put aside your egos/differences just to come out victorious made me want to come back. 


For those that are clanless, how come?

What was your favourite clanning era and why?


i was clanless for about 4-5 years before i joined a clan last year. Rs was fun but a break was necessary. Also the clans of around 2014ish onwards really didnt appeal to me at all. Just seemed iffy as fuck.


Edited by Melo C
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How did you guys get involved with clans?


My early canning is largely forgettable, I have vague memories of a clan early 2000 with kaochinx27 in my elementary years (28 now btw), strictly f2p at that time 


Quit for a bit because I got bored of f2p then came back did some other forgettable invision free website clanning until I finally got membership and joined a few small time clans the latest I remember now that you think about it was THOR (The hobbit of runescape), then Knight's of Order for a few months, but after that I joined Envy where I probably had the best time in my canning because of all the stuff we did. 


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?


Straight up I would have quit the game if it wasn't for people in envy. We had fun plain and simple



For those that are clanless, how come?


Time mostly. I'm older and have more responsibilities than I had back then but I'd eventually like to get back to it 



What was your favourite clanning era and why?


My time in envy without a doubt. I think that was prime all around clanning time for almost every clan, our "crash war" with bk (@vanzant lol) which was largely wilderness in game only, none of that ddos our of game spying bs that happens. When pking actually was fun 


My least enjoyable was tail end of solace era, really disliked how out of game it became and my interest in clanning tanked hard during all of that fiasco. Wild almost dead, no one wanted to do anything, when canning essentially died imo. Caused me to quit the game 

Edited by FrozenSol


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How did you guys get involved with clans?

Back in the good old days (2005), I made a small community website ('clan' of sorts), was advertising it on RS Bits and Bytes to help it gain traction. Saw that a clan called Phobia had a massive iron war in the deep wild versus 'The' Futures and wanted to join on the action. I met the reqs (85 combat) so slid into their app process & the rest is history. When Phobia closed, I made my own clan (Blaze) and was active on Sal's. Hopped between Adelais and making Blaze several times before joining Forgotten Templars in 2007, and then Eternal Honour in late 2007 early 2008.


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

I'll be honest and say it was COVID that had me return to the game in the capacity that I'm playing it now, but it's been a lot of fun getting involved in Tempest and the larger game once more while there is so much free time. I originally quit in 2009, and then made soft returns in 2010 and 2011, but basically hadn't logged in from then until 2018 at the release of mobile. And from then until the start of Tempest I was a casual skiller. So what's made me stick is the clan & the community here which I feel is unrivaled to any clan I've been in previously.


What was your favourite clanning era and why?

To me, the best era was the 2005-2007 era (pre wild removal) and the 2008-2009 era (early PVP). By 2006, most of the main clans were established (think DS, DI, Cor, DF, RSD, some version of ZF / ST / EH), and the battle lines had kind of been drawn up. During this time I think that there were so many mid sized clans that it was a ton of fun and the best era in general. But from a personal perspective, I had so much fun with EH in 2008/2009 that it's hard to compare that to the others as I was either a noob (in 2006) or retired & washed up (in 2010/2011).

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How did you guys get involved with clans? - If we consider the Estonian country clans that were around 2004/2005, then mostly due meeting people on forums and wanting to be better and do better and get max combat as fast as possible. 

Why have you stuck around/what brought you back? - Guess meeting the "right" people have a lot to do about it, people who you share passion with and want to do better. 

For those that are clanless, how come?

What was your favourite clanning era and why? - I would say 2010-2012 for me personally. The most I got to be involved daily and the intense crash wars and propaganda that fuels me. 

Edited by Juri





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How did you guys get involved with clans?

Always loved pking and I use to go around looting big wars when I was like 9-10 years old. Joined a open CC "Xo Allen" and someone from there recruited me into VR.

Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

Community and friends tbh. Without those key factors I don't think I'd be able to enjoy the clanning scene as much as I do now.

For those that are clanless, how come?

What was your favourite clanning era and why?

Probably when I first came into the scene so around 2010? Could have 5 non prep PKRIs going in a week and 8 different clans battling with it being no box meta and have snipers meta. Was the most fun I ever had in runescape.





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How did you guys get involved with clans?

The name gladz was sick

Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

The people

For those that are clanless, how come?

What was your favourite clanning era and why?

2007 anyone who disagrees didnt play obv


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~Tempest Since Day One~













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How did you guys get involved with clans?

Was roaming the wilderness with a few irl friends who got me into the game and got piled by Pure Hatred (spamming join krunal930) around chaos altar in 15 wildy. Ended up joining and met good friends whom I still talk to today. 


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

The aspect of clanning has always been appealing to me: group activities, clanning, and pking. Over the past few years, I lost interest in f2p wilderness because it was dead, but I still enjoyed the cwa aspect (due to the competitiveness).  This is probably due to all the cwa teams I've been in previously and making a decent team like team trinity beat top tier clans. The community is probably the reason why I'm still playing the game. 


For those that are clanless, how come?



What was your favourite clanning era and why?

Hardstuck between the Slave alliance vs The Holy Alliance [wasn't really around for the ending] and Downfall vs Ronin crash war [missed out on the beginning]


Honorable mentions: Revenant vs Cutthroat beef (being on teams/clans that played major roles turning the tide of the crashwar)


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How did you guys get involved with clans?

Made some friends doing w141 and stuff that ended up recruiting me to a clan. Fell in love with being a part of something and the fights. 


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

Well I ghosted everybody in like 2015. Ended up completely quitting everything. Came back pre covid and was playing an ironman because I was bored. Ended up running into some people I knew. Covid hit and then more people started and the clan scene got more active. Ended up in pandemic where I ran into true who connected me with a lot of others. Then he opened Tempy. 


What was your favourite clanning era and why?

The DG era. It gave so many different setup options in f2p. There was still strategy in fights. There were still snipers and fall ins. Clans outlasted but not to the extent now. 





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