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What runescape update did you hate the most?


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Imo started going downhill with the squeal wheel/micro transactions then EoC just tanked the entire game for older players 



Other people say the name change is a problem, I do semi agree but I think it should be capped over the lifetime of the account maybe once or twice is ok after that pay to do it so it stops abuse like name sniping 


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Probably the culmination of all the graphical/engine changes ever since "HD" RS came out in 2008. I hated the HD look and I still do to this day. But the final nail in the coffin was when they made people in full rune look like fucking mega man/optimus prime.



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1 hour ago, Out said:





Trade Limit 

Wilderness Removal


Squeal of Fortune (I could tolerate cosmetic MTX at the time)

Loyalty points for BIS auras

Hitpoints -> Constitution (everything x10)



i like the minimalistic tier format you used for this post







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RS2 I think MTX were worse than EOC, because RS3 seems to be a pretty cool game on it's own, and I'd likely play it if it weren't for the MTX.

OSRS I think the worst update is ironman. I think it's got some cool stuff to it, but it's changed the direction of the game entirely and I just don't think it's been good for it's health.


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11 hours ago, Bobby said:

EOC/MTX is pretty much a given.


Honestly the worst thing for me that's happened hasn't even been an update, updates happen and you learn to play around them. I hate that the game has gone from playing for fun with friends to optimizing every little thing. A 99 mining guide is literally like 14 tick mining where you eat like 4 pieces of food between each mining hit and shit. Runescape evolved into something almost entirely unenjoyable because of tick manipulation. People got better and eventually just made the game significantly less fun. You can play how you want, but you actually get harassed for doing it. It's a pretty big turn off.


Honorable mention to Dungeoneering which should have been a minigame. It's the most out of place skill there is. It's a horribly designed skill and a very well designed minigame. 

hard agree with the optimizations - seems like a byproduct of time and how easily knowledge spreads that people come up with new metas that just hurt me irl


on-topic: probably wilderness removal cause that did some mega damage to the game



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