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Have you ever wasted any talent?


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I've had people tell me that I wasted my potential like they think I should've become a doctor since I maintained a 4.0 in grade school + college, but ugh.  I never felt smart enough for that, and it's not really something that truly interested me anyway.  The only "waste" for me is I wish I had been continuing to practice and hone my art & piano skills - but I don't think it's a *true* waste because I was forced to put those aside to pursue a career.  Now that I have finally done so, I can pick those back up.. it's never too late. 🙂 

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Brian.. or Brianna?! | The artist formerly known as Pequ 
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Freshman year of college I had a few professors pushing me to pursue writing in various capacities. I was on an engineering path (which I stayed on) and ultimately never put much work into writing. After many years, my writing has become mediocre at best and I've lost whatever opportunity I might've had to pursue something serious in the field (journalism, speech writing, etc.).


I don't necessarily regret it - I have a wonderful career and there is a wide array of paths I could still pursue - but whatever spark I had 6-7 years ago is likely gone.

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22 hours ago, true said:

There were a number of professional opportunities I put off/passed on to play RS



Can you elaborate on that or is that to personal?


21 hours ago, Tika191 said:

I had the drawing ability to do something with it as a career (like be on food stamps like most artists? idk) but never really considered it as an option. Only real regret is I haven't tried to continue developing that talent in the past 10 years or so, would be cool to see what sort of progress I couldve made

Interesting, as I kid (till like 8 ) I was also into drawing and was especially good at drawing dinosaurs. I had many art books specifically dedicated on how to draw dinos. What was your style, what were you drawing? Also the internet now brings opportunities that you didn't have 10 years ago. The brother of my grandma is a painter and he makes portraits online, people send him a picture and he paints the portrait and sends the painting their way (don't think he sells them but he could). You say you never considered it an option, would you reconsider that now and get back into it?

21 hours ago, Pietru said:

I was really good at math when I was younger, but then I just kind of threw it away

In what way did you throw it away? Any regrets, what would you have liked to do with it?

20 hours ago, Vanzant said:

I was pretty good at baseball but I left home at 15

That's rough man will you be projecting your baseball love onto your kids?

7 hours ago, Brian said:

I feel like I used mine just it took a while to realise what they were.

If you don't mind me asking what do you think those talents are? I have certain understanding of your talents but would like to hear from you what you think they are and how you came about discovering them.

5 hours ago, Howl said:

Freshman year of college I had a few professors pushing me to pursue writing in various capacities. I was on an engineering path (which I stayed on) and ultimately never put much work into writing. After many years, my writing has become mediocre at best and I've lost whatever opportunity I might've had to pursue something serious in the field (journalism, speech writing, etc.).


I don't necessarily regret it - I have a wonderful career and there is a wide array of paths I could still pursue - but whatever spark I had 6-7 years ago is likely gone.

What type of writing were/are you into? I wouldn't say I am a writer but I do have a certain tendency to write long pieces. I'm seriously contemplating in enlisting in a writing program 'self authoring program' by Dr. J. Peterson and see where that leads me. I believe it's initially focused on yourself (past, present, future,..) but you can probably use the lessons to write about a subject of your choice. Maybe you would enjoy something like that?

Edited by Da Bazz
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9 minutes ago, Da Bazz said:

In what way did you throw it away? Any regrets, what would you have liked to do with it?

Part of it was having a teacher who denied the way I used to work out sums, making me pretty much forget about the method I actually used to work with. Another part of it is that I felt like I couldn't do anything with just math alone (I was dogshit at sciences and many university courses required a pretty good grade for them which I couldn't really attain) so my motivation just dropped down and I became average, if not kind of bad at it now.


Any regrets? Not too much as it led me to a different path in life which I don't quite mind at the moment. There are many possibilities that could've happened if I actually stayed with math up to today but I guess it's fine the way it is now.

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2 hours ago, Da Bazz said:

Can you elaborate on that or is that to personal?


Interesting, as I kid (till like 8 ) I was also into drawing and was especially good at drawing dinosaurs. I had many art books specifically dedicated on how to draw dinos. What was your style, what were you drawing? Also the internet now brings opportunities that you didn't have 10 years ago. The brother of my grandma is a painter and he makes portraits online, people send him a picture and he paints the portrait and sends the painting their way (don't think he sells them but he could). You say you never considered it an option, would you reconsider that now and get back into it?

In what way did you throw it away? Any regrets, what would you have liked to do with it?

That's rough man will you be projecting your baseball love onto your kids?

If you don't mind me asking what do you think those talents are? I have certain understanding of your talents but would like to hear from you what you think they are and how you came about discovering them.

What type of writing were/are you into? I wouldn't say I am a writer but I do have a certain tendency to write long pieces. I'm seriously contemplating in enlisting in a writing program 'self authoring program' by Dr. J. Peterson and see where that leads me. I believe it's initially focused on yourself (past, present, future,..) but you can probably use the lessons to write about a subject of your choice. Maybe you would enjoy something like that?

Na we tried most sports after a season he always didn't want to play anymore. He's huge into Nascar and formula 1. So we have him in a go kart league. He's 10 so he's living it they go about 50 miles an hour 

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Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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5 hours ago, Da Bazz said:

What type of writing were/are you into? I wouldn't say I am a writer but I do have a certain tendency to write long pieces. I'm seriously contemplating in enlisting in a writing program 'self authoring program' by Dr. J. Peterson and see where that leads me. I believe it's initially focused on yourself (past, present, future,..) but you can probably use the lessons to write about a subject of your choice. Maybe you would enjoy something like that?

That sounds interesting!


I (at least used to) excel at writing persuasive essays and speeches. When I feel strongly about a topic - which I often do - I like crafting compelling arguments to bring people over to my point of view. In terms of a field of study/career path, this would have most likely manifested itself in some form of journalism or speech writing. Those careers specifically are likely no longer in the cards, but there's always the chance I decide to go to law school.

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9 hours ago, Howl said:

That sounds interesting!


I (at least used to) excel at writing persuasive essays and speeches. When I feel strongly about a topic - which I often do - I like crafting compelling arguments to bring people over to my point of view. In terms of a field of study/career path, this would have most likely manifested itself in some form of journalism or speech writing. Those careers specifically are likely no longer in the cards, but there's always the chance I decide to go to law school.

I still think you excel in that, maybe not as much as you would like to or think you did in the past, but posts you make really resonate with me. Many posts on more serious matters either persuade me or make me realize that perhaps my pov is skewered. Part of your persuasion talent is also reflected in your reputation on these forums which is high. That means that people generally have the same feeling about your posts as me, we like what you write. I believe that's largely by virtue of your talent. Maybe there's a way to incorporate that talent in your current work, develop it that way and then see what happens in combination with a writing course online on serious matters? Rebuilt that confidence and see where it takes you.

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