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Favorite place you've been / travel goals


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Seeing as covid continues to keep us locked up and travel options remain limited I like to reminisce about great trips from the past and dream of places I still want to see. 


What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?


What's a place you'd like to visit at some point?


Can include pics if you want (be careful what you post!)

Edited by Daniela






ROT MotM April 2011

ROT Official 2011-2016

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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?

My most exciting, most memorable and most life-changing destination so far has been Afghanistan where I went 3 times in the past few years.

For relaxing/friends trip I've greatly enjoyed the Philippines and Sri Lanka.


What's a place you'd like to visit at some point?

I badly want to visit North Korea, even though I'm not a fan of these fully organized and controlled tours where every step you take is mapped out for you, it might be interesting to experience just that in NK.

Edited by Daniela






ROT MotM April 2011

ROT Official 2011-2016

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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?


  • Really hard to bring out the favorite, all have been unique and great - special one was maybe first ever time abroad in Finland summer of 99 - went to https://www.moominworld.fi/ - I was 9 then 😄 
  • One of the epic trips were Latvia - Lithuania - Poland - Germany - Austria summer of 2008. during the Euro 2008 which took place in Austria/Switzerland. 
  • Sweden - Denmark - Netherlands and back through Czech Republic was also something summer of 2010 during the World Cup 😄 

I have been here & back to Belgium and Sweden etc for countless of times after that also, due family and work. 


What's a place you'd to visit at some point?


A lot places outside of Europe, never really been there yet 😄 Usa, Asia, Australia, Africa.. The list is endless. 

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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?


Really hard to bring out the favorites, all have been unique and great , but will name a few below.

maledives , seychelles , australia 


What's a place you'd to visit at some point? 


 australia again - africa - usa - and also a cruise for a month or 2.

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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?

Hiroshima (Japan) - everyone was so nice in the area and the atmosphere was so relaxing. For a no smoking outside country - fuckload of people were actually smoking and nobody told me anything when I smoked lmao


What's a place you'd to visit at some point?

Definitely South Korea


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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?


Northeast and south of Brazil are beyond astounding, hardly can get any better.

When I was a kid me and my family lived in Lisbon, Portugal, for about 2 years. Can't say I remember much but it seemed pretty amazing as well. 


What's a place you'd to visit at some point? 


Maputo, Mozambique — because of its vibrant and welcoming people and its natural beauties (also they speak portuguese which is fantastic)

Benguela and Cabo Verde, Angola — same reasons as above

México — buenísimas personas, la gente es muy guapa, hay el acento español más fácil de comprehender, el más hermoso de oír y tienen una de las más ricas culturas del mundo

Venezuela — I wanna see their struggle, feel their needs, help those warm hearted human beings as much as possible, yo quiero dividir con ellos su sufrimiento cómo los hermanos que somos ❤️ 

Cape Town, South Africa — my father lived there for many years as a refugee from an economic crisis in Portugal when he was young and always said how wonderful the place and its people are


Prolly there's more but it's 7:20 am right now so there's that 


Edited by Kuraminha


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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?

South Africa - great surfing and nature 


What's a place you'd to visit at some point? 








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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?

Jamaica- Just really cool place the people were awesome and had some really cool sights to see 


What's a place you'd to visit at some point? 



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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?

Went to San Francisco to visit my father-in-law who was living with the doctor/Stanford professor who invented the pulse oximeter (the device that can actively track your oxygen levels). So it was awesome meeting and staying in the home of someone revolutionary like that. And the city itself was amazing.  If California wasn't so crazy with its price of living and its earthquakes, fires, I'd consider moving to San Fran.  Such a lovely and quirky city!  Route 1 - "Big Sur" was also an amazing scenic drive. 


A close runner-up was a road trip to California when we went to BlizzCon and stopped at the Grand Canyon & Vegas along the way.  Very enjoyable trip.


What's a place you'd to visit at some point?

All over Europe.  Specifically, I really want to see Venice because I'm obsessed with being around water for some reason (I guess it's the Aquarius in me loll) and I'd love to see a city full of canals like that.  Would also like to go somewhere where I can visit old castles - people have recommended Ireland for that, so its one of my destination goals someday as well.



Brian.. or Brianna?! | The artist formerly known as Pequ 
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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?

China - originally from there and going back and seeing it developed so much since when I left in the early 2000s was surprisingly. The people were also a lot nicer than expected.


What's a place you'd to visit at some point?

South korea - Girlfriend from there, I like the culture & food

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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?

France for the Euros in 2016. Was pretty wild. Not really any trouble with the Irish supporters but some of the stuff going on was mad.


What's a place you'd to visit at some point?

Not really anywhere in particular but I guess I'd like to go back to the US one day.



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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?

Going to Montreal was super nice. Was their for a hockey tournament so didn't really do to much, but still a good time.


What's a place you'd to visit at some point?

I would love to go to Spain or Croatia












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21 minutes ago, Brian said:

What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?

France for the Euros in 2016. Was pretty wild. Not really any trouble with the Irish supporters but some of the stuff going on was mad.


What's a place you'd to visit at some point?

Not really anywhere in particular but I guess I'd like to go back to the US one day.


We mightve crossed paths at the euros! I was supposed to go for last (this) year's euros but not sure that's realistic now lol







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2 hours ago, Kuraminha said:

What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?


Northeast and south of Brazil are beyond astounding, hardly can get any better.

When I was a kid me and my family lived in Lisbon, Portugal, for about 2 years. Can't say I remember much but it seemed pretty amazing as well. 


What's a place you'd to visit at some point? 


Maputo, Mozambique — because of its vibrant and welcoming people and its natural beauties (also they speak portuguese which is fantastic)

Benguela and Cabo Verde, Angola — same reasons as above

México — buenísimas personas, la gente es muy guapa, hay el acento español más fácil de comprehender, el más hermoso de oír y tienen una de las más ricas culturas del mundo

Venezuela — I wanna see their struggle, feel their needs, help those warm hearted human beings as much as possible, yo quiero dividir con ellos su sufrimiento cómo los hermanos que somos ❤️ 

Cape Town, South Africa — my father lived there for many years as a refugee from an economic crisis in Portugal when he was young and always said how wonderful the place and its people are


Prolly there's more but it's 7:20 am right now so there's that 


think it really depends where you go in mexico and what type of gente youre looking for, I thought the men had a tendency to be rather short when I was there 😅

the Argentinians I saw in Mexico however....ohhh mama


100% agree about language tho, the spanish in Mexico is great for non-natives

Edited by Daniela
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ROT MotM April 2011

ROT Official 2011-2016

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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?

I don't travel a whole lot. Did the most of it in my past 4 years. Favorite place so far has been San Diego, California.


What's a place you'd to visit at some point?

Any place in northern Scandinavia or Japan








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