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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)
- Puuteri

Preferred Name 
- Puuteri

Current Clan
- None

Previous Clan History
- I actually thought this list would be a lot longer but I've probably forgot a bunch of the ones I've been in, especially some teams since the members were always the same, just different name.





Clan Europe

Euphoria(Not sure if this was the name but the team made from remnants of CE)

Cheer up






Who do you know in Tempest?
- Wee man, Dickus, Icedragon D are the ones that stood out from the memberlist after a quick glance.

A lot of other familiar names also though.

Are you interested in joining?
- Might be

Brief Introduction
- Well, I'm a 27-year-old Finn who's currently working in the IT sector. I've started playing RS in around 2005 or so, started clanning in 2007. I took a break after EOC and returned in the first few years of OSRS, maxed my main and started playing an ironman while clanning. I've always been playing the game because of clans and even when playing an ironman I'd rather play that game mode with friends. Pretty much why I stopped playing pretty soon after Fools closed.

I've had a break of about a year and just recently started logging in a bit again and thought I'd say hello to you guys and stalk how the clan world looks like nowadays. 🙂


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