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Gear progression and addition of items to the game


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It is very obvious we are no longer playing OSRS as it came out with it being a copy of the game from actual 2007, before even GWD was added. There have been years of new updates adding new content and thus, often new items to the game. This effects many areas of the game, probably PvM the most, but I would say PvP is a very close second for many of these items since a vast majority have a use there as well. Additionally, a lot of the new items making certain content easier ingame in combination with the fact that the community is a lot smarter than it once was to figuring out the most efficient ways of doing things, makes a lot of items more heavily farmed and thus those prices go down too. This also makes money far easier to earn, meaning even with some items holding some value or being tied to alch prices, losing them in PvP hurts a lot less and thus people use them more, even in fights in multi, making everyone hit harder or tank harder.


A few good examples of items that are commonly used in PvP that have crashed many of them due to the combination of money being easier to make, the content being easier to farm, and better replacements coming along:

AGS (7m) - better weapons, armadyl heavily farmed, useless outside of pvp

Rigour (13m) - one time use unlockable so once everyone has one yea, cox more accessible + lots of goldfarmers

Augury (400k) - same as rigour + doesn't give damage boost so pretty useless in a lot of scenarios

Dragon crossbow (1.2m) - rune dragon alts/goldfarmers heavily farming rds plus better alternatives and not highly useful outside of pvp unless it's some ironman or something

Kraken tentacle (400k) - though this item is technically a whip sink itself and has done well with keeping whips priced decently, its own price is dirt cheap

Trident (40k uncharged) - most of the cost is in actually charging and using it and obviously there's toxic trident and sang that are all better so this is kind of to be expected i guess

Dbow (400k) - useless outside of pvp and not even really that great in pvp honestly 

Fury (1.3m) - better alternatives and also there is no sink for onyxes while a lot of content pumps millions of ores and runes and shit into game crashing their price and making onyx cheaper

Occult (200k) - comes from something that isn't really hard to kill, that being said the price is still kind of surprising to me since it's a highly desirable/useful item and has a decent slayer req, i guess the amount coming in game from ppl doing smoke devil tasks and killing thermy is just too high

DFS (3m) - pretty much every dragon ingame is farmed to shit for gp, not a ton of scenarios where its preferable to use outside of killing dragons and there's other antifire pots and shields now that make it used in fewer scenarios

Barrows sets (650k torag, 900k verac, ahrims 3.5m, dharok 2.5m, guthan 2m, karil 3.5m) - no item sinks really outside of perhaps loots not getting picked up in fights, barrows heavily farmed and a lot of the items have not as many uses anymore with the addition of better gear/methods

Glory (12k) - to be expected tbh because none of them ever really leave the game except for pvp and dragonstones come from a fair bit of content i guess


There are plenty more examples both for pvp and pvm items and even skilling items but I guess you guys get the idea. Items cheaper, gp more common, content easier to do, very few item sinks and thus many items are far cheaper and used in situations where they wouldn't have been years ago out of fear of losing them. Obviously the death mechanics also play a role in that very rarely are items lost outside of pvp anymore but since gremlins like booting the servers not a ton can be done about that apart from upping costs which isn't even an item sink just a money sink. Additionally there is a considerably higher amount of goldfarmers ingame than there ever was before and they don't really risk anyways, often times if you see them ingame they're in bare minimum gear so if they die they wouldn't really lose shit anyways while still bringing in a significant amount of items to the game.


Obviously there will also be future updates to the game which will add more gear, including potentially replacements for existing best in slot items, and likely gear that will make a lot of other content easier to some degree. Bandos for example has been bis melee for ages, but if something considerably better were added, it could very well crash though probably not as far as some other items, imagine a world where bandos was affordable enough or gp was so easy to obtain (or a combination of both) that you could just bring it to multi fights like it was torag or something.


What items do you feel contributed the most to the value of other similar items crashing?

Blowpipe, tbow to some extent, scythe, trident, rigour, dragon hunter lance (vorkath + rune dragons/etc), blowpipe probably being the worst offender especially being rather cheap, even with a decent cost for use it's really nothing compared to the utility.


What aspect of the game do you think is affected the most?

PvM for sure with P2p pvp being close (in single a lot too), I don't think much has really changed in f2p for either pvm or pvp at least considering additions of items. I think skilling definitely suffers from the price of resources being pretty worthless but that's also a botting issue and the fact that none of the resources are hard to obtain, that being said lots of them present on boss drop tables certainly doesn't help. I don't know that it really affects the actual gameplay of most skilling activities though other than whatever you get from them very often won't sell for much. People being able to make mills an hour in very low priced gear or people running tons of basically afk rune dragon alts making 1m+/hr for almost no effort is kind of insane, and the accessibility of a lot of content due to the cheap price of many items as well. For pvp It's also wild to see people not really caring about losing a +1 in pvp because most of them are next to worthless now, and it seems like losing sets often has very little effect assuming the person actually plays the game/makes money on it. Even those dumb ass rag wars that go on for 40 hours where people return in rags/hides I imagine would have been a lot less of a possibility years ago because that crap still adds up as do the teleports and whatever supplies, etc, and people in those often return in next to nothing or just 1 item. Rigour/augury (especially rigour) being basically dirt cheap making everyone hit harder is pretty significant for both pvp and pvm. Additionally for PvP I think increased dps and everyone hitting harder probably makes fights a lot harder in some ways than they were at least back in the actual 2007, perhaps not pre eoc with summoning and all that. It may also devalue tanking to some degree if you can just get banged out anyways.


What items do you think will crash in the future unless steps are taken to prevent it?

Tob items and nm items are already going down a significant amount. I imagine since bandos/arma have been bis for ages, some replacement to those will likely come into game at some point and they'll go down too, and a lot of the items already mentioned will just keep going down as well. I think cerb crystals, zenytes and a lot of other similar items locked behind slayer bosses or med lvl bosses/content like demonics will probably go down a fair bit in the future. I think whatever cheap pvp gear isn't already tied to alch price will probably be there soon unless it's taken out of the game at a significant rate. Supplies may go down if they add something that brings an insane amount of supplies / materials ingame like to the extent of what pre nerf birdhouses did to brews or something like vorkath droptable on roids, but I think otherwise they'll likely go up especially around big content releases. I think eventually claws will drop a fair amount too even though they're fairly rare from raids but maybe not. 


What do you think could be done to "fix" the prices of some currently low valued items?

Item sinks are pretty important but it's very hard to implement those. Making people just lose random shit via dying / etc won't really work out with the current community and jagex server stability and the nerds who DDoS the servers are also pretty serious concerns there. So the only other real alternative is offering people something in exchange, but then you have to make it worthwhile. It has to be better than what you're giving up, otherwise nobody will really want to bother, so this can indirectly result in powercreep if it's any sort of stat increase, similar to tentacle whip, but with other items it may be a more significant upgrade, or may have to be in order to entice people, especially with the amount of certain items ingame. Making changes to the source of the item if there's an actual flaw in the content would be good too (examples being recent changes to master farmers/pyramid plunder.) Nerfing certain drop tables to have less supplies/raw materials on them hopefully bringing less gp into the game and making them less farmed by goldfarmers would perhaps help with certain items. Stop adding instances for every piece of content that gets mildly crowded. Perhaps play with rates a bit but that could be very controversial so don't think that will happen, or if it'd even be a good idea for most items. Investing a bit more in the folk who ban bots and goldfarmers as well would be pretty major because their technology is not good or at least wasn't as of late 2020, if they could be banned far more efficiently then a lot of content wouldn't be as farmed by them and wouldn't suffer as much. 


Do you see the meta changing even further in the near future for certain content as a result of item crashes?

Meta for pvm is pretty much just the bis everything so not really unless new items are added or a boss comes out that has some sort of niche mechanics making less valuable items more useful there. For PvP I think if items continue to go down we will see more of a lot of items being risked in PvP similar to how losing something like an ags now is far less significant than it was a few years ago when it was 40m or w/e and 40m was actually a good amount of money. It wouldn't surprise me with occults being 200k already if people were to start returning in those (unless they do already?), it already seems like returning in torags etc in anything that isn't some dumb ass rag war is pretty common for clans that use actual gear. I know before nightmare came out with harmonised staff it seemed like people were using tome of fire a lot more and not really caring about losing it, but it went up a decent bit although it's still not really too expensive and I haven't seen it as much as I used to. Warrior ring/granite ring/seers ring are all pretty dirt cheap so if people don't currently return in those, it wouldn't surprise me if that started happening either. Obviously take this with a grain of salt since I don't pvp or clan anymore though and don't really know what would be preferable to return in, just going off the fact that it seems like nobody really cares about losing torag/crystal shield/mystic/etc anymore. 


For easy copy/paste:

What items do you feel contributed the most to the value of other similar items crashing?

What aspect of the game do you think is affected the most?

What items do you think will crash in the future unless steps are taken to prevent it?

What do you think could be done to "fix" the prices of some currently low valued items?

Do you see the meta changing even further in the near future for certain content as a result of item crashes?

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3 minutes ago, danex said:

where does vr fit in all this? 


Just now, sheli~ said:

bro underscore u needa get a job or something 

actually in the process of transitioning, new one starts 26th 








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Just now, stone said:


gear is always being added, money and items come into the game fast, things are cheap and will probably get cheaper unless its dealt with








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2 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

gear is always being added, money and items come into the game fast, things are cheap and will probably get cheaper unless its dealt with

ok ok no problem

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Oh no an MMO adding new items in an ever evolving and expanding world... The horror...

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PDlMitch ~ Ex: Knights of Order ~ Collision ~ Syndicate ~ Exodus ~ Crimson Raiders ~ Downfall ~ Divine Forces








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7 minutes ago, Mitch said:

Oh no an MMO adding new items in an ever evolving and expanding world... The horror...

i don't think it's a bad thing overall but we need content that actually warrants the need to use such items otherwise its just people nuking stuff that's already ingame/rather easy and driving prices into the ground even further, which can have negative effects elsewhere in the game including how easy it may be for new players to make money if all the content they can do has worthless rewards. 


i'm very much in favor of new content and items as long as they're done properly and i don't think the game will have a future without the addition of new items, at least not a very bright one. 


i'd also hope they'd learned from some mistakes of previous additions to the game, it does seem they try to avoid certain things after seeing what the effect on the game was in the past so i think that's good.


as mentioned in my main post i think item sinks are very important it's just finding the way to implement them properly

Edited by Adam_








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What items do you feel contributed the most to the value of other similar items crashing?


I think it all started with the collapse in the bond market. 


What aspect of the game do you think is affected the most?




What items do you think will crash in the future unless steps are taken to prevent it?


The Twisted Bow is next.


What do you think could be done to "fix" the prices of some currently low valued items?


Increase their high alchemy value.


Do you see the meta changing even further in the near future for certain content as a result of item crashes?



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