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7 hours ago, Joe said:

Can you please explain to the idiots in my clan why bootcuts are in fact the best type of jeans?


Favourite pair of boots that you own?


Is there any local law/policy that you have helped changed that you are most proud of? 


Would you ever run for a position in Local Government?


Thoughts on Info Wars?


Thoughts on Iowa? 

Tapered jeans are for beta males. They look funny.


My ostrich boots. 🙂


I keep putting pressure on the Lieutenant Governor to not allow these marijuana legalization bills through.


If Precinct Chair or Committeeman counts, then I've already done that. I've also been an elected delegate and have been appointed to the SD/County Resolutions Mommittee. That said, these are all local party roles. As for actual government itself, some friends of mine have discussed having me appointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission. I am waiting until I can buy a house in town first. I am a big opponent of high density housing, so it'd be the perfect role for me to contribute.


I'm not much of a fan of Info Wars. Alex Jones showed up to our Open Texas rally outside the Governor's Mansion in Austin and tried to hijack our event. He ended up starting a chant of "Arrest Bill Gates! Arrest Bill Gates!" I don't like Bill Gates more than anyone else, but that was completely random and had nothing to do with why we were there.


Iowa gave Ted Cruz his first win. 🙂

I oppose the Renewable Fuel Standards and Farm Bill. Ethanol sucks. GMOs are good though.

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8 hours ago, Killaz said:

Do you think baptism should have a place in governance of the US? What about the world? Do you believe in freedom of religion? 



Thoughts on immigration? Too much? To little? 


Thoughts on westboro Baptist Church? Do you agree with their messages? Disagree?


Given you work in the defence industry, what are your thoughts on the US support for isreal?


What did you think about when Ted Cruz hopped on a plane to wherever when Texas went under a deep freeze? 


Thoughts on NY state gov cuomou? 

All laws are based on the morality of those that pass the legislation. For Christians, we get our morality from God. To claim that religion should not influence public policy is an absurdity that leaves government entirely in the hands of atheists. Freedom of religion is about getting government out of religion, not getting religion out of government. It's simply about not having a single specific church as the official government church like they have with the Anglican Church in England.


All of this said, governing social issues is mainly the role of the state governments. The federal government has no real jurisdiction on such things.


There is too much immigration. We need to have assimilation. If people are refusing to assimilate, they should not be allowed to come in.


The Westboro Baptist Church is a small family church of about 40 or fewer members. They're pretty much dead as an organization. They don't reflect a wider movement. They are welcome to hold whatever views they wish without interference. I don't hate them.


I very strongly support Israel. This isn't even related to my work in defense. I am actually partially of Palestinian descent. My last name, Ead, was originally Eid for my ancestors. My great grandfather came from the West Bank. We happened to eliminate Islam from our branch of the family, of which I'm glad. Even with this ancestry, I stand strongly behind Israel. I do not let luck of birth determine my values and beliefs or who I will support.


I don't really care. Ted Cruz has no involvement whatsoever in such things. He is in the federal government, not the state government, and this was a state government issue. I would've been far more concerned had the Governor left the state during the disaster. In fact, many of us were already outraged that many of the government regulators responsible for the electric grid in Texas were people that lived out of state and pushed green nonsense. They had no attachments of their own to Texas or our values. They ended up resigning and fleeing from accepting any responsibility on the matter. They did not even show up to testify in the Texas Legislature's committee hearings. They caused the problem with their bad decisions and left us to pick up the pieces.


I obviously don't like that Yankee Cuomo. I think the obsession with sticking everyone on a ventilator is what contributed to the New York City area becoming the #1 hotspot for COVID-19 deaths in America. Ventilators killed more people than the virus itself and it took doctors some time to realize that they themselves were the problem and to stop that policy. Our public policy makers need to stop blindly trusting so-called "experts." Even experts mess up.

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7 hours ago, Wee Man said:

I heard you have some strong opinions about bootcut jeans, is this true? what are they?

Women look great in flares. 🤠

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7 hours ago, Josh said:

how can we restore peace in the middle east

By stop tying our hands behind our backs and just eliminating the enemy entirely. Acknowledge that Islam itself is the problem.

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7 hours ago, alice said:

If you could meet one person alive or dead who would it be and why?

My mother. She passed away a few years ago.

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7 hours ago, Josh said:

What are your thoughts on the European Super League and are the fans right to be pissed off at the concept?

I haven't heard of it. I don't pay attention to soccer at all, or even European matters. I don't like Europe.

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If for some reason your life depended on picking between either sex with another man or smoking marijuana and it was guaranteed you would be forgiven by God and the church, which one would you pick? 








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7 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What people in the osrs community would you regard as friends ?


Most toxic response / behavior you've received from the community ?


Do you actually search your name on twitter to see where you're mentioned ?


Would you consider signing something for @IMK ? He is a huge fan.


Any stories about people trying to take things out of game with you from rs or any hacking attempts etc? Your name etc seems pretty public for someone often getting a lot of hate. I also think I remember something about your ironman getting hacked ?


What do you think of jagex potentially adding an option for non binary individuals ? I believe it was discussed and Ash was heavily in favor of doing so if possible and it was mostly just replacing pronouns in dialogue.

All the ones on my friends list. 🙂 


Someone contacted my employer a few years ago and tried to get me fired. I actually ended up having a couple meetings with HR and the owner about it as they initially took the accusations seriously. As a result, I no longer reveal where I work. I have since seen others attempt to do the same thing, but my secrecy on the matter has helped foil those plans.


I like to read what people are saying about me.


Do you mean sign something irl? I'm not going to be giving away my address, so unless they're meeting me in person, I don't really see how I can sign anything for him.


I have been hacked a few times. This includes my social media, such as my YouTube account. It has been a few years though since the last incident. I think I've secured everything quite well now. People used to get in via very old NetZero emails I had, which had security issues that could not be fixed. I ended up just permanently closing and deleting those email accounts from their systems to resolve the problem. Now nobody, not even myself, can ever use them again.


I obviously oppose any decisions that would expand this LGBT woke nonsense in the game.

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7 hours ago, Scleritis said:

if u had the chance to experience 1 runescape agility course in real life which one would u pick

The Burthorpe Agility Course if I wanted something easy or the Bandos Throne Room if I was a bit more daring.

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7 hours ago, Pietru said:

What motivates you to do such a boring skill which is hated by most of the RS community?

Precisely that. It wouldn't be a very impressive achievement if it were an easy skill to do.

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7 hours ago, Tika191 said:

can u train my agility (lvl 60 rn) 


i would like to try sara

No. If I can do 1b Agility Xp, you can do lvl 60 to 70.


I suggest you try training at the Werewolf Agility Course. 🙂 

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6 hours ago, Clark Kent said:

Would you do your 1b agility xp again?

Once was enough. I have no desire to do 2b.


If you're asking if I regret having done it, the answer is no.

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5 hours ago, true said:

If I hypothetically knew a woman that was interested in meeting you that I felt like was a good match (politically etc.), would you be down to introduce yourself? Have you ever been to Austria? 

I need someone that loves Texas. I have no interest in going to Austria. If she came here, I'd be happy to meet her. That said, I am a bit skeptical. Isn't Austria a Catholic country? I couldn't marry a Catholic. She'd have to convert and genuinely so, not just doing it for a guy.

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5 hours ago, Howl said:

This is blatantly wrong. Please do your research before you spew shit like this.

I have. Religion plays a strong role in influencing one's behaviors, values, and even how they vote.




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5 hours ago, Josh said:

What’s the biggest animal you’ve killed hunting 

I haven't actually been hunting, but I'm certainly interested in doing it sometime.


The largest animal I've "hunted" and killed is a fish I suppose. I did at least cut off its head, skin it, and cook it over a fire.

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