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5 hours ago, Brazz said:

What makes you so certain that your god is the actual god and not the plethora of other ones that are worshipped? Do you believe those people who chose wrong and atheists/agnostics are going to hell?


Thoughts on Pastafarianism?

Nothing in this world is certain. That said, I do believe Jesus died and actually rose from the dead. The Resurrection was an actual historical event. These supernatural events were then written down soon afterwards, not centuries later. Other faiths don't have anything like this.


Thoughts on Agilitism?

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5 hours ago, Josh said:

Per capita southern baptists have a higher conviction rate for pedophilia than the Catholic Church. Why is this and how should all churches repair their names?

This suggests otherwise: https://buffalonews.com/news/local/does-catholic-church-have-bigger-sex-abuse-problem-than-other-religions/article_e3fe40a8-7af7-59cd-b060-3ea8b95210da.html

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5 hours ago, Brazz said:

What's your opinion on people who promote this flag today?



I promote this flag today. 🤠


The American Revolution, Texas Revolution, and Civil War all had the same theme: A central government tried to exceed its constitutional limitations and impose its desired set of policies on a people against their will. The secessionists fighting for independence were all federalists that fought for the right to self-government. The beauty of America is that every state can govern itself however it wants. The Radical Republicans tried to toss those principles of self-government and rule of law aside in their quest to impose their preferred set of policies on Southern states. They didn't care that what they were doing was unconstitutional.

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5 hours ago, Brazz said:

Have you ever travelled outside the US and if so, what was your favourite destination?

I don't really travel internationally, although I have been to Canada and the Bahamas briefly. I already am in the best place on Earth, so travelling anywhere else would just mean that I'm going to someplace worse.


If I were to travel, I'd probably just want to visit places that were most similar to Texas so that I could compare them to here. Places that come to mind include Alberta, Queensland, and Northern Ireland. That said, I am aware that none of these quite match what we have here.


I am mostly of Italian ancestry and my brother is currently stationed in Sicily, so I may some day go and visit him and Italy. I don't really like the high density housing situation in Italy though.

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5 hours ago, Joe said:


Can you expand on this? I feel like I've heard similar things before but never got a full explanation. 


What is the importing that is happening and what are the third worlders?


I also thought that conservatives were already outvoted? 

Most of the world embraces socialist ideas, therefore most immigrants coming to America tend to also embrace socialist ideas. The few exceptions are those coming from countries fleeing rampant socialism, such as Cuba or Venezuela.


Conservative still outvote liberals inside our red states. State governance is much more important than federal governance.

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5 hours ago, Howl said:

Do you have any factual basis for opposing marijuana?

People's political positions are viewpoints that are influenced by their value systems. I has nothing to do with "facts." I oppose marijuana because I do not want to breathe it in and do not want my children growing up around it. People should not be using substances to get high. You may be perfectly okay with that, but I am not. I want to make sure I have tools to prevent my neighbors from doing it if it becomes a nuisance to me.

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What things do you think Jagex should make bannable or punishable to some degree which aren't already? I assume based off previous answers that alt usage may be part of your answer, though i'm unsure how viable you think that is.


Do you feel there's any rules in the game which shouldn't be in place anymore or which they should seek to punish people for less than they do now?


Feelings about whether or not he should've been banned aside, thoughts on Oslo and not just him shitting his pants for a rank 2 smithing day record?


What do you think of OnlyFans as a website/entity?


Would you be/are you in favor of Texas seceding from the United States of America?


Were you supportive of or against what took place in the capital on January 6th? What are your thoughts on what went down that day?


What skills other than Agility do you enjoy, if any?


What content other than skilling do you enjoy, if any?


What do you think of ironman mode and other non-official limited accounts, like pures and various snowflake accounts?


You seem quite against consumption of narcotics, understandably so in some cases since some can be quite dangerous. What are your thoughts on drinking / alcohol consumption?


Do you think it's weird that people can legally join the military, get shipped off and potentially die for their country at 18, but can't legally buy a beer or in many cases rent a car in the US until they're 21? 










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5 hours ago, Josh said:

If one of your friends came out as homosexual what would you do next? 

I have several friends that are homosexuals. I am always encouraging them to find Jesus and turn from their sinful ways.

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4 hours ago, true said:

Thoughts on the civil war?

Lincoln was a tyrant. The only reason he's portrayed positively in mainstream society is because the winners always write the history books.

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5 hours ago, Frankventura said:

One of my idols, just because i love agility. Put I wouldnt put all that effort into it like you did/do ahah


Idk if this as been asked already, but whats your opinion on Sepulchre?

I like it. Sadly I haven't had as much experience with it as I would've liked. I only got to play with it for a couple days before I ended up finishing 1b Agility.

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5 hours ago, Alex said:

What are your thoughts on religions with different views than your own?


Thoughts on Women's rights/reproductive rights?


Have you ever personally spoken to god/has he spoken to you?


Why do you not believe in science?


Why are you waiting until marriage to be sexually active? Was that always your view or did you hit a certain age and decide that was an easier explanation?

They're wrong.


People do not have the right to murder their offspring. They should rot in prison for it.




I do believe in science. Science is a technique on how we study our world. Sadly too many things are wrongly labeled as science and that too much certainty is attributed to scientific theory. Furthermore, too many people blindly follow what scientists say as indisputable fact. Nothing could be further from the truth. Any awareness of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science would make one very much aware of the limitations of science, especially when rigorous methods are not applied. Some subjects are just not suitable to scientific study, such as climate and human behavior, due to the inability to isolate and control all the variables involved.


It's better than "accidentally" knocking someone up and then trying to murder my own kid to avoid the consequences of my actions.

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