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13 hours ago, Vanzant said:

Even though I was in EoS with you I always think of you as trwf lol, welcome!

Haha yeah just how it is, always consider you as BK!

13 hours ago, Icedragon D said:



13 hours ago, B4uz said:

Hey! Welcome and hope you app soon! 

Hey, maybe one day!

13 hours ago, RagingPanda said:

What's up Fundaine! Haven't seen you in a long time. Hopefully everything is going great! 


Always enjoyed hanging out with you, Cravez, Joeri, Andy and d0nts in TS.

Fundaine hahaha haven't heard that in a long time! yeah doing well, yourself? I see a few of them in discord together, may join one day

13 hours ago, Noble Inc said:

I think I have you added on PlayStation, sup dude lol

Probably! No idea what we would have played though, CoD perhaps?

13 hours ago, Da Bazz said:

Welcome mate


13 hours ago, Venenatis said:



12 hours ago, Daniela said:

mah nibba

Donuu dunno

12 hours ago, Bastiannn said:

hey welcome


11 hours ago, Brian said:

Familiar name. Welcome to the community.

Great to see you here, never had the opportunity to ever speak to you but I have a lot of respect for what you did for DI and the clan world.

11 hours ago, Pur3 Str0ng2 said:

Welcome to the board 🙂


11 hours ago, Majin said:

Hey Scott,

Used to play some kiekko with you/sam(shearer)/andyjamo back in 2009. Always thought you were a good guy.

Glad to see you are doing well.

Ahh man I miss hockey tk, if memory serves well you were a fucking demon at it too lol

11 hours ago, Pietru said:

Nice intro, I briefly remember fighting TRWF a couple times with GS welcome 🙂

Aye, hope Aegina & Ixy are doing well

11 hours ago, Juri said:

Welcome to forums! 


10 hours ago, BleakTerror said:




10 hours ago, SnaptiK said:

Welcome to the forums mate!

Thanks lad

9 hours ago, Woot said:



9 hours ago, dnd5 said:

Remember seeing your name around. Welcome!

Remember yours too, thanks

9 hours ago, VirgoVaca said:

haven’t seen that name in a while...


welcome to the boards!


9 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

Welcome to our forums!


9 hours ago, Harmr said:

Welcome Scott! Had fun with you while we were in Trwf together.

Hey man, yeah they were good times. Hope you're doing well

8 hours ago, Stewie said:

Hello Scott! Remember you from TRWF, welcome

Remember you also, good to see you here

8 hours ago, Nick said:

Welcome to the forums!


8 hours ago, Gamerdad said:

Hey Dundaine, welcome!


8 hours ago, Scumpr said:

Hello, and welcome. Name is very familiar


8 hours ago, alice said:

welcome 🙂 


8 hours ago, Blogs said:

Remember the name, welcome.

Recall yours too, a name I always remember when thinking back about DI

8 hours ago, Ashley said:

Hey Scott, welcome to the community!

Thank you!

8 hours ago, The End said:

Hey, nice intro. Welcome to the community.


8 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Welcome to the forums!


8 hours ago, Victor said:

Hello! I remember your nick


8 hours ago, John said:

long time no see, you wouldnt remember me most likely but i grew to know your name fairly well when you had your stint in TT. 



What was your RSN at the time?

7 hours ago, Brazz said:

Welcome to the community man


7 hours ago, Krystal said:

I remember you! Hello and welcome! 😃


7 hours ago, Howl said:

hey, welcome


nice intro


7 hours ago, Carolina said:

Hi welcome to the forums!! 🙂 


7 hours ago, Feeenix said:

hey ! nice intro . welcome

Thank you

7 hours ago, Tika191 said:

Welcome! familiar RSN from fighting TRWF TT and EOS

Remember yours also 👍

6 hours ago, Robin said:



6 hours ago, Dickus said:

Haha hey..

Hey man, good to see you. Just so you know btw, Buzzb and I never edated and we never left for Eos together 😋 not sure where that came about!

6 hours ago, danex said:

welcome buddy

Cheers pal

6 hours ago, Null said:

Welcome mate, recognise the name from over the years 👍

Hey man, I think we had Liam as a friend in common? Sprogie?

6 hours ago, D2master12 said:

welcome to the club. good to see you're still around! 

TRWF ama next? xD

Hey man, I'll see what I can do!

5 hours ago, Jules said:

Hey Scott 🙂


You should join the NA TBC boys!!

Hey Jules, how you doing? I'm playing EU 😛

5 hours ago, Mitch said:

Name is definitely familiar. Welcome to the forums


4 hours ago, EoMeri said:

what up

Sup big man

3 hours ago, Kevin said:



2 hours ago, Ssj said:

Welcome around!


1 hour ago, Vanuckle said:




Remember many of this crew, particularly 2ling, Green Viking (of course), but also Wolmar and Chimera as great dudes. Any of them still around? Have contact with them?

I have Wolmar, Seb, Ara and Bumer on FB - Wolmar got married recently, Chim was Ara's brother but haven't spoke in a long time. 2ling and I are actually in the same RS3 community together ran by an ex-TRWF (Nanashi is there also) and he's playing P2P which must be a massive change for him. Green, absolutely nothing 😟

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2 minutes ago, Dundaine said:

I have Wolmar, Seb, Ara and Bumer on FB - Wolmar got married recently, Chim was Ara's brother but haven't spoke in a long time. 2ling and I are actually in the same RS3 community together ran by an ex-TRWF (Nanashi is there also) and he's playing P2P which must be a massive change for him. Green, absolutely nothing 😟

If you can, send 2ling a message and tell him Slaughter17 says hey. Idk if he'll remember me, but would love to get him in EH's discord one day.














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5 minutes ago, Dundaine said:

Hey man, I think we had Liam as a friend in common? Sprogie?

Yeah absolutely mate, was just speaking to him the other day too 👍

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Welcome traveller 🙂





Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.

Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honour.


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4 hours ago, Dundaine said:


Totally photoshopped.  I said nothing of the sort. 😉


Lol jk. ❤️ I vaguely remember that.  I remember low key wanting to join TRWF at one point since yall seemed like you had several great guys in leadership roles.



Brian.. or Brianna?! | The artist formerly known as Pequ 
The Gladiatorz [2004-06] | Eternal Honour [2006-08]RSC CD Mod [2006-08]

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