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19 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Excluding people who held the leader rank who do you think 5 people are who had the biggest effect on DF over the years?


Assuming the game is around some years from now and Tempest with it, who do you think would be on a similar list of individuals for Tempest?



To keep it during my era: Rene, @IMK, Murray, Omniusha, Jelle


@The End @Brian @Vanuckle @Venenatis @david @Gochance1

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20 hours ago, Rclav said:

What is your deepest fear? 



19 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What non pker bunny do you love the most and why is it me?

It's you because for a guy who has never clanned, you're super invested and interested 


18 hours ago, Icedragon D said:

What was your favorite question on your first AMA?

What's your favorite question on this AMA?

Anything not super trolly 


Ones that required me to tell a story

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14 hours ago, Vannaka said:

a whats your caffeine preferences
b whats your alcohol prefs
c whats your exercise/health oriented prefs
d whats your mental health prefs
d.b whats your political prefs?
e whats apps do you use on your phone aside from the basic ones
f whats your music preferences, genres, or fav artists/songs of all time
g what do you think of these clans back in our day - Golden Sun, RDK, RDC, NG, NBK, RE, Shadow Elves, Silent Ember,

Dr Pepper/Sugar-free Red Bull

I haven't had a drink since the night before I let DF

I mostly just try to not eat like complete shit atm, order less food etc

Having balance

I'm not really political at all, I tend to stay away from that kind of thing

Snkrs App 😉 

I don't listen to music (srsly)

GS - Cool clan led by Ixy, I really love this guy and thought GS were solid.
RDK - Never dealt with them

RDC - One of the best country clans of all-time. I remember when they beat COR in the CWA era outnumbered and I thought they were fucking great.

NG - Gave us a lot of clean fights over the years

NBK - Never really were good when I was around

RE - Gave CR good fights, didn't think much of them outside of their leader Jules

SE - Best man-for-man clan ever

Silent Ember - Why ru asking about a CWA team after all of these clans




14 hours ago, Vannaka said:

h did you know or speak much to these people & your thots: H A Richards, Dimitrix, Melsiwe333, Bigroror, Nykimu, Southampton9, Jc 067/Jack, Zhandaly, Denat/Sarrakas, Wouter, Bubter, Icedrop, Samp5 or Myronator, Enzock, Jaacco, W13, Sutty, and if u knew from TT, Sagameister, Jatsenko, xIcee, Cuon/Jayzy, Az437

Yeah of course


HAR - Way too mature for RS, but a great, great guy.

Bigroror - Generic European guy but he seemed pretty chill

Southampton9 - Nice guy, needs ass kicked 

JcJack - Got really cringe at some point and I never understood why he wanted to have such an inflated ego. Were OK now, but it was tough not to roll my eyes every time he'd speak.

Zhandaly - Probably showed he was annoyed at the funny last name thing too much and made it worse. Nice guy though.

Denat/Sarrakas - Rarely dealt with, but were OK

Wouter - Never had a negative dealing with him

Icedrop- Always one of the more mature guys,  definitely appreciated our convos here and there over the years

Samp5 - Insane, I want to talk to him again

Myronator - Let CL die awkwardly 

Enzock - More disliked by old school CoR than I am old school DF somehow

Jaacco - Nothing bad to say about this guy, always been super mature/cool

W13 - Didn't deal with him much, but was cool during our interactions

Sutty - One of DF's most dedicated members for a long time. The kind of dedication you want any member to have.

Jayzy - Was nice when we talked recently

Cuon - I almost feel bad linking this @AZF1  lmao. 


Rest I never spoke to/only knew outside of their name/have no idea who they are


14 hours ago, Vannaka said:

i which one of your Tempest-ians you think told me to post a million Q's here?
j who/when did you pop the original idea into your head, to open a clan again back in july 2020, the very first thought?
k what countries would you like to travel to
l android or apple? will you stick by this 4 life?
m do you miss mIRC yo? I still use it near daily for 10 clanners on custom build its dope n not like discord is all that either >.>
n favorite nintendo games?
o say can u see by the dawns early light...
p if you did move on from the game say,...in a couple days, who would take your spot really? and who do you think would climb their way up the ladder in Tempest for its future here? 1 yr from now etc.
qq favorite youtubers?
R what films/tv do you re-watch the most?
S what are your good habits, and bad/worst ones    
T for Titans what was your outside opinion of them back then 08-2012? what'd you think since you never thought about joining, what do you think it would have been like if you did?
U in stock market at all?

@The End

@Venenatis's idea in late July 2020 after I posted an intro to Revenant

I want to travel all over Europe and have a candle-lit dinner with @Ells to talk about CWA fights

Apple and yeah probably


Super Mario 64, Winback, Megaman 64


@The End or @Brian


The Dark Knight trilogy, Arrow, Smallville, That 70s Show, Seinfeld

Good habit - When I'm driven, I often obsessively work towards a goal

Bad Habit - Take on too many things to do at times and sometimes I feel too obligated to talk to more people that I should

I thought TT were a great clan, but didn't fight enough. They obviously let themselves sink into an oblivion and didn't make changes/reset their culture quickly enough

Yeah I've been invested since I was like 10 (via inheritance) 

  • Haha 1


14 hours ago, Vannaka said:

for the record your point about if you stayed in CR, I do agree that you are the one and only person who could accomplish that if you wanted too, despite the RS & Clan world factors going to shit then also. So commendation to u.
sorry for ruining your first pkri 1 year ago yo, just to say it again. 
may you never change romeo yo, nice work here man. yo yo milad
bl4z1ng was on Discord, ill try find him again 😆



And lol


And yeah find that guy, he's a king. 


14 hours ago, Vannaka said:

Who is your hero?

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

What is your biggest fear?

What is your favorite family vacation?

What would you change about yourself if you could?

What really makes you angry?

What motivates you to work hard?

What is your favorite thing about your career?

What is your biggest complaint about your job?

What is your proudest accomplishment?

What is your favorite book to read?

What makes you laugh the most?

What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?

What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?

Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?

What would you sing at Karaoke night?

What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?

Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?

If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Who is your favorite author?

 Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?

A hero can be anyone, even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat on a young boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended

Las Vegas


Staying at the Don Cesar hotel in Florida

I would stay motivated more frequently when it comes to work shit


Money / feeling successful 

I love the community, the people I get to work with


I've read LeBron, Inc.: The Making of a Billion-Dollar Athlete twice. It's quite motivational to me personally.

Gaming with the boys

The last Terminator. Fun moments, weird plot.

Something to do with shopping in a place I've never been


Drive a car


I don't

Mow the lawn


Salmon and mashed potatoes


"Bunky" -- Don't ask


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