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I am Ghjjf - Ask me anything

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16 hours ago, Lavigne said:

Do you actually eat irish stew and drink guiness?

Only had proper irish stew like once or twice. Not really a fan of it.


Not a big fan of stout because it's like a meal, but I do drink guinness on occasion



13 hours ago, Joko189 said:

Has leading a clan taught you anything about yourself?

When you promoted me to council did you know I was like 16?

Why am I not one of your favorite callers? 

Do you think mrk00lguy actually hates muslims?


Thanks for closing Di. Hope you're well.

Not a lot cause like I said I keep RS/RL separate as much as possible. I don't really consider myself a "leader" type person or that I have strong leadership characteristics


No I didn't know you were that young. I'd assumed you were older since you had been DS etc which was a long time before. I think you're older than that lol


When you started calling you were pretty rough around the edges, but you worked really hard at it and got a lot better. I admire that. Who knows how good you could have become.


The guy is a master troll. If I had to say, I think it's an act.


The time was right for us all the move on, even though it took others a bit longer to see that.



12 hours ago, Lavigne said:

What would you say DI's greatest CWA OSRS achievement was, or rather your favourite (Surely had to be beating Fools in the 30v30 right after we ended our working relationship with them because they were starting to take the piss)?


Why has your forum name generally almost always been Brian and not Ghjjf?

The greatest/favourite was that 2016 Jcup 30vs30 run. No one gave us a chance vs Fools and we smoked them 2-0 in BO3. The second round was even better than the first. That set the course for a chain of events that would lead to Eomeri making people leave international clans though. We really were as good as anyone else in category at the time and that was the result of all the serious work we put into it.


People know me equally as well by both names. I always find it strange calling someone by their RSN if their RL name is well known.



4 hours ago, TooWhite4You said:

My question is...


You were always the behind the scenes guy, and you controlled everything single handedly until you gave the order then someone executed.  How difficult was it to actually keep track of everything during a fight?  You had to manage mass pokes, constantly dying, manage fight locations, people leaving early/looting,  crashers, and ultimately communicating with callers/allies through several platforms.  How often did things get mixed up where something different occurred than planned?  Was there any best/worst case where someone missed a cue or took it in their own hands and something unexpected happened. 


If possible do both iterations of di i guess many of these problems wouldve been more of an issue in the mid rs2 di era considering numbers and the style of fights.



It could be pretty stressful at times managing everything but in general people always paid attention to communications in warroom so we were all on the same page. I think there was one incident where Alex accidentally told everyone to log out thinking we were done but that wasn't the case at all. Think we just logged back in and it was fine though lol



2 hours ago, Wee Man said:

Where do you draw the line between having fun and "winning"? Would you prefer to outlast like everyone else to claim some sort of public victory or are you happy shitting on clans and leaving when you've had your fill?


Follow up to Q1: Has your opinion changed over time? Do you think a lack of a public neutral space like Zybez influenced that opinion?


Do you get frustrated when people are performing badly at fights to the point where you want to go off on them or are you happy to let things slide a little more these days?


What are your thoughts on F2P vs P2P, warring and pking specifically, in regards to introducing new players to PvP?


Are there any grudges you hold against previous members of your clans or has enough time passed to where you don't really care anymore?


Do you think the non stop banter within Discord and Teamspeak puts people off getting involved with the community more?

I'm happy with shitting on clans and ending on our own terms nowadays. Though once in a while I do think outlasting is necessary, I'm not sure I'd actually be up for it knowing how long it could potentially go now.


Back in the day I was all for "outlasting" but I wouldn't attempt to make us outlast if it was obvious we were getting shit on too. DI never really did what some other clans did, like laps, regroups etc. Just not something our member base was ever really up for. If it was obvious we were going to win then we'd stay as long as needs be. I'd say my opinion has changed over time because I know of the lengths that clans will go to now. I didn't really consider Zybez neutral at times, especially the 3pp era.


As long as people are wanting to improve then I don't mind. When people are obviously not trying to improve then its annoying but I'm too laid back to go off on people now.


Much prefer F2P these days. All the shit in P2P is way too over complicated. I'm not much of a gamer so I like things to be simple. I think if P2P was simpler then the scene would be a lot more active, but there's nothing they can do to reserve that now. Players skill level is too high.


I really don't care anymore. No one ever really fucked me over personally to the point I'd still be mad. A few years out of the game helped with that.


Perhaps in a way, its possible people feel intimidated by it, or that they wouldn't fit in. I see people say they have trouble keeping up with Discord sometimes and I can understand that cause it's going about 100mph a lot of the time.



If I came to your neck of the woods would you meet me for a pint?

Why do you want to join Reign of Terror? Because I have learned to see through the haze of propaganda that chokes the RuneScape clan world and see things for as they truly are; RoT is the only clan that I can see that has adhered to its standards and been consistent throughout the entirety of Rs2007. You offer something more than just a clan to fight alongside, and that thing is a 'challenge' I am sick of easy touches and I relish the chance to prove myself amongst other people and not just be seen as a number on a memberlist. Your community offers the combination of strictness and leniency that I believe is perfect. I also wish to play my part in keeping you at the top of the ladder and become a presence in a community that I have heard so many things about, and more importantly build some bridges with people I haven't spoken to before, and of course, make some new mates.

~ Titan_666

You think True will ever lead a clan to a J Cup victory? 


Edit : Would you take the over or under on True leading a clan to a J Cup victory after a 30 year rs career?

Edited by Homedawg
  • ned 1

DF October 23 2005


Do you smoke?

What is your opinion on cancel culture?

Edited by Lavigne








RSN: Minne5ota

Formerly known as: Born2kill 92 / 0utlaw 0f Pk / Owned Thijs / Pixie187401

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Top 10 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO) / Rank 3 for 3-player

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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