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Hey guys wassup, just wondering do you  guys have all the eggs on the same basket?  


Do you have 1 job only or have an extra side hustle? extra income? or you just have ur job and u are ok with it? would u like to do something else?


If you where gonna do a side hustle what would u like to do or what interests you? 




if i had some extra cream i would love to invest in maybe tecnology maybe an app or something.


atm im hustling to mount a side business with some ppl i met, its about real estate, still not solid on this  its a process but we almost getting there looks positive.


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got my job, getting some money for writing the phd thesis and get paid occassionally for speaking about middle east stuff relating to my travels and research. 

i also sell shoes and other stuff, its a great business if ure a woman


dont rly invest money in anything, regular expenses with the animals especially with 1 needing lots of surgeries and specific care take up most of the normal income. rest of the money usually goes towards traveling. never know when life is gonna be over and im not dying with money in a bank account

Edited by Daniela
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ROT MotM April 2011

ROT Official 2011-2016

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I'm happy with my job, don't need a side hustle atm but I might consider doing art commissions eventually.



Brian.. or Brianna?! | The artist formerly known as Pequ 
The Gladiatorz [2004-06] | Eternal Honour [2006-08]RSC CD Mod [2006-08]

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One "job" - used to do some consulting work, might do it when stuff slows down here.  In terms of investments, mostly just ETF's, never really got into crypto or other nontraditional stuff... looking to get into real estate probably in the next few years though.




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