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Tempest vs. Wild Might PvM Comp Results

The End

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great job guys as we displayed our raw porking potential over a true enemy such as wild might ever since the years of 2008 or shoudl i say 2000 and late because 😛 well done lads we kept up the pressure and we showed them how much jagex loves us and it was all a great effort some would say the best effort but i am modest so i will say great effort even though we all know it was the best effort as we displayed tremendous effort into becoming the new world order of a higher menality no one can stop the ascension of us into the light of swords of revealing light and we become the next generation of tempest pride because there is not only one generation but many generations that expand years of generations and generations on top of that we cannot be tamed even thoiugh their name is wild might we are also our own wild might and because of that we will have our own megazords just like power rangers wild adventure which is an underated show even though it got some good reviews from me when i was 4 because its so cool and just like the wild might in that show we have our own wild might to become the next best trainer in the world with the new pokemon coming out so dont let this wild might be the end of this for we are only getting started until we dont start



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money clan , looks like you guys had a nice feast!








Always underrated , never dominated




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