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90+ Range
90+ Defence
90+ Magic
74+ (preferably 85+) Prayer with Rigour unlocked
Dragon Crossbow or better with Dragon Bolts (Ruby enchanted and Diamond enchanted)
Full Elite Void or Armardyl or Crystal Armour (Crystal Armour is a bit weird, not sure about it yet)
Elysian Spirit shield or Spectral Spirit shield or Twisted Buckler
"The Frozen Door" Miniquest Completed
Ecumenical Keys 

I will be listing resources for the 5th General about to be released into the GWD. It comes out on the 5th of January. All of the information I am posting here assumes the following:
1: They kept the four phase mechanic intact.
2: They made no changes to the four phases other than balancing changes.
3: What they said about bolts and crossbows is indeed correct and she is weak to them.
4: They will add an "anti twisted bow" mechanic to the boss in some form, making it useless.
5: They balanced it correctly (we wont have overloads and yaks this time).
6: There is a "Tank" role.
7: There is no "main stat" drain on auto attacks, instead on mechanics.
8: There is a constant prayer drain on all phases. Some phases more than others.
9: Ruby Bolts (e) special is a "Bleed" effect.
10: Nex is immune to Dragon Warhammer and BGS or any other Defence Reduction Mechanic.
11: Thralls work on Nex. (edited)

The Fight
Phases change at HP % of Nex. As we dont know what these will be in our version, I will refrain from listing the numbers at this time. Every time she reaches a certain HP %, she will yell out the name of one of her Four Minions, making him Vulnerable. "Umbra, dont fail me!" is an example. When this happens you have to kill said minion, pushing Nex into the next phase. Repeat this with all four minions and phases, after which all is left is to finish her off.

Always use "Protect from Magic" during the kill, unless its "Shadow Phase". On "Shadow Phase" use "Protect from Missiles" instead.

Nex will be using Curses as her prayers, now confirmed. This means Zaros Phase will use Soul Split and the Wrath prayers. 
Always keep High HP or she will nuke you. Its not worth camping low HP on this boss.

We do not yet know if her "Reflection" (ancient protection) prayers will indeed reflect damage or not.

Recommended special attack weapon for the fight:
If using void: Dragon Claws
If NOT using void: Crossbow Special Attack (Armadyl Crossbow and above) or Dragon Knives (edited)

Entry Phase
Enter into the boss room. Stack in the middle, shoot Nex once and proceed to the West. From now on, stay away from the Middle, East, West, North and South sections off of the middle, this way you always avoid the "Charge" attack.

If you are using one of the "Void" setups from below, this would be the time to Double Claw Spec her. After the spec, make sure to go away from the middle to avoid the charge attacks, as mentioned above. 

Phase Number 1: Smoke Phase - "Let the Smoke flow thru you!" (edited)

On this phase Nex will use Smoke spells. This is the only phase in which Nex can poison players. Smoke spells deal significantly higher damage compared to the other ancient spells. Take care on this phase, very dangerous. 


Nex will yell "Let the virtus flow through you!
This is a mechanic that drains your combat stats and poisons you. (edited)

Shadow Rush:
Nex stops attacking and yells "There is NO ESCAPE!". If you followed the Entry Phase rules and didnt stand in any of the cardinal corners, this will do no damage to you. If you do get hit by this, she will disable your prayer, deal a lot of damage to you and destroy you off prayer. (edited)

Nex will drag you towards her, binding and stunning you for three seconds.

This used to be the order of attacks, just in case its the same:
Nex's attack pattern for this phase consists of the following:
1. Choke
2. Five auto-attacks
3. Shadow Rush
4. Five auto-attacks
5. Repeat (edited)
Phase Number 2: Shadow Phase - "Let the Shadows take you!"

During this phase, Nex will use Shadow spells; however, these attacks are classified as Ranged. This is the only phase where she uses ranged attacks. Successful attacks can drain prayer points slightly. These attacks can miss; occasionally, a second, unavoidable hit immediately takes its place, dealing even less damage than what it would have done normally.


Shadow Smash:

Nex will yell "Fear the Shadows!" and place multiple "Shadow Spots" (similar to Nightmare) in the area. Dodge these. If you get hit by these, you will take a lot of damage (used to be 50% max HP damage).
Embrace Darkness:
This mechanic is by far the most dangerous as far as damage goes. Nex will yell "Embrace Darkness" and start following the "Tank" (if there is any) or random players around, the closer she is to you, the more damage you will take. If she is aggroed on your, make sure to stay away from the Team. Damage here does NOT matter, if you bring her to the team you will wipe everyone.

This used to be the order of attacks, just in case its the same:
Nex's attack pattern for this phase consists of the following:
1. Shadow traps (only if the phased before the virus attack)
2. Darkness
3. Shadow traps
4. Four auto-attacks
5. Repeats from the second set of shadow traps (edited)

Phase Number 3: Blood Phase - "You will be my blood sacrifice!"
By far the hardest phase as far as mechanics go. Pay attention or you will fail the kill!
During this phase, Nex will use Blood blitz, which heals her every attack and has an AoE of 3x3 at her primary target (DPS Race). During this phase, her magic hit chance is increased to 100% and, like the previous phase, can also drain prayer points. Stay away from the "Tank" and other team members to avoid healer her more than intended. (edited)


Blood Siphon
Nex will yell "A siphon will solve this!"
She will summoning two blood reavers and performs a summoning animation. If attacked in her summoning animation, any damage dealt will instead heal her for the same amount. Nex's blood reavers will also heal her for every successful attack they make. If there are any reavers in the chamber, the previous set is killed off for the current set, and the health they had left is transferred to Nex.
Note: She always starts out with Blood siphon, immediately upon phase change. Look out for this or you could heal her back to full health. (edited)

Blood Sacrifice
Nex will yell "I demand a blood sacrifice!"
With this she selects a random target who will glow red. If the target does not move at least seven spaces away from Nex within four seconds, she will heal equal to the player's maximum health while damaging them for 10% of their maximum health. All other players will have their current prayer points cut in half. Nex seems to use this attack on the farthest player from her. If all players are within the same distance from Nex, she will target a random player instead. Her aggression will also shift to the targeted player (Tank Switch).

This ability is active from the start of the blood phase and last until the phase ends. If Nex is inflicted with a bleed (Ruby Bolts (e) spec), any damage she takes from them will heal her instead. I assume this will be a mechanic but look out for updated on this. For now just switch to Diamond Bolts (e) on Blood phase!

This used to be the order of attacks, just in case its the same:
Nex's attack pattern for this phase consists of the following:
1. Siphon summon
2. Three auto-attacks
3. Blood sacrifice
4. Three auto-attacks
5. Repeat (edited)

Phase Number 4: Ice Phase - "You will die in a prison of Ice!"
During this phase, Nex uses Ice spells, which target all players in range. If the player does not have Protect Magic activated, they will be bound for four seconds. In addition to this, the prayer drain from her attacks increases greatly. This phase is easy on the mechanics but really high DPS from Nex, do the mechanics correctly and eat up, you should be fine


Ice Prison
Nex will yell "Die now, in a prison of ice!"
She shoots an ice projectile at her target. Upon impact, the targeted player will be stunned, bound and have their protection prayer disabled for 6 seconds as a small prison of ice surrounds the player. If the prison is not broken in this time frame, the ice will shatter, killing the player. This damage is typeless. Other players, if any, may break one of the surrounding icicles, which will negate the damage dealt from the attack. Nex is very likely to perform an auto-attack in the process, which is likely to kill the player if not dealt with properly. (edited)

Ice Containment
Nex will yell "Contain this!"
Nex slams the ground. Roughly three seconds later, four icicles will appear beside Nex. If the player is next to these icicles, they will take a massive amount of damage, be stunned, bound and have their protection prayer disabled for 3 seconds. Nex generally loses aggression of her current target upon performing this attack, and sometimes she generally runs to the spot her target was when she performs this attack.

This used to be the order of attacks, just in case its the same:
Nex's attack pattern for this phase consists of the following:
1. First Special attack (based on phase start)
2. Three auto-attacks
3. Second Special attack (based on phase start)
4. Three auto-attacks
5. Repeat

"Based on phase start" means that if she started with Ice Prison, the next one is guaranteed to be Ice Containment. 

Phase Number 5: Zaros Phase - "NOW, THE POWER OF ZAROS!"

This phase is pretty much a DPS race. She will hit much higher here and use both Mage and Melee. Keep praying Magic as that hits higher. This phase used to have her using "Soul Split", "Turmoil" and "Wrath", it has now been confirmed that she will be using these during the Zaros Phase (excluding Turmoil). Just DPS her down, stay high HP and you will get the kill.

After she loses the last of her HP, she will use "Wrath" to do an AOE around her. This used to be a 5x5 radius, make sure to move away from her after killing her!


Nex Gear Setups
If the above listed assumptions are correct, I would recommend one of these setups.

REPLACE SPECTRAL SPIRIT SHIELD WITH ELYSIAN IF YOU GOT IT! Nick took mine so cant include in the pics  
It might be worth bringing blowpipe for the Minions if you are in a team that is 3-5 people strong. This will only ever happen a few weeks after release, so for now a crossbow should be fine for the minions. The minions used to have zero offensive/defensive stats so hitting them should NOT be an issue. You can only hit them with Melee/Range, they are completely immune to Magic. 

If you are using a setup that is "Not Void" from below, use your Dragon Knives on Blood Phase (when she is not healing) and Zaros Phase.
Make sure to TURN OFF THE RECOIL EFFECT ON THE RING OF SUFFERING or it will heal Nex during the Blood Phase.

If you are willing to run thru the minions and take damage running into the Nex boss room, you should replace the ancient blessing with an Imbued Heart for magic defence. I do not believe it would ever reduce your damage taken by the amount a Saradomin Brew (4) heals, so I wouldnt replace one of those. If it turns out that Nex does NOT have a prayer draining mechanic on each phase, you could replace a Super Restore Potion (4) with the Imbued Heart instead.




Nex will be using Curses as her prayers confirmed.
This means Zaros Phase will use the Soul Split and the Wrath prayers. 

It is unclear if "Reflect Protection" prayers will indeed reflect damage or not.
Turmoil is not on the list, so my guess is that they will just passively increase her stats, meaning your stats will not be drained by her during Zaros Phase unlike on the previous release of Nex. (edited)



Void Setup for Speedy kills 



Armadyl Setup for Casual Kills


Void Setup for Casual Kills 



Crystal Armour Setup for speedkilling Reavers and Minions (Maybe?)
Most likely this setup will straight up require an Elysian Spirit Shield or you will have a hard time staying alive. (edited)


CASEY_PSD.pngBEST PVM.pngLUCK.pngEgt3L2U.png





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interesting, though i do wonder if as much of the fight is being kept as people think. i had seen that someone verified curse prayers were added to the game with the last update so that part makes sense. i also wonder if the damage will actually be low enough to genuinely warrant using void/crystal armor and spectral over ely. 









Never really did nex maybe a few times as all I did was solo Armadyl back then but I might be willing to try if it's not too complicated lol I feel back then I felt it was 

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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