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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)


Salam and Good evening ladies and gentlemen

My original RSN is M1 Garrand but right now I'm known as:-


M1 Isndar (level-126) Main Account
M1 Izndar (level-124) Alt Account

Preferred Name
I would like to be addressed as M1

Current Clan
I am currently one of the Co-Leader/Generals of my Community Malaysian Clan since 2009 which is Unity
We've been pretty much doing PvM and PvE throughout our OSRS existence since 2013

Previous Clan History
Purple_cape.png?281b5 Empire of Honour led by Tammy7738

 Red_cape.png?cb76bThe Conclave of Shadows led by Deadoralive
Black_cape.png?356fdThe Apocalyptic Legion led by Pure Killeri
Red_cape.png?cb76bDeath Legion led by Vlad Epoch
Green_cape.png?e75c0 Sorrow of Knights led by Azjs2003
Black_cape.png?356fdBlacKnights led by Absuseless

Green_cape.png?e75c0 Sorrow of Knights led by Zeeming
Blue_cape.png?3b913DeathRow led by Meggan1
Black_cape.png?356fdBlacKnights led by Vanzant

Skull_(status)_icon.png?fa6d8 Retired/Inactive


Skull_(status)_icon.png?fa6d8 Retired/Inactive

Green_cape.png?e75c0Sorrow of Knights led by Zeeming

Yellow_cape.png?7e7a8 Unity led by Afiat2020/M1 Garrand
Yellow_cape.png?7e7a8 Unity PvM led by M1 Garrand


Yellow_cape.png?7e7a8Unity OSRS led by M1 Garrand


Who do you know in Tempest?
I saw Vanzant in one of the Tempest memberlist
We don't really know each other personally other than he was my former BlacKnights Leader


How did you find/hear about Tempest?
All thanks to Vanuckle's Youtube channel I've been following over the years

Are you interested in joining?
I have been trying to look for a dedicated Australian/Singaporean Timezone PK Team over the years but I can't seem to find any so now
After much thoughts, I decided to Introduce myself to Tempest and I am willing to sacrifice my time and wealth as long I can get some PvP action again
To answer this question, Yes I am interested to join one day in the near future

Brief Introduction
Hello, I'm Iskandar but also known as M1 Garrand or Isndar by my online/RS friends
I've been in the PvP scene since 2004 till 2006. Since then I've been on and off playing RuneScape casually till 2015 where I've been logging in everyday for the past 7 years

I'm here in Tempest to give myself another try in a PvP Clan scene again and I wish to contribute my part to the History of this clan in the years to come.

Malaysia represents



OTP | Barrow Slayerz | RIP Peck | Beach Bros Unit | Meet GE





Walk Here Isndar (level-126) / 3 more options



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2 minutes ago, Brian said:

Nice intro, welcome

Thanks Brian/Ghjjf, always a pleasure to see familiar name still kicking 😄



OTP | Barrow Slayerz | RIP Peck | Beach Bros Unit | Meet GE





Walk Here Isndar (level-126) / 3 more options



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3 minutes ago, True 2k8 said:

Hello and welcome!

Hey there T2K8, Didn't know you left DF to create Tempest but glad you did. Tempest is running so well.

3 minutes ago, Pietru said:

I think I remember u back from the pinoy era in like w141 if I'm not mistaken, welcome to forums

I believe we might have crossed our path if you were with Kurimao Klan Rulers or maybe The N**gas Clan or maybe we were together in FlipFlops or Cerulean Xeric

4 minutes ago, True 2k8 said:

Hello and welcome!

2 minutes ago, Amanda said:


Thank you for the warm welcome and hello there 😄

1 minute ago, Adam_ said:

Welcome to the forums, thank you for being the first person to prove vanuckle is useful after nearly 3 years 

I like his song choices in his Tempest videos so sometimes i loop his videos for the music 😄 if he's getting high views, it''s probably by me.

1 minute ago, Howl said:

hey, welcome

Hey there Howl, thanks for the welcome 😄



OTP | Barrow Slayerz | RIP Peck | Beach Bros Unit | Meet GE





Walk Here Isndar (level-126) / 3 more options



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