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Applerune last won the day on December 8 2023

Applerune had the most liked content!


121 watches His Lordship videos

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About Applerune

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  1. I like the Ravens if healthy
  2. Applerune


    cool to see you around - can you disclose how much $ you made from Zybez (either thru ads or sale?) or is there still some sort of NDA involved etc? Thanks for doing an AMA!
  3. people don't actually enjoy the taste of beer
  4. All of those apps are pure shit I never get anything delivered. It's ass I will however pickup food. Probably once a week.
  5. i agree with my fine boy here
  6. A pretty good accomplishment - you guys did it the right way. Congrats on the success
  7. Quiz is kinda ass but I get lack of nuance in this type of stuff - take it for what it is. Got ambivalent right, which is what I would suspect most Americans would get despite what Twitter tells you
  8. Nicest? I'll go best: NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, Miami, San Diego - no particular order.
  9. It'd be dumb to say it hasn't affected me, I mean prices have gone up. So. But I don't really think about it. Still do / buy the same shit I always do Most noticeable increase for me has definitely been at the grocery store. Still don't have to cut back and I buy what I want, but it is noticeably different
  10. what did you do with merlinm88's shit
  11. I think what makes this more embarrassing is that the current clanning climate has all but accepted low amounts of activity be it forums, in-game, etc. due to the current state of RS. If you check ROT forums, DF's, and VR's they still have events posted on the front page of their clan fights section from over a month ago. What would once be unheard of is now accepted, yet they still felt the need to move an essentially non-existing needle.
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