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I Kill Batty

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Everything posted by I Kill Batty

  1. Vene, Jad, Barrows, and now Bandos? My girl has been blessed!
  2. Eric posted this topic already but
  3. Perhaps there has been a butterfly effect that has resulted from my time clanning, but not anything super major, at least that I can think of. The best I can think of is the return to clanning did inadvertently lead to me purchasing some btc just due to discussions right before they rose like 7K each, so being involved in the community made me a few thousand dollars richer lately, I've had effects like that, but directly nothing I can think of. Other life decisions have had way more evident life effects. For example, my first job lead me on a path where every major decision I made was revolved around those experiences, the people I worked with, and the connections I made. I made connections with people who advanced my career in a certain direction ever since my first job, the women I've dated, and the things I've done all have a direct path stemming from where I started my first job, I had multiple job offers on the table when I went to look for my first job, just thinking that if I had accepted a different one, my entire life, every aspect of it, would essentially be extremely different. There is no easy way to tell if RS has discreetly made this type of impact on my life without me noticing it, but it is very possible, although I'm saying nothing really for now, I wouldn't be surprised to find out it did and some mysterious way affect me. I can say it has brought me some close friends whom I can rely on and talk to when I need help, and their influences may be unconsciously shaping my decisions moving forward.
  4. Confirmed True eats dog pizza, typical Asian.
  5. I'll rent you @Mona for $19.99 for the weekend
  6. Vene is slow, so I'm doing yours Intel, maybe Ryzen soon. Eat in or dine out somewhere fancy
  7. Damn killed by @Vanzants Uncle
  8. Cigar 1 hour drive to a well paying job every day or a decent wage job right next to your house
  9. Rap Mcdonalds or Burger King
  10. Apple Juice Cupcake or Donut
  11. King Cobra Baby A Burger or a Pizza?
  12. Grats! Soon @Carolina you as well will possess one
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