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The End

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Everything posted by The End

  1. Thanks for the fight Vit & DF for acing.
  2. Welcome the name is familiar from fighting Divine Forces/Liths.
  3. nonce: (nɒns ) derogatory, prison slang. a rapist or child molester; a sexual offender.
  4. Welcome heard good things from @Pope
  5. How did true convince you to do this AMA? Do you hold true in contempt for ostracizing/kicking the old df?
  6. Welcome to the forums, but you can't be in VR and Tempest simultaneously.
  7. Thanks for the fight Ancient Fury, and AC Revenant and WL.
  8. @gooce said he can probably recover old sigs since he has forums backed up on some hard drive
  9. SV outpulled RoT today, confirm/deny spymaster @Tika191?
  10. Don't think I've ever seen a crashing attempt so poor where the crashers literally give up for 20 minute stretches and then get hit on login multiple times getting cleared in less than a minute. GJ Tempest.
  11. Both are important and should be funded more. Funds we use for Space Exploration are over-exaggerated, especially if you consider all the other places where we spend money on. Research on Space Exploration has also led to a lot of "spin-off" technology (e.g. LASIK treatment) that can actually impact your everyday life.
  12. pulled more than rot mains + meds combined at 7p ET
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