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Posts posted by Scleritis

  1. At the moment there are a lot of teams such as AF, VR, DR, WL etc that share members with each other. Some of these share members with each other despite prioritizing the same mode eg P2P for AF and VR or members from WL, traditionally F2P, fighting in F2P fights for AF/VR. Another example would be members of VR P2P pking with DR. This has always been a thing in the clan world but traditionally members would be shared across the different game modes. For example members would be in Brutality for P2P but VR for F2P (before Brutality became a clan and disallowed this).


    Some may say this is a result of less people being involved in the clan world and clans struggling to recruit therefore resorting to being teams and sharing members but imo this isn't true and is disproved by Tempest, an independent clan, being capable of pulling 100+.


    1. What are your thoughts on teams continuing to share members despite prioritizing the same game mode?

    2. Why do you think these teams take on this approach instead of being independent clans?

    3. Should the achievements of said teams be considered lesser due to them being teams and not independent clans?

    • Like 2
  2. We've all been seeing a lot of spam lately and the bots have got out of hand


    I didn't mind at first when they were trying to sell Javan goods in other parts of the forum but it's happened too many times in off topic recently and I can't even read my favourite thread anymore without some goony robot putting weirdly sized pictures of Kenyans on there


    It's become a serious problem and I know for a fact someone needs to step up because it isn't fair on the off topic lads when we get wacked(E.g Javan and his counterfeit goods) with people trying to sell wallets or just putting weirdly massive pictures on threads


    Anyway what I'm getting at is I think we need a respectable mod that can chuck bans out for these robots and in all honesty I think I'm a nice candidate for it, I'm active as hell in off topic and I like all the lads that post here I'm a respectable guy who's been in the community for many a years despite my bans but I'm a mature man now and I can promise that


    Anyway we definitely need an active OT mod cus these robot hooligans are getting out of hand for example Carlos was going for days before he got banned, I'm not speaking for the community when I say this but I genuinely think someone active here needs to be able to atleast suspend spammer goons cus we've been bashed with huge pics and 10+ consecutive replies recently...


    Me or diamond should be allowed to mod this chit we are respectable off topic posters and we can crush this robot annihilation that's coming our way because it's got out of hand now and I literally can't even read the forums on my phone cus of the scrolling


    Anyway if you support king mk as OT mod post your feedback cus you know for a fact I'd be a nice and fair guy like I always am I think I am one of the leading OT posters along with a few others that make OT the best place to post but when you've got robots destroying threads and then mods taking 3-5 days to get rid of them it isn't really fair


    Anyway let's make someone who's active in OT to have mod rights, you know it's logical Brian because I doubt you even read OT or the something to say thread that much.. Not criticizing or anything but an example of this that really put everything into perspective when he was spamming every thread for 3 or so days


    Anyway #vote4scu or give another guy mod rights atleast in OT


    cheers dudes if you don't respect my vision it's fine respond to this but lets keep it srs

    • ned 2
  3. What do you do in your day to day life that you find useful to "clear you head"? Only rule is the activity has to be a solo one. Can't involve anyone else. Can range from anything to workouts, going for a walk, going for a drive, reading a book, cooking, gardening etc. 


    For me it's workouts and occasionally going for a long drive. I find both activities therapeutic.


    I'm sure everyone has some things they do to make sure their head doesn't fall off and with covid szn those things are arguably more important now than ever before so post yours and get some discussion going...

  4. Brut vs Kill Orgy - Basically forced them to tele up to gdz and suicide in hides and water staff for hours


    DI vs DF - All that shit talk only to get your shit rocked for 7 hours


    DI+RoT vs DF+VR+AF - Was like 120vs200 and was a walk in the park


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