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Posts posted by Scleritis

  1. Some lads were asking for it earlier on Discord so here we are. Decent bed time reading.


    (22:03:03) <@Brian``> df at 366 mos
    (22:03:11) <@Alex_Dawg> u got numbers?
    (22:03:13) <@Brian``> ye
    (22:03:16) <@Brian``> was 54 lol
    (22:03:18) <@Alex_Dawg> LMAO?
    (22:03:21) <@Brian``> but its more now
    (22:03:21) <@Alex_Dawg> oh lawd
    (22:03:22) <@inf`> rot wants you
    (22:05:21) <@Foyboy> ois fight starting soon
    (22:05:37) <@Brian``> yes
    (22:05:39) <@Brian``> df hopping here now
    (22:05:48) <@Foyboy> we should have snipers move up now
    (22:05:50) <@Brian``> df 165 opts
    (22:06:08) <@Alex_Dawg> OH LAWD WE DID IT
    (22:06:21) <@Alex_Dawg> should we tell ppol or no Brian``?
    (22:06:25) <@Brian``> no way
    (22:06:28) <@Alex_Dawg> ok
    (22:06:28) <@Alex_Dawg> lol
    (22:06:30) <@Paul-> dont let ross snipe
    (22:06:32) <@Paul-> hes on a tpuchpad
    (22:06:33) <@Paul-> Foyboy
    (22:06:37) <@inf`> fucking ross
    (22:07:24) <@Brian``> ye coming
    (22:07:25) <@Brian``> i think
    (22:08:14) <@Brian``> df is stalling i guess
    (22:08:19) <@inf`> seems so
    (22:08:47) <@Jonezy50> first pile
    (22:08:50) <@Brian``> i mean
    (22:08:50) <@Jonezy50> knew that namechange was fuckin stupid
    (22:08:52) <@Brian``> i cant tell
    (22:08:55) <@Brian``> but im sure rots on me lol
    (22:10:44) <@Brieanna> lmfao?
    (22:13:24) <@Alex_Dawg> Foyboy
    (22:13:29) <@Alex_Dawg> get them out of spiders
    (22:13:34) <@Scleritis> where u want them?
    (22:13:34) <@Brieanna> idk why i typed that
    (22:13:37) <@Alex_Dawg> east
    (22:13:37) <@Scleritis> east Alex_Dawg?
    (22:13:39) <@Alex_Dawg> mg
    (22:13:40) <@Alex_Dawg> mg
    (22:15:37) <@Jonezy50> HUGE P2P CLAN ON 313
    (22:15:39) <@Jonezy50> DO NOT RETURN THERE
    (22:15:44) <@Brian``> ok
    (22:17:05) <@Scleritis> isnt taylorswift in dfg
    (22:17:07) <@Scleritis> df
    (22:17:14) <@Brian``> ye
    (22:17:19) <@Scleritis> he was in p2p gear
    (22:17:20) <@Scleritis> with a few vr
    (22:17:22) <@Scleritis> at 37 gdz
    (22:17:23) <@Scleritis> lol
    (22:17:24) <@inf`> no
    (22:17:24) <@Jonezy50> 4 deaths
    (22:17:26) <@Jonezy50> sweet
    (22:17:26) <@inf`> its cam1mill
    (22:17:28) <@inf`> hes af/vr
    (22:17:29) <@Brian``> oh
    (22:17:45) <@inf`> df all meleepray
    (22:18:24) <@inf`> we have too many meleebinders
    (22:18:31) <@Oergg> tell vr ysp is vr
    (22:18:32) <@Oergg> in dfs pile
    (22:19:06) <@Oergg> rot*
    (22:23:08) <@Alex_Dawg> gj Paul-
    (22:23:13) <@Brian``> df 60 in their cc
    (22:25:14) <@Brian``> im not even joking, if df go single regardless of how early it is take the win
    (22:25:14) <@Scleritis> man
    (22:25:16) <@Scleritis> its so
    (22:25:16) <@Scleritis> fucking
    (22:25:17) <@Scleritis> easy
    (22:26:40) <@Junior`> df are all ranging now
    (22:28:42) <@Brian``> this killin guy
    (22:28:45) <@Brian``> has like 1 set
    (22:29:16) <@Oergg> guy ssotp getitng dragged
    (22:29:18) <@Oergg> 1 bind let them go
    (22:29:35) <@Brian``> ye paul dced
    (22:29:37) <@Brian``> it fucked us up
    (22:29:38) * Paul-- (~Paul-@Warrior98725.users.quakenet.org) has joined #di.warroom
    (22:29:38) * Q set mode: +o Paul--
    (22:30:18) <@Paul--> fucks sake
    (22:30:19) <@Paul--> got ddosed or somethin
    (22:30:31) <@Alex_Dawg> need more callers
    (22:30:32) * @Paul- has quit IRC (Ping timeouto)
    (22:31:55) <@Foyboy> THEYRE GETTING REKT
    (22:32:13) <@Brian``> ye true asking numbers
    (22:32:14) <@Brian``> signs of panic
    (22:32:26) <@Brian``> told him 62 lol
    (22:32:34) <@Brian``> we have 74 lol
    (22:32:39) * Paul- (~Paul-@Warrior98725.users.quakenet.org) has joined #di.warroom
    (22:32:40) * Q set mode: +o Paul-
    (22:32:52) <@Foyboy> where should we tank them
    (22:32:52) <@Foyboy> where should we tank them
    (22:32:56) <@inf`> to us i guess
    (22:32:57) <@Alex_Dawg> this is fine
    (22:32:58) <@Alex_Dawg> ariybd here
    (22:33:10) <@Scleritis> dont just say "to us" if u aint gnna keep us updated on ur loc
    (22:33:10) <@Scleritis> lol
    (22:33:25) <@inf`> killlinn might be outta sets
    (22:33:38) <@Brian``> ye
    (22:33:39) <@Brian``> he is
    (22:33:52) <@inf`> always nigrange now so bang him(snipers)
    (22:35:49) <@Alex_Dawg> wanna fuck them up Brian`` and take them gdz?
    (22:36:02) <@Alex_Dawg> Foyboy ^?
    (22:36:04) <@Brian``> will that help
    (22:36:04) <@Brian``> lol
    (22:36:10) <@Alex_Dawg> fuck up their main pile
    (22:36:19) * @Paul-- has quit IRC (Ping timeouto)
    (22:38:10) <@Jonezy50> couoldn't find it
    (22:38:18) * @C6 has quit IRC (Quito)
    (22:38:23) <@Paul-> pile loc?
    (22:38:24) <@Paul-> of df
    (22:42:29) <@Scleritis> east spiders
    (22:42:31) <@Scleritis> i tanked them
    (22:42:33) <@Scleritis> so hard
    (22:45:22) <@Oergg> are they killing anyone but snipers
    (22:45:26) <@Oergg> cuz fi theyre not get people to blast
    (22:45:28) <@Alex_Dawg> and callers
    (22:45:57) <@Alex_Dawg> ronin and rot fighting lol?
    (22:46:02) <@Brian``> where
    (22:46:06) <@Alex_Dawg> gdz?
    (22:46:12) <@Brian``> this w?
    (22:46:20) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (22:46:20) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (22:46:21) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (22:46:21) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (22:46:35) <@inf`> ye ronin rushed them i think not sure
    (22:47:59) <@inf`> nope rot did
    (22:52:47) <@inf`> someone gave kill sets
    (22:52:56) <@inf`> slowly losing kopower
    (22:54:00) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (22:54:01) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (22:54:01) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (22:54:37) <@Junior`> gdz
    (22:54:38) <@Junior`> e
    (22:59:18) <@Alex_Dawg> do our binders need snipers cleared?
    (23:00:03) <@inf`> we have too many meleebinders if anything
    (23:00:05) <@Paul-> fucks sake my mouse sucks today
    (23:00:33) <@Paul-> fucks sake my mouse sucks today
    (23:00:33) <@Paul-> fucks sake my mouse sucks today
    (23:00:34) <@Paul-> of df
    (23:00:35) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (23:00:35) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (23:00:36) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (23:00:44) <@Paul-> no
    (23:00:45) <@Paul-> Oergg
    (23:00:46) <@Paul-> thats rot
    (23:00:46) <@Paul-> thats rot
    (23:00:46) <@Paul-> thats rot
    (23:00:47) <@Paul-> thats rot
    (23:00:48) <@Paul-> thats rot
    (23:00:50) <@Paul-> thats rot
    (23:02:03) <@Jonezy50> i've started lagging terrible
    (23:03:09) * Zach- (~x_zach02@Zach-.users.quakenet.org) has joined #di.warroom
    (23:03:10) * Q set mode: +o Zach-
    (23:03:32) <@Jonezy50> restarting brb
    (23:03:39) * @Jonezy50 has quit IRC (Quito)
    (23:04:13) <@Foyboy> dude
    (23:04:15) <@Foyboy> theyre so bad
    (23:04:16) <@Foyboy> keep it up
    (23:04:17) <@Foyboy> keep it up
    (23:04:36) <@inf`> i know you wanna bang brie alex but dont bang her out m8
    (23:05:01) <@Junior`> dfs pile is 70 opts
    (23:05:02) <@Junior`> rof
    (23:05:46) <@Paul-> thats rot
    (23:05:46) <@Paul-> thats rot
    (23:05:46) <@Paul-> thats rot
    (23:05:46) <@Paul-> thats rot
    (23:05:47) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (23:05:48) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (23:05:49) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (23:05:51) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (23:05:53) <@Paul-> loc of df
    (23:05:59) <@Paul-> not tiss comp
    (23:06:02) <@Oergg> DO YOU NOT HAVE WHISPER SON
    (23:06:04) <@Foyboy> DUDe
    (23:06:05) <@Foyboy> SET IT UP
    (23:06:07) <@Foyboy> OR DONT LEAD
    (23:06:13) <@Oergg> ok im gonna set up screenshare
    (23:06:22) <@Paul-> wtf its fine rn
    (23:06:32) <@Zach-> are af camping p2p worlds or no
    (23:06:36) <@inf`> they are but
    (23:06:38) <@inf`> were hardly dying
    (23:06:41) <@inf`> so thats nice
    (23:06:55) <@Oergg> Paul- https://join.me/464-110-700
    (23:08:01) <@Alex_Dawg> Brieanna im sorry gurl
    (23:08:05) * @Zachh has quit IRC (Ping timeouto)
    (23:08:28) * Jonezy50 (Jonezy50@Jonezy50.users.quakenet.org) has joined #di.warroom
    (23:08:28) * Q set mode: +o Jonezy50
    (23:08:48) <@Brieanna> all good
    (23:11:23) <@Brian``> someone supplied killin ye lol
    (23:11:25) <@Alex_Dawg> df numbers?
    (23:11:27) <@Oergg> ye
    (23:11:41) <@Brian``> df got 60-65
    (23:11:45) <@Alex_Dawg> word
    (23:11:46) <@inf`> xpo logging in skulled
    (23:13:17) <@inf`> well af in f2p
    (23:13:21) <@inf`> guess df desperate
    (23:13:31) <@Brian``> i'll tell rot
    (23:13:33) <@Paul-> af in p2p too
    (23:13:36) <@Paul-> just got kiled returning
    (23:14:10) <@Jonezy50> people name change too fuckin much
    (23:14:11) <@Brian``> what w Paul-
    (23:14:16) <@Paul-> 319
    (23:14:32) <@Brian``> k sent some rot 1 itemers
    (23:14:35) <@inf`> ll
    (23:15:11) <@inf`> df wants to clear the 5 eos
    (23:15:21) <@Brian``> true said nothing to me
    (23:15:27) <@inf`> just send rot if they see em
    (23:15:30) <@inf`> theres only like 4-5
    (23:16:36) <@Paul-> tlel mk100 to fucking take off as df cape
    (23:16:45) <@Oergg> hes sniping
    (23:16:55) <@Paul-> hes w the main pile atm
    (23:16:57) <@inf`> binds slacking
    (23:20:27) <@Brian``> still got 72 people
    (23:20:45) <@inf`> 65 ingame
    (23:20:52) <@Brian``> ye never gone above that
    (23:22:27) <@Scleritis> man
    (23:22:28) <@Scleritis> there pile
    (23:22:29) <@Scleritis> is 
    (23:22:30) <@Scleritis> decimated
    (23:22:36) <@inf`> ours atm shit as well
    (23:23:54) <@Oergg> well how
    (23:23:57) <@Oergg> someone mule binds
    (23:23:58) <@Oergg> if needed
    (23:24:05) <@inf`> idk feels like were missing blasts
    (23:24:19) <@Brian``> ppl aint dying thats the prob lol
    (23:24:34) <@Oergg> 15:23 @Oergg • someone mule binds
    (23:24:34) <@Oergg> 15:23 @Oergg • if needed
    (23:25:43) <@Foyboy> whats
    (23:25:44) <@Foyboy> our
    (23:25:44) <@Foyboy> opts
    (23:25:52) <@Brian``> sec
    (23:26:02) <@Foyboy> 72 ppl
    (23:26:02) <@Foyboy> wtf
    (23:26:03) <@Brian``> about
    (23:26:04) <@Brian``> 120
    (23:26:12) <@Brian``> well 120 on fall in
    (23:26:13) <@Brian``> lot spread
    (23:26:20) <@Foyboy> ye
    (23:26:24) <@Foyboy> and 20 snipers
    (23:26:31) <@Foyboy> main pile
    (23:26:34) <@Foyboy> needs to follow df main pile
    (23:26:37) <@Foyboy> quicker
    (23:26:42) <@Alex_Dawg> they have snipers atm
    (23:26:42) <@Alex_Dawg> but ye
    (23:26:49) <@Foyboy> they cant have many
    (23:27:47) <@Oergg> llol inf`
    (23:27:54) <@inf`> took em a while
    (23:28:02) <@inf`> 3 arrows left outta 1.5k
    (23:28:43) <@Paul-> fuks sake
    (23:28:45) <@Paul-> i never tank these guys
    (23:28:51) <@Oergg> pray mage
    (23:28:54) <@Paul-> i do
    (23:28:59) <@Oergg> well idk
    (23:29:01) <@Oergg> ive tanked em 10 times
    (23:29:02) <@Oergg> lol
    (23:29:18) <@Paul-> ould hlep if my mosue fuckung did nt fuck fuck
    (23:30:28) <@inf`> 60cc
    (23:30:33) <@inf`> 58 ffs
    (23:30:51) <@Alex_Dawg> r u srs?
    (23:30:55) <@inf`> yep
    (23:31:42) <@Foyboy> is our mauin pile good or bad
    (23:31:44) <@inf`> we have like
    (23:31:45) <@inf`> 4 blasters
    (23:31:46) <@inf`> its awful
    (23:31:52) <@inf`> lotta puremelees
    (23:34:33) <@Paul-> got 1 Oergg
    (23:34:41) <@Brian``> duno if this guy is legit or not but
    (23:34:44) <@Brian``> hes been legit so far
    (23:34:46) <@Brian``> and he said
    (23:34:48) <@Brian``> df only got 40 in cc
    (23:34:59) <@Scleritis> true?
    (23:35:01) <@Scleritis> or intel
    (23:35:06) <@Brian``> intel
    (23:35:17) <@Scleritis> tbf snipers are outspamming them
    (23:35:19) <@Scleritis> so wouldnt be surprised
    (23:35:48) <@Brian``> they might end in 25 mins
    (23:37:19) <@Scleritis> Alex_Dawg
    (23:37:20) <@Scleritis> chase
    (23:37:27) <@Alex_Dawg> we are
    (23:37:59) <@Oergg> geese is out of gear
    (23:38:02) <@Oergg> if you want morale 1hits
    (23:38:28) <@Paul-> strpooner is rot i think
    (23:39:12) <@Foyboy> 69 opts df
    (23:39:30) <@Brian``> rots telling them to end
    (23:39:31) <@Brian``> lol
    (23:40:52) <@Jonezy50> [18:38] <johnlagerfeld> i g2g need to pick up my sister
    (23:40:56) <@Brian``> rot going now
    (23:40:59) <@Oergg> ill pick up his sister
    (23:40:59) <@Brian``> to 13
    (23:41:00) <@Oergg> lol
    (23:42:18) <@Scleritis> Jonezy50 u ok
    (23:42:31) <@Jonezy50> sup?
    (23:43:24) <@Scleritis> u atked me and then like
    (23:43:25) <@Scleritis> 5 other di did
    (23:43:26) <@Scleritis> lol
    (23:48:59) <@Brian``> murray prob has unlimited sets
    (23:50:43) <@Foyboy> DUDE
    (23:50:45) <@Foyboy> can you hear us
    (23:50:46) <@Foyboy> or what
    (23:50:51) <@Oergg> LOAD MY SCREEN
    (23:50:59) <@Oergg> Paul- https://join.me/464-110-700
    (23:51:02) <@Brian``> wer coming
    (23:51:03) <@Brian``> were*
    (23:52:04) <@Brian``> just get meatshields if we gotta protect callers
    (23:52:09) <@Paul-> i have fucking whisdpers
    (23:52:25) <@Jonezy50> Oergg is that delayed
    (23:52:36) <@Oergg> maybe 5 secs?
    (23:52:52) <@Scleritis> we whispered they are west tree ages ago
    (23:52:53) <@Scleritis> lol
    (23:53:04) <@Paul-> thought us aid e tree
    (23:53:17) <@inf`> 53 cc..
    (23:53:31) <@Foyboy> why
    (23:53:31) <@Foyboy> are
    (23:53:31) <@Foyboy> you
    (23:53:34) <@Foyboy> running around
    (23:53:34) <@Brian``> well its prob the bug
    (23:53:34) <@Foyboy> gds
    (23:53:47) <@inf`> nah doubt its the bug
    (23:53:54) <@inf`> our kopower is wack
    (23:53:57) <@Oergg> trues ons utty now
    (23:53:57) <@Brian``> i see at least 3 or 4 not in cc
    (23:54:22) <@inf`> well then we need more 2nd accs
    (23:54:26) <@inf`> or acc swaps
    (23:55:59) <@Jonezy50> [18:53] <Zivilee> sorry i go sleep ,left 3hour to go universitet;/
    (23:56:56) <@Brian``> murray etc wont give up so take advantage of meatshields if we gotta
    (23:57:40) <@Alex_Dawg> df numbers?
    (23:57:47) <@Brian``> 60ish
    (23:58:43) <@inf`> dont meleepray in fullrune paul

    Log ended: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 00:00:41 GMT Standard Time

    Log started: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 00:00:41 GMT Standard Time
    (00:00:41) <@Paul-> i mean they just switch
    (00:00:50) <@inf`> so you keep getting bound
    (00:01:22) <@Paul-> so mage pray/
    (00:01:26) <@Paul-> ?
    (00:01:27) <@inf`> id magepray and rune ye
    (00:01:30) <@inf`> cause halves the bindduration
    (00:02:08) <@Zach-> my orion is stuck at loading fml
    (00:06:07) <@Alex_Dawg> raped
    (00:06:35) <@Brian``> they'll prob realise in like 10 mins
    (00:06:37) <@Brian``> we arent giving up
    (00:06:42) <@Brian``> they thought we'd log at 7 est
    (00:07:09) <@Alex_Dawg> almost out of pizzas
    (00:07:17) <@Oergg> how many
    (00:07:20) <@Oergg> i got 300 on a noob
    (00:07:22) <@Alex_Dawg> 170 lol
    (00:07:24) <@Alex_Dawg> its fine i got taunt
    (00:07:27) <@Oergg> k
    (00:07:31) <@Alex_Dawg> Foyboy Oergg tank them west
    (00:07:36) <@Alex_Dawg> since theyr using gdz tabs
    (00:08:12) <@Scleritis> fukin
    (00:08:13) <@Scleritis> nice
    (00:08:14) <@Scleritis> Zach-
    (00:08:18) <@Zach-> lmfao
    (00:08:58) <@Zach-> "useless in rsd" was the best they could come up with
    (00:09:01) <@Zach-> noted
    (00:10:25) <@Jonezy50> man harsh
    (00:11:56) <@Brian``> that i love you guy is using some kinda cc script
    (00:12:03) <@Brian``> but its bugged and putting shit infront of /
    (00:13:47) <@Oergg> hows morale in the main pile
    (00:13:51) <@Brian``> ok
    (00:13:55) <@Brian``> doing decent
    (00:14:48) <@Brian``> just had like 3 back to back 1 hits
    (00:14:51) * @Jonezy50 has quit IRC (Quito)
    (00:14:53) <@Paul-> fucks sake without the number sname i get fucked
    (00:14:53) <@Brian``> 4
    (00:15:03) <@Brian``> well use meatshields lol
    (00:15:09) <@Paul-> no1s volutnerring
    (00:15:11) <@Paul-> every1 who did is sniping
    (00:15:13) <@Paul-> phil venom joko
    (00:15:30) <@Brian``> if you asked people would
    (00:15:36) <@Paul-> i did earlier
    (00:15:38) <@Paul-> when alex was leading
    (00:15:43) <@Brian``> guggiey could meatshield
    (00:15:58) <@Zach-> hes too busy calling
    (00:16:01) <@Brian``> the king
    (00:16:05) <@Zach-> lmfao
    (00:16:58) <@Paul-> lmfao
    (00:18:24) <@inf`> magepray it alex
    (00:19:12) <@Alex_Dawg> brb
    (00:19:58) * Jonezy50 (~Jonezy50@Jonezy50.users.quakenet.org) has joined #di.warroom
    (00:19:58) * Q set mode: +o Jonezy50
    (00:20:38) <@Paul-> i cant believ emy mouse is fucking randomly clicking
    (00:21:46) <@Foyboy> bcuie one Brian``
    (00:21:51) <@Brian``> what
    (00:21:52) <@Brian``> lol
    (00:22:16) <@Brian``> didnt know it was all of them on me or just a few
    (00:22:39) <@Brian``> fuck it i'll just camp murray till he fucks off
    (00:25:01) <@Oergg> fuckin people wont tank west
    (00:25:37) <@Scleritis> MASS HL
    (00:25:40) <@Scleritis> and say
    (00:25:41) <@Scleritis> tank west
    (00:25:41) <@Scleritis> lol
    (00:29:33) <@Brian``> according to rot theyre close to ending but i dont think rot has a spy
    (00:30:11) <@Brian``> overflow is true 100%
    (00:30:15) <@Brian``> cause hes doing green:000
    (00:30:18) <@Oergg> K
    (00:30:19) <@Brian``> and he did that in irc to me lol
    (00:31:22) <@Brian``> all of a sudden
    (00:31:24) <@Brian``> theyre almost cleared
    (00:32:19) <@Foyboy> oif we tank them west
    (00:32:21) <@Foyboy> you need to follow
    (00:32:21) <@inf`> magepray fullrune works
    (00:32:24) <@inf`> they only have a few snipers left
    (00:32:25) <@Brian``> we're like
    (00:32:27) <@Brian``> 1 screen behind
    (00:32:34) <@Junior`> ts stopped working?
    (00:32:42) <@inf`> no
    (00:32:48) <@Junior`> wtf
    (00:32:52) <@Junior`> i cant hear anything
    (00:32:58) <@Brian``> just rejoin
    (00:33:01) <@Junior`> and df pile me as i type this
    (00:33:01) <@Junior`> fffs
    (00:33:36) <@Junior`> wtf i cant hear anything
    (00:33:44) <@Brian``> reload ts
    (00:34:20) <@Junior`> nope
    (00:34:26) <@Brian``> restart
    (00:34:29) <@Junior`> i see peoples names light up
    (00:35:39) * @Junior` has quit IRC (Quito)
    (00:37:21) <@Alex_Dawg> snipers
    (00:37:23) <@Alex_Dawg> tank them, to single
    (00:39:30) * Junior` (Junior@Junior5.users.quakenet.org) has joined #di.warroom
    (00:39:30) * Q set mode: +o Junior`
    (00:41:45) <@Zach-> i tanked to single lol
    (00:42:03) <@Alex_Dawg> ye keep tanking to single
    (00:42:05) <@Alex_Dawg> theyre ognna get mad
    (00:42:55) <@Brian``> got them on the ropes really
    (00:43:06) <@Oergg> STILL SNIPING US HARD?
    (00:43:07) <@Oergg> -caps
    (00:43:15) <@Brian``> not too bad
    (00:43:26) <@Scleritis> Zach-
    (00:43:26) <@Scleritis> FUKIN
    (00:43:28) <@Scleritis> WEST
    (00:43:30) <@Oergg> TANK
    (00:43:30) <@Oergg> WEST
    (00:43:31) <@Zach-> lol im sorry
    (00:43:36) <@Zach-> i was tanking with our pile
    (00:43:42) <@Zach-> easier for dem transitions
    (00:44:58) <@Brian``> df 104 options
    (00:45:30) <@Alex_Dawg> thats with our nsipers tho
    (00:46:54) <@Alex_Dawg> cc count
    (00:46:58) <@inf`> 56
    (00:47:02) <@Alex_Dawg> .
    (00:47:13) <@Brian``> we got this
    (00:48:06) <@Scleritis> YE
    (00:48:06) <@Brian``> that naxacid guy
    (00:48:08) <@Brian``> had tuna
    (00:48:10) <@Scleritis> cuz we started tanking west
    (00:48:10) <@Scleritis> lol
    (00:48:13) <@inf`> send me the pic Brian`` please
    (00:48:16) <@inf`> hes vit
    (00:48:19) <@inf`> ill stirke him
    (00:48:34) <@Brian``> well its a combo of food actually but ye sec
    (00:48:35) <@inf`> and publically shame him
    (00:48:41) <@Brian``> http://i.imgur.com/Niaks6C.png
    (00:48:46) <@Brian``> pizza swordie tuna
    (00:48:49) <@Brian``> lol
    (00:49:26) <@Brian``> i'll tell df end
    (00:49:32) <@Oergg> lol?
    (00:49:36) <@Oergg> wouldnt that give them morale
    (00:49:39) <@Oergg> blind snake returning by canoe
    (00:49:46) <@Oergg> murdock standing alone at gds
    (00:49:47) <@Oergg> lol
    (00:50:02) <@Oergg> rune sqs canoeing
    (00:52:37) <@Scleritis> df recalled snipers?
    (00:52:51) <@inf`> idk but are our snipers tanking single
    (00:52:59) <@Foyboy> yre but
    (00:53:00) <@Scleritis> yuh
    (00:53:01) <@Foyboy> kaunietis
    (00:53:02) <@Foyboy> just tanked
    (00:53:03) <@Foyboy> to rdg
    (00:53:05) <@Foyboy> like a fucking idiot
    (00:53:06) <@Brian``> ye its pissed them off hard lol
    (00:53:09) <@Brian``> pissing*
    (00:53:59) <@Paul-> fuck sake
    (00:54:12) <@Paul-> what do i have to to fucking do to not get bound
    (00:54:13) <@Junior`> Alex_Dawg where
    (00:54:23) <@Alex_Dawg> that an idea guy lmao
    (00:54:25) <@Alex_Dawg> just camping him
    (00:54:42) <@Junior`> he was naked lol
    (00:54:54) <@inf`> how many in df cc
    (00:55:07) <@Brian``> dunno the guy got caught and banned lol
    (00:55:19) <@inf`> shit
    (00:55:21) <@inf`> who was it
    (00:55:30) <@Brian``> that brandon guy
    (00:55:35) <@inf`> ah
    (00:55:43) <@Brian``> according to true they're doing better than us anyway lol
    (00:56:06) <@Alex_Dawg> lma[]
    (00:56:08) <@Alex_Dawg> sec
    (00:56:10) <@Alex_Dawg> gonna rape these guys
    (00:56:14) <@Alex_Dawg> returning hjere
    (00:56:29) <@Paul-> lmao Foyboy
    (00:56:33) <@Paul-> id u see them pile me and spam haha
    (00:56:36) <@Paul-> amnd ankl them off'
    (00:56:54) <@Jonezy50> we need to just focus snipers from now on
    (00:56:57) <@inf`> na
    (00:57:00) <@Jonezy50> our main pile isn't strong enough to do anything
    (00:57:01) <@inf`> all the rangers hve 1k sets
    (00:57:07) <@inf`> the noobs in their mainpile are outta rune/pizzas
    (00:57:09) <@Jonezy50> oh well
    (00:57:09) <@Brian``> ye murray peter etc
    (00:57:14) <@Brian``> will never stop returning/run out
    (00:57:17) <@Jonezy50> they are killing our ability to bind
    (00:57:25) <@inf`> ye but their binders are outta rune
    (00:57:26) <@inf`> geese
    (00:57:26) <@Brian``> well we should use meatshields
    (00:57:26) <@inf`> etc
    (00:57:28) <@Brian``> to protect callers
    (01:00:21) <@Scleritis> Paul-
    (01:00:26) <@Scleritis> can u not hear
    (01:00:27) <@Scleritis> whispers
    (01:00:27) <@Scleritis> lol
    (01:00:28) <@Paul-> i can
    (01:00:42) <@inf`> fucking bwuk looting his ass off
    (01:01:09) <@Junior`> the main pile really needs to stick on df we have them on the run
    (01:01:17) <@inf`> we try
    (01:01:27) <@Paul-> ^
    (01:01:54) <@Alex_Dawg> 70 pizzas leftr
    (01:01:56) <@Alex_Dawg> Oergg let me buy some
    (01:02:01) <@Oergg> k
    (01:02:03) <@Alex_Dawg> aftere
    (01:02:04) <@Oergg> come 22 edge
    (01:02:04) <@Alex_Dawg> this return
    (01:02:05) <@Oergg> well
    (01:02:06) <@Alex_Dawg> ill hl u
    (01:03:32) <@Brian``> lol
    (01:03:33) <@Brian``> they got
    (01:03:35) <@Brian``> 33 options
    (01:03:37) <@inf`> holy
    (01:03:54) <@Scleritis> do more
    (01:03:58) <@Brian``> like 10 of them
    (01:03:59) <@Brian``> in edge
    (01:04:00) <@Scleritis> demotivation spam
    (01:04:00) <@Scleritis> lol
    (01:04:39) <@Junior`> RR
    (01:04:45) <@Junior`> dfs at rr
    (01:04:49) <@Foyboy> ep hill
    (01:05:36) <@inf`> 108 opts our pile not bad
    (01:05:38) <@inf`> few running around
    (01:05:40) <@inf`> so 40ish
    (01:06:28) <@Brian``> full eos here
    (01:06:29) <@Foyboy> dude
    (01:06:30) <@Foyboy> you guys
    (01:06:32) <@Foyboy> gotta be quicker
    (01:06:33) <@Foyboy> at getting here
    (01:07:04) <@Paul-> their bind snipes fuck us tbh
    (01:08:20) <@Oergg> i got glare on my screen lol
    (01:08:21) <@Scleritis> still
    (01:08:22) <@Scleritis> east
    (01:08:23) <@Scleritis> mossies
    (01:08:23) <@Scleritis> rush
    (01:08:24) <@Scleritis> asap
    (01:08:40) <@Brian``> not talking to df anymore so ye
    (01:08:53) <@Brian``> rot saying rush it quick
    (01:08:54) <@Brian``> lol
    (01:08:57) <@Foyboy> dude
    (01:08:58) <@Foyboy> you guys
    (01:09:00) <@Foyboy> are so fucking slow
    (01:09:00) <@Foyboy> wt
    (01:09:11) <@Brian``> we got sent the wrong way
    (01:09:17) <@Foyboy> how
    (01:09:22) <@Foyboy> we said they were east mossies
    (01:09:23) <@Foyboy> like 20 times
    (01:09:23) <@Brian``> someone said they were at chaos
    (01:09:27) <@inf`> http://i.imgur.com/NX4TaVK.png fkn bwuk
    (01:09:28) <@Foyboy> who
    (01:09:29) <@Brian``> ye well i dont think he has whispers
    (01:09:31) <@Foyboy> Listen to whispers
    (01:09:33) <@Foyboy> not some idiot
    (01:09:41) <@Foyboy> who's leading without whispers
    (01:10:07) <@Scleritis> u coming
    (01:10:09) <@Scleritis> anyime this year lol
    (01:10:13) <@Brian``> we're there
    (01:10:14) <@Brian``> lol
    (01:10:35) <@Oergg> i got a half hour then i gotta prep my bro for his interview tomorrow
    (01:10:41) <@Oergg> $20k/yr upgrade so its important lol
    (01:10:43) <@inf`> lets end em
    (01:11:00) <@Foyboy> Oergg if you leave
    (01:11:00) <@Foyboy> -.-
    (01:11:03) <@Brian``> these guys are a bunch of [REDACTED] seriously
    (01:11:05) <@Brian``> like true is like
    (01:11:09) <@Brian``> "we're far from defeated"
    (01:11:13) <@Brian``> they're in fucking single lol
    (01:11:19) <@Oergg> lol
    (01:11:31) <@Brian``> even rot wouldnt do this
    (01:12:04) <@Alex_Dawg> 4-5 more snipers?
    (01:12:15) <@Brian``> not fighting these shitheads again if they dont end soon lol
    (01:13:30) <@Zach-> seriously
    (01:13:32) <@Zach-> caller or not
    (01:13:35) <@inf`> theyre saying its our snipers going single
    (01:13:35) <@Alex_Dawg> ye
    (01:13:36) <@Alex_Dawg> hes good lmao
    (01:13:37) <@inf`> so its ok for them to
    (01:13:39) <@Zach-> that was 2x too far
    (01:13:46) <@Brian``> they chased to single lol
    (01:13:52) <@Scleritis> ye lol
    (01:14:01) <@Brian``> just using it as an excuse
    (01:14:04) <@Brian``> same as always with df
    (01:14:32) <@Oergg> this is worse than eos
    (01:14:42) <@Jonezy50> my bad on booty
    (01:15:23) <@Scleritis> get a coordinated "leave single" spam
    (01:15:25) <@Scleritis> then take it east
    (01:15:36) <@Foyboy> ui mean
    (01:15:38) <@Foyboy> we did tank it to single
    (01:15:42) <@Foyboy> the snipers
    (01:15:55) <@Brian``> ye but they chased
    (01:15:59) <@Foyboy> ye
    (01:16:03) <@inf`> ye but if they just went to oru mainpile for once
    (01:17:02) <@Brian``> might get to the stage where we gotta walk back to gate and claim it
    (01:17:23) <@Foyboy> which way
    (01:17:25) <@Foyboy> should we tank
    (01:17:25) <@inf`> dont wanna end before em
    (01:17:25) <@Foyboy> should we tank
    (01:17:34) <@Brian``> south?
    (01:17:35) <@Brian``> lol
    (01:17:41) <@inf`> anywhere where we can 1hit them
    (01:17:43) <@Brian``> nah ye
    (01:17:45) <@Brian``> bring them east
    (01:17:47) <@Brian``> to multi
    (01:19:11) <@Alex_Dawg> FUCK ME
    (01:19:14) <@Scleritis> Alex_Dawg Zach- Paul-
    (01:19:15) <@Alex_Dawg> OUT OF FOOD
    (01:19:16) <@Scleritis> pile overflow
    (01:19:18) <@Scleritis> everytime
    (01:19:19) <@Brian``> rots got more than df prob
    (01:19:28) <@Oergg> our snipers arent spamming anymore
    (01:19:30) <@Oergg> fyi
    (01:20:01) <@Alex_Dawg> guys
    (01:20:04) <@Alex_Dawg> i smell like shit irl
    (01:20:22) <@inf`> our mainpile weak-ish
    (01:20:34) <@Oergg> do countdowns then
    (01:20:35) <@Oergg> 1hit em
    (01:20:37) <@Oergg> kill morale
    (01:22:29) <@Oergg> dontkill hickbilly hes out of runes and has no melee weapon
    (01:23:34) <@Junior`> Oergg chronic is naked praying
    (01:27:46) <@inf`> 46 cc
    (01:27:52) <@Oergg> tell people to join cc then?
    (01:29:21) <@Oergg> sorry i gotta go
    (01:29:24) <@Oergg> huge day for my bro
    (01:29:27) <@Oergg> if he gets this
    (01:29:29) <@Oergg> :#
    (01:29:39) <@Zach-> Paul- takin names
    (01:33:29) <@Paul-> ye well lol
    (01:34:56) <@Jonezy50> Scleritis Foyboy are you guys tanking them there
    (01:34:58) <@Jonezy50> or are they regrouping there
    (01:34:59) <@Scleritis> no
    (01:35:01) <@Jonezy50> kk
    (01:35:01) <@Scleritis> they walked there
    (01:35:02) <@Scleritis> lol
    (01:36:02) <@Alex_Dawg> Oergg Foyboy Scleritis fuck them
    (01:36:05) <@Alex_Dawg> tank them to shit places
    (01:36:08) <@Scleritis> where
    (01:36:10) <@Scleritis> trees?
    (01:36:12) <@Alex_Dawg> like lvl 19 hill giants
    (01:36:14) <@Alex_Dawg> anywhere
    (01:36:16) <@Scleritis> kk lol
    (01:36:16) <@Alex_Dawg> to fuck up their morale
    (01:36:17) <@Foyboy> we need to tank them to you
    (01:36:18) <@Foyboy> lol...
    (01:36:18) <@Brian``> edge lol
    (01:36:23) <@Alex_Dawg> nah fuck them
    (01:36:26) <@Alex_Dawg> make this not fun for therm
    (01:37:59) <@Jonezy50> we need to not pile the man o
    (01:38:02) <@Jonezy50> he tanks everytime
    (01:38:11) <@Paul-> ok
    (01:38:34) <@Paul-> send more snipers?
    (01:39:00) <@inf`> we dont have a pile then
    (01:40:00) <@Foyboy> rofl Paul-
    (01:40:17) <@Paul-> hahaha
    (01:41:09) <@Scleritis> df bailing
    (01:41:12) <@Scleritis> might have ended
    (01:41:21) <@Brian``> nah
    (01:41:41) <@Jonezy50> out of plates
    (01:41:41) <@Jonezy50> rip
    (01:41:47) <@Brian``> if they go into single we should take the win
    (01:41:50) <@Jonezy50> yes
    (01:41:51) <@Jonezy50> please
    (01:46:17) <@Brian``> hope these shitheads never recover from this
    (01:46:42) <@Zach-> took two snipers to rr lol
    (01:46:46) <@Zach-> murray and ultema
    (01:46:48) <@Zach-> on 5 hp
    (01:47:05) <@Alex_Dawg> brb
    (01:47:24) <@Brieanna> my eyes are killing me 😕 old age
    (01:47:53) <@inf`> oh cutiepie..
    (01:48:01) <@Zach-> just stare at me Brieanna
    (01:48:14) <@Junior`> Scleritis ZZZZZ is naked binding
    (01:48:14) <@Brieanna> lol
    (01:48:32) <@inf`> fuckkkk
    (01:48:34) <@Scleritis> they must have recalled snipers now surely?
    (01:48:37) <@inf`> nah
    (01:48:39) <@inf`> theres 4-5 left
    (01:48:41) <@Paul-> ye
    (01:48:42) <@Paul-> just not many
    (01:48:45) <@inf`> the rest too demotivated to snipe
    (01:48:46) <@Brian``> nah murray etc has unlimited sets
    (01:48:48) <@Scleritis> less then before tho?
    (01:48:54) <@Paul-> ye
    (01:48:57) <@Scleritis> k gd
    (01:49:04) <@Paul-> gj Scleritis
    (01:49:24) <@Scleritis> man
    (01:49:27) <@Scleritis> shuda seen this 1 tank
    (01:49:30) <@Scleritis> gdz to spiders
    (01:49:33) <@Scleritis> and then they got off
    (01:50:22) <@Brian``> rot saying df is gonna mass snipe soon
    (01:51:46) <@Alex_Dawg> cc count inf`
    (01:51:49) <@inf`> 50
    (01:53:11) <@inf`> missing so many in mainpile wtf
    (01:53:22) <@Jonezy50> so hard to ko atm
    (01:53:48) <@Alex_Dawg> u got df ts numbers Brian``
    (01:53:55) <@Brian``> na
    (01:54:02) <@Alex_Dawg> tank2edge
    (01:54:03) <@Brian``> i mean whatever they got on ts
    (01:54:06) <@Brian``> they got 40 in game
    (01:54:15) <@Brian``> if even that
    (01:54:20) <@Brian``> mabe 40
    (01:54:22) <@Brian``> 30*
    (01:54:34) <@Brian``> we can afford to drop like 5-10 more and still be alright
    (01:54:46) <@Alex_Dawg> i gotta leave in like 30 ,//
    (01:55:40) <@inf`> geese outta sets
    (01:56:36) <@Brian``> is team crap even here inf`
    (01:56:44) <@Foyboy> we're starting to drop numbers hard
    (01:56:45) <@inf`> nah cause rot ac-ing
    (01:56:50) <@Brian``> damn
    (01:56:53) <@inf`> last time they died like 20 times
    (01:56:54) <@Paul-> stil l51 in cc
    (01:56:56) <@inf`> cause rot shat on them
    (01:56:59) <@inf`> want me to bring team crap
    (01:57:04) <@inf`> nvm ttb offline
    (01:57:08) <@Alex_Dawg> 50 opt main pile Brian`` lmao
    (01:57:10) <@Alex_Dawg> theyre shit
    (01:57:17) <@Brian``> ye but they wont give up
    (01:57:29) <@Alex_Dawg> well this ognna ruin them lol
    (01:58:16) <@Junior`> df going n gap
    (01:58:23) <@Jonezy50> sigh
    (01:58:24) <@Jonezy50> rofl
    (01:59:12) <@Junior`> gate
    (01:59:13) <@Junior`> gate
    (01:59:16) <@inf`> coming mg
    (02:00:03) <@Alex_Dawg> LMAO
    (02:00:04) <@Alex_Dawg> TANKED THEM OFF
    (02:00:10) <@Brian``> rot acing has more than them seriously
    (02:00:38) <@inf`> theyre crumbling
    (02:00:42) <@inf`> dont fall for any tankbaiters
    (02:00:46) <@inf`> just fucking hit all their morons
    (02:00:58) <@Paul-> we need to flame them
    (02:00:59) <@Paul-> now more than ever
    (02:01:36) <@Brian``> we're pretty split
    (02:01:56) <@inf`> was outt pray/food couldnt tank anywhere Foyboy
    (02:03:22) <@Junior`> i'm lagging so bad
    (02:04:07) <@Paul-> this is fucked
    (02:04:14) <@Junior`> Foyboy rope is naked in the pile
    (02:04:16) <@inf`> need a caller
    (02:04:32) <@Paul-> Alex_Dawg cowm down
    (02:04:33) <@Paul-> Alex_Dawg cowm down
    (02:04:33) <@Paul-> Alex_Dawg cowm down
    (02:04:33) <@Paul-> Alex_Dawg cowm down
    (02:05:34) <@Brian``> cant slack now this is where we could lose it
    (02:05:42) <@Alex_Dawg> brb
    (02:07:35) <@Brian``> try keep morale up
    (02:08:41) <@inf`> need big energy in calling now
    (02:08:49) <@Brian``> go hard for 30 mins and they'll end
    (02:09:03) <@Junior`> df going to tip
    (02:10:02) <@Brian``> >main pile
    (02:10:03) <@Brian``> 10 ppl
    (02:10:04) <@Brian``> lol
    (02:11:31) <@Paul-> i need sets
    (02:11:35) <@Paul-> i have 2 gds abs
    (02:11:37) <@Paul-> 6 helms
    (02:12:10) <@Paul-> oerq
    (02:12:11) <@Paul-> gimem
    (02:12:12) <@Paul-> tabs
    (02:12:14) <@Paul-> soon
    (02:12:34) <@Paul-> Oergg ^^
    (02:12:38) <@Paul-> fuck he elft didnt he
    (02:12:58) <@Paul-> i need fucking gds tabs
    (02:12:58) <@Paul-> some1
    (02:13:03) <@Brian``> ancients??
    (02:13:04) <@Brian``> lol
    (02:13:11) <@Paul-> aint got a sceptre but ye
    (02:13:20) <@Brian``> wilford
    (02:13:22) <@Brian``> will have tabs
    (02:14:58) <@Brian``> isnt sem dutch inf`
    (02:15:04) <@inf`> he is
    (02:15:12) <@Brian``> doesnt he have work in the morning
    (02:15:16) <@inf`> student i think
    (02:15:19) <@inf`> idk
    (02:15:19) <@Brian``> ah
    (02:15:33) <@inf`> and he'd go all night regardless
    (02:15:52) <@Alex_Dawg> back
    (02:15:55) <@Alex_Dawg> i cant really talk atm
    (02:15:58) <@Alex_Dawg> got guests over
    (02:16:05) <@inf`> we need it
    (02:16:11) <@Alex_Dawg> ye sec
    (02:16:14) <@Alex_Dawg> let me close door
    (02:16:24) <@Brian``> man
    (02:16:25) <@Brian``> ot intel
    (02:16:27) <@Brian``> pt*
    (02:16:27) <@Alex_Dawg> fuck lil cousin in my room lol
    (02:16:29) <@Brian``> not sure about that
    (02:16:33) <@inf`> sounds like a recruit
    (02:17:11) <@Oergg> im abck
    (02:17:38) <@inf`> think they recalled snipers
    (02:18:22) <@Alex_Dawg> ok i gotta go guys
    (02:18:23) <@Alex_Dawg> gl
    (02:18:27) <@inf`> wut
    (02:18:32) <@Alex_Dawg> told brian earlier
    (02:18:35) <@inf`> crap
    (02:18:40) <@Alex_Dawg> i had plans didnt know it was gonna be this long
    (02:18:42) <@Alex_Dawg> cya guys gl
    (02:19:23) * C6 (~C6@C6.users.quakenet.org) has joined #di.warroom
    (02:19:24) * Q set mode: +o C6
    (02:19:39) <@Jonezy50> step it up boys
    (02:19:45) <@Jonezy50> & Brieanna
    (02:19:52) <@C6> yo
    (02:19:55) <@C6> whats going on
    (02:19:58) <@C6> just got back
    (02:20:01) <@Oergg> still fighting
    (02:20:13) <@C6> aiight
    (02:20:49) <@Brian``> df had 51 ppl 10 mins ago
    (02:21:03) <@Jonezy50> even #s
    (02:21:59) <@Paul-> yah
    (02:22:01) <@Paul-> im gna die
    (02:22:03) <@inf`> <03:21:58> "Magickill100" pokes you: G2g to airport picking up Father. GL. Be back in 2 hours or so
    (02:22:05) <@Paul-> irl
    (02:22:11) <@Paul-> Jonezy50
    (02:22:12) <@Paul-> tabs/
    (02:22:13) <@Paul-> ?
    (02:23:49) <@Brian``> what about [REDACTED]
    (02:24:04) <@inf`> nah [REDACTED]
    (02:24:10) <@Brian``> damn
    (02:25:13) <@Brian``> never fighting these guys again
    (02:25:52) <@inf`> ''in their pile''
    (02:25:54) <@inf`> i cant find their pile
    (02:26:00) <@inf`> not even as a joke
    (02:26:00) <@inf`> wtf
    (02:26:12) <@Foyboy> why did alex leave lol
    (02:26:24) <@Brian``> "didnt think it would last this long"
    (02:26:26) <@Foyboy> .
    (02:26:37) <@Brian``> well to be fair
    (02:26:39) <@Brian``> i didnt either
    (02:26:40) <@Foyboy> down to 53 ppl
    (02:26:42) <@Brian``> but i was still ready for it
    (02:26:46) <@Foyboy> any idea
    (02:26:47) <@Foyboy> on df numbers
    (02:26:53) <@Paul-> Jonezy50
    (02:26:54) <@Paul-> u ded?
    (02:26:55) <@Paul-> gimme tabs
    (02:26:55) <@Brieanna> back in 5 mins need to let the dogs out before they shit everywhere
    (02:26:58) <@Brian``> was 51 20 mins ago
    (02:26:59) <@Foyboy> LOL
    (02:27:05) <@Paul-> sxcl
    (02:27:07) <@Paul-> Scleritis
    (02:27:08) <@Paul-> Scleritis
    (02:27:08) <@Paul-> Scleritis
    (02:27:08) <@Paul-> Scleritis
    (02:27:08) <@Paul-> Scleritis
    (02:27:10) <@Paul-> Scleritiscome down and call
    (02:27:11) <@Scleritis> ?
    (02:27:11) <@Brian``> we could lose if we arent careful
    (02:27:12) <@Paul-> Scleritiscome down and call
    (02:27:14) <@Paul-> Scleritiscome down and call
    (02:27:16) <@Paul-> Scleritiscome down and call
    (02:27:17) <@Brian``> its not over yet
    (02:27:18) <@Paul-> no1s alive
    (02:27:30) <@Scleritis> omw
    (02:27:44) <@Brian``> might need to take snipers back for a few mins idk
    (02:27:50) <@Paul-> no way
    (02:27:53) <@Foyboy> a df
    (02:27:55) <@Foyboy> just walked down
    (02:27:57) <@Foyboy> to 29 wild
    (02:28:36) <@Jonezy50> Paul- 301 edge
    (02:28:44) <@Paul-> gimme helms
    (02:28:45) <@Paul-> and kites
    (02:28:45) <@Paul-> toogreen:
    (02:28:45) <@Paul-> #####
    (02:28:55) <@Paul-> Jonezy50
    (02:28:55) <@Paul-> ?
    (02:28:56) <@Paul-> ^
    (02:29:13) <@Paul-> ty
    (02:30:47) <@Jonezy50> lmfao
    (02:30:54) <@Jonezy50> i just hit the reload wolrd because cc never fucking works
    (02:30:58) <@Jonezy50> as soon as i logged a df hit me
    (02:30:59) <@Jonezy50> fuckin rip
    (02:31:06) <@inf`> should not even bother with their fi leaders
    (02:31:09) <@inf`> just rip their noobs
    (02:31:15) <@Paul-> how is overflow like
    (02:31:17) <@Paul-> always alie lol
    (02:31:22) <@inf`> secondary acc
    (02:31:25) <@inf`> when booty is dead i guess
    (02:31:26) <@Brian``> when he dies tiffany returns him
    (02:31:29) <@inf`> ye or that
    (02:31:30) <@Brian``> and he uses another acc
    (02:32:41) <@Scleritis> k Paul- moving back up lmk if u need
    (02:34:07) <@Zach-> ngl
    (02:34:21) <@Brian``> they channel hopped
    (02:34:23) <@Zach-> fuck these guys
    (02:34:29) <@Zach-> tell our members?
    (02:34:35) <@inf`> spam like
    (02:34:36) <@inf`> nice chanhop
    (02:34:37) <@Brian``> looks like
    (02:34:39) <@Brian``> Foyboy already did
    (02:34:40) <@Brian``> lol
    (02:34:47) <@Foyboy> i didnt
    (02:34:49) <@Foyboy> oergg did
    (02:35:03) <@Junior`> i havent died in like
    (02:35:04) <@Junior`> 50 mins
    (02:35:04) <@Brian``> gotta be careful
    (02:35:06) <@Brian``> with this loot
    (02:35:26) <@C6> lol
    (02:35:29) <@Brian``> man
    (02:35:32) <@Brian``> try not to kill [REDACTED]
    (02:35:35) <@Brian``> hes leaking to me
    (02:35:35) <@Brian``> lol
    (02:36:16) <@Brian``> true is outta rune
    (02:36:20) <@inf`> lOL?
    (02:36:26) <@inf`> lets spam nice rune ture
    (02:36:27) <@inf`> true
    (02:36:27) <@inf`> soon
    (02:36:28) <@Brian``> hes asking for rune lol
    (02:36:33) <@Jonezy50> lmao
    (02:36:38) <@inf`> lets get that going
    (02:37:00) <@Scleritis> good shit whoevers getting this spam going
    (02:37:17) <@Paul-> yw
    (02:37:24) <@inf`> paul try a pile with
    (02:37:24) <@Brian``> oh they got no snipers btw
    (02:37:25) <@inf`> nice rune true
    (02:37:27) <@Brian``> like no channel
    (02:37:27) <@Brian``> for it
    (02:39:06) <@Brian``> down to 50
    (02:39:10) <@Brian``> getting dodgy now
    (02:39:14) <@Oergg> oh fuck
    (02:39:22) <@Oergg> is our mainpile fucked
    (02:39:25) <@Oergg> or you can deal with it?
    (02:39:25) <@Brian``> no
    (02:39:27) <@Brian``> still good
    (02:39:30) <@Brian``> cause they got no pile
    (02:39:47) <@Brian``> Foyboy Oergg can you make sure everyone in snipers is in cc
    (02:40:06) * ggs` (~nnscript@ggs320.users.quakenet.org) has joined #di.warroom
    (02:40:06) * Q set mode: +o ggs`
    (02:40:26) <@inf`> nice ggs
    (02:40:28) <@inf`> or he dc'd
    (02:40:29) <@inf`> shame
    (02:40:30) <@Paul-> 39 in cc
    (02:40:32) <@Paul-> 40
    (02:41:38) <@Junior`> 7 sem calling Foyboy
    (02:41:50) <@inf`> Foyboy kill geese when you can
    (02:41:55) <@inf`> outta sets pure ranging
    (02:42:07) <@Foyboy> not gonna waste time
    (02:42:09) <@Foyboy> on a poure ranging
    (02:42:12) <@inf`> 1hit he does dps
    (02:42:16) <@Scleritis> hes got rune scim aswell
    (02:42:17) <@Scleritis> tbf
    (02:42:18) <@Foyboy> so pile with main pile
    (02:42:42) <@Brian``> we're starting to struggle now
    (02:42:53) <@Jonezy50> yea.
    (02:43:47) <@Zach-> ive got line
    (02:43:48) <@Zach-> like
    (02:43:57) <@Zach-> 30-1 hr left
    (02:44:00) <@Zach-> before im divorced
    (02:44:25) <@Jonezy50> their pile
    (02:44:31) <@Jonezy50> is stronger than ours
    (02:44:37) * @ggs has quit IRC (Ping timeouto)
    (02:44:40) <@Oergg> huh?
    (02:44:43) <@Oergg> i tanked them from gap to spiders
    (02:44:48) <@Oergg> just pray mage
    (02:44:52) <@Oergg> with 30% run
    (02:44:54) <@Oergg> and you WILL NOT DIE
    (02:44:56) <@Brian``> brb
    (02:46:15) <@Brian``> back
    (02:47:16) <@Jonezy50> will switch prayers Oergg
    (02:48:31) <@Zach-> fucking hate being out of food
    (02:48:34) <@Zach-> then their main pile finishes
    (02:48:35) <@Zach-> me
    (02:48:40) <@Zach-> unfair morale lol
    (02:54:00) <@Foyboy> duide
    (02:54:00) <@Foyboy> how bad
    (02:54:02) <@Foyboy> is out pile
    (02:54:13) <@inf`> its alright
    (02:54:18) <@inf`> first guy to tank
    (02:54:48) <@Jonezy50> i have had to die
    (02:54:49) <@inf`> need like 3-4 blasters
    (02:54:52) <@Jonezy50> at least 30 times
    (02:54:54) <@Jonezy50> almost out of pizzas
    (02:57:26) <@Brian``> jokes aside
    (02:57:33) <@Brian``> their fall in was almost 90 options
    (02:57:36) <@Brian``> so they still got a good 30
    (02:57:54) <@Paul-> is that good or bad
    (02:57:55) <@Brian``> de mechelaar left too
    (02:57:58) <@Brian``> bad
    (02:58:00) <@Brian``> thats a lot
    (02:58:12) <@Brian``> i mean if you think about it
    (02:58:16) <@Brian``> prob 5 returning too
    (03:00:03) <@inf`> de mechelaar bed soon
    (03:00:05) <@inf`> ye
    (03:00:11) <@inf`> one of their better binders
    (03:00:12) <@Brian``> ye he went to bed
    (03:00:22) <@Junior`> prob out of sets
    (03:00:24) <@Brian``> hootis gone too
    (03:00:29) <@inf`> nah hes rich
    (03:01:19) <@inf`> geese/dabz outta sets
    (03:01:20) <@inf`> who else
    (03:01:36) <@Brian``> runedude left
    (03:01:45) <@Brian``> tsunami left? (not sure he was ever here)
    (03:01:45) <@Jonezy50> damn
    (03:01:46) <@inf`> need a big name to leave
    (03:01:59) <@inf`> like chronic
    (03:02:59) <@Brian``> antonis sin left
    (03:03:09) <@inf`> 46 cc good
    (03:04:59) <@Paul-> lets stop going for fi leaders
    (03:05:01) <@Paul-> and for kos
    (03:05:35) <@Brian``> smoe guy called rene left
    (03:05:39) <@Brian``> not sure who that is
    (03:05:47) <@Brian``> oh hes some rank
    (03:05:51) <@Scleritis> l0l
    (03:06:13) <@inf`> that is
    (03:06:14) <@inf`> i love you
    (03:06:22) <@Brian``> the man o leading fall ins
    (03:06:27) <@inf`> rip sherm
    (03:06:32) <@Brian``> fuck
    (03:06:34) <@Zach-> lol
    (03:06:34) <@Jonezy50> try not to pile sherm Paul- (in the future)
    (03:06:36) <@Brian``> lol
    (03:06:46) <@inf`> shit hes a recruit
    (03:06:49) <@Brian``> nah
    (03:06:51) <@Brian``> he cant join
    (03:06:54) <@Brian``> he hacked half of df
    (03:06:56) <@Brian``> before he quit
    (03:06:59) <@inf`> lmfao
    (03:07:03) <@Oergg> lol
    (03:07:23) <@Oergg> whens dfs last pile?
    (03:07:34) <@Brian``> an hour ago?
    (03:08:33) <@Brian``> no fight next sunday unless its a cap lol
    (03:08:41) <@Junior`> ive used 400 arrows and 2 halfs of a pizza this return lol
    (03:10:06) <@Brian``> this aint near over lets not start slacking
    (03:10:18) <@Oergg> you guys should legit being 1hit them call
    (03:10:24) <@Oergg> were just tanking them to africa
    (03:10:53) <@Oergg> we need ko power
    (03:11:14) <@Brian``> well only way we're gonna get ko power back is bring snipers back our main pile is like 30 pl max
    (03:11:24) <@Oergg> do countdowns?
    (03:11:26) <@Foyboy> dont bring back snipers
    (03:11:27) <@Foyboy> ever
    (03:11:39) <@Foyboy> they literally
    (03:11:40) <@Oergg> or we can tank around you guys
    (03:11:41) <@Foyboy> cant get a bind
    (03:11:43) <@Oergg> if youre competent
    (03:11:57) <@Oergg> 4 df in 1 di ine dge
    (03:11:58) <@Brian``> probably should tank around us
    (03:12:01) <@Oergg> 2 at lumby
    (03:12:14) <@Scleritis> how many do df have
    (03:12:21) <@Brian``> 40ish i'd say
    (03:12:54) <@Brian``> still a bit to go i'd say
    (03:14:12) <@Paul-> lmao at zach
    (03:14:18) <@Brian``> df has under 40
    (03:14:19) <@Brian``> on ts
    (03:14:20) <@Paul-> calling like its the weather channel
    (03:14:28) <@Brian``> Paul- fuck sake
    (03:14:29) <@Brian``> dont say that
    (03:14:33) <@Oergg> what?
    (03:14:34) <@Brian``> people will think its ok to leave
    (03:14:35) <@Paul-> oops
    (03:14:38) <@inf`> na
    (03:14:42) <@inf`> id think
    (03:14:47) <@inf`> nice closer to ending that shitstain of a clan
    (03:14:55) <@Brian``> ye but some people will also think
    (03:14:57) <@Scleritis> wat he say
    (03:14:58) <@Scleritis> lol
    (03:15:00) <@Brian``> me going to bed wont matter
    (03:15:05) <@Brian``> how many they had left
    (03:15:12) <@Brian``> we've only got 42
    (03:15:13) <@Brian``> or so
    (03:15:33) <@Jonezy50> Brieanna
    (03:15:34) <@Jonezy50> Brian``
    (03:15:37) <@Jonezy50> mass snipe and end them?
    (03:15:40) <@Foyboy> no
    (03:15:40) <@inf`> no no
    (03:15:43) <@Jonezy50> sigh
    (03:15:43) <@Foyboy> ppl hate mass snipoing
    (03:15:44) <@inf`> first to mass snipe loses
    (03:15:45) <@Brian``> us mass sniping will give them morale
    (03:15:57) <@Jonezy50> they'e been doing laps for hours
    (03:16:57) <@inf`> shit
    (03:16:58) <@inf`> peter back
    (03:17:53) <@Oergg> dont kill killin
    (03:17:56) <@Oergg> he has no weapon
    (03:18:03) <@Brian``> still doing dmg with mage though
    (03:18:09) <@Oergg> no
    (03:18:11) <@Oergg> JUST a staff
    (03:18:12) <@Oergg> lol
    (03:18:32) <@Brian``> man they got decent levels
    (03:18:38) <@Brian``> better than us prob
    (03:18:43) <@Jonezy50> try and focus blasters and bidners
    (03:18:44) <@inf`> losing a bit too many
    (03:18:46) <@Jonezy50> they still have a decent amt
    (03:19:37) <@Brian``> brb
    (03:21:53) <@Zach-> whats their ts # like
    (03:21:54) <@Zach-> lol
    (03:22:26) <@inf`> think 40
    (03:23:06) <@inf`> harm has unlimited rune
    (03:23:11) <@inf`> dont bother
    (03:24:56) <@Paul-> can u jujs make nick a sniper
    (03:24:58) <@Paul-> hes never w us anyways
    (03:27:03) <@Brian``> back
    (03:27:07) <@Paul-> wb
    (03:28:09) <@Brian``> big naturals left
    (03:28:43) <@inf`> peter left irc
    (03:28:52) <@Brian``> rot saying they have under 20
    (03:29:10) <@Brian``> some guy called
    (03:29:16) <@Brian``> eggshell24 (lol) left
    (03:30:13) <@inf`> ingame could be
    (03:30:25) <@Scleritis> eggshell is an asset tbf
    (03:30:32) <@Brian``> top nam
    (03:30:35) <@Brian``> e
    (03:30:38) <@Paul-> lmfao
    (03:30:45) <@inf`> whats their ts #
    (03:30:57) <@Brian``> damn
    (03:31:02) <@Brian``> de mechelaar back
    (03:31:08) <@Brian``> he slept for like 20 mins and came back lol
    (03:31:26) <@inf`> shit what a beast
    (03:31:49) <@Brian``> prob gotta leave in like an hour here
    (03:31:52) <@Brian``> doubt it'll last
    (03:32:02) <@Oergg> is your ko power ok?
    (03:32:15) <@Foyboy> better than df's
    (03:32:17) <@Foyboy> for sure
    (03:32:25) <@Brian``> true left for dinner
    (03:32:29) <@Foyboy> lmfao
    (03:32:41) <@Foyboy> can we tell
    (03:32:46) <@Paul-> alrdy did
    (03:32:46) <@Paul-> lmao
    (03:32:47) <@Brian``> ye
    (03:32:48) <@Brian``> 03:32:09 brian289 • (21:27:06) (brian289) True_2k8
    (03:32:50) <@Brian``> 03:32:10 brian289 • (21:27:10) (brian289) y u guys outlastin son.
    (03:32:52) <@Brian``> 03:32:10 brian289 • (21:27:11) (brian289) :()
    (03:32:54) <@Brian``> 03:32:11 brian289 • (21:27:19) (True_2k8) we not
    (03:32:56) <@Brian``> 03:32:13 brian289 • (21:27:20) (True_2k8) gimme
    (03:32:58) <@Brian``> 03:32:14 brian289 • (21:27:21) (True_2k8) 10min
    (03:33:00) <@Brian``> 03:32:15 brian289 • (21:27:22) (True_2k8) eating my dinner
    (03:33:02) <@Brian``> 03:32:16 brian289 • (21:30:41) (brian289) di has 120 op fi
    (03:33:03) <@Paul-> lol
    (03:33:04) <@Brian``> 03:32:17 brian289 • (21:30:44) (brian289) u got 60
    (03:33:06) <@Brian``> 03:32:18 brian289 • (21:30:47) (brian289) and no sniper
    (03:33:08) <@Brian``> 03:32:19 brian289 • (21:30:50) (brian289) come play league
    (03:33:21) <@Brian``> they wont end while hes afk though
    (03:33:42) <@Paul-> COME PLAY LEAUE looll
    (03:33:50) <@C6> lmfao
    (03:34:06) <@Zach-> lol
    (03:36:51) <@Brian``> lrd has to go to work soon
    (03:36:52) <@Brian``> lol
    (03:36:52) <@Paul-> ye
    (03:36:56) <@Paul-> king mike ws in full rune
    (03:38:00) <@Scleritis> merge snipers and main pile?
    (03:38:12) <@Brian``> might be time soon
    (03:38:13) <@Zach-> need snipers to demoralize imo
    (03:38:14) <@Oergg> are you guys still 1-2 hitting?
    (03:38:20) <@Zach-> yes
    (03:38:22) <@Brian``> 3-4 hitting
    (03:38:23) <@Foyboy> then you're fine
    (03:38:23) <@Zach-> if we get the right piles
    (03:38:25) <@Foyboy> we're making it
    (03:38:29) <@Foyboy> so that df literally cant kill anyone
    (03:38:33) <@Foyboy> i tank to 0 food
    (03:38:35) <@Foyboy> every single time
    (03:39:21) <@Brian``> Junior` lol
    (03:39:24) <@Junior`> LOL
    (03:39:26) <@Junior`> did u see that Brian``
    (03:39:28) <@Brian``> ye
    (03:39:31) <@Brian``> was me hitting
    (03:39:41) <@Junior`> i was like oh look murry
    (03:39:44) <@Junior`> bang 24 13
    (03:39:45) <@Junior`> lol
    (03:40:04) <@Foyboy> nullusion is retarded
    (03:40:07) <@Foyboy> just randomly snipes
    (03:40:12) <@inf`> think theyre trying
    (03:40:16) <@inf`> to get a snipegroup going
    (03:40:21) <@inf`> with peter back
    (03:42:31) * Brian^ (~Brian@BrianB.users.quakenet.org) has joined #di.warroom
    (03:42:31) * Q set mode: +o Brian^
    (03:43:23) <@Scleritis> man
    (03:43:24) <@Scleritis> they have
    (03:43:25) <@Scleritis> less then 25
    (03:43:26) <@Scleritis> ingame
    (03:43:55) <@Brian^> woot didnt die when i dced
    (03:44:30) <@Paul-> w00t
    (03:44:32) <@Zach-> w00t
    (03:44:39) <@Paul-> fuck
    (03:44:41) <@Paul-> out of earths
    (03:44:41) <@Paul-> Oergg
    (03:44:42) <@Paul-> some1
    (03:44:43) <@Paul-> Foyboy
    (03:44:44) <@Foyboy> ?
    (03:44:45) <@Paul-> gimme earths
    (03:45:30) <@Brian^> theyre getting serious again now
    (03:45:37) <@Paul-> like theyre doing good?
    (03:45:43) <@Brian^> trying to get a pile
    (03:45:48) <@Paul-> ok lol
    (03:45:49) <@inf`> they tank single tho
    (03:45:50) <@inf`> over n over
    (03:45:51) <@Brian^> ye
    (03:46:34) <@Paul-> SOME1
    (03:46:35) <@Paul-> OERGG
    (03:46:37) <@Paul-> DO U HAVE EARTHS
    (03:46:40) <@Oergg> NO
    (03:46:43) <@Paul-> FUCK IT IM RANGING
    (03:46:52) * @Brian`` has quit IRC (Ping timeouto)
    (03:46:57) * Brian^ is now known as Brian``
    (03:47:18) <@Zach-> 30 main pile
    (03:47:22) <@Zach-> pretty good
    (03:47:23) <@Zach-> imo
    (03:47:27) <@Brian``> ye but
    (03:47:33) <@Brian``> got a lot of euros here
    (03:47:41) <@Brian``> not even being funny finns will have work soon
    (03:47:57) <@inf`> lrd has work in like 2
    (03:48:02) <@Brian``> ye
    (03:48:21) <@Junior`> ived died like 25x
    (03:48:22) <@Junior`> lol
    (03:49:05) <@Brian``> might be time to pull snipers back
    (03:49:09) <@inf`> im ok if lizardsquad comes
    (03:49:11) <@Brian``> we arent really killing people
    (03:49:39) <@Jonezy50> hard to get 1 bangs
    (03:49:44) <@Scleritis> lets do it
    (03:49:46) <@Scleritis> they have aswell
    (03:50:01) <@Foyboy> man
    (03:50:03) <@Foyboy> not a good idea
    (03:50:07) <@Brian``> we cant
    (03:50:08) <@Foyboy> itll be huge morale
    (03:50:08) <@Brian``> kill anyone
    (03:50:09) <@Oergg> i dont know how we end them without snipers
    (03:50:09) <@Brian``> atm
    (03:50:16) <@Brian``> well we cant kill anyone
    (03:50:16) <@Oergg> well then be slower on calls?
    (03:50:22) <@Paul-> no we got this
    (03:50:23) <@Paul-> fuck that
    (03:50:25) <@Foyboy> you realize
    (03:50:25) <@Brian``> no we just have no ko
    (03:50:26) <@Brian``> power
    (03:50:28) <@Paul-> snipers is what ends now
    (03:50:29) <@Foyboy> if we pull back snipers
    (03:50:30) <@Paul-> clans*
    (03:50:32) <@Foyboy> they get massive morale
    (03:50:33) <@Jonezy50> we are very slow on piles
    (03:50:34) <@Foyboy> clean piles
    (03:50:36) <@Foyboy> and start killing us
    (03:50:37) <@Jonezy50> we are
    (03:50:38) <@Foyboy> SO ARE THEY
    (03:50:38) <@Brian``> how will they know
    (03:50:39) <@Brian``> lol
    (03:50:42) <@inf`> kopowers fine if we take it slow
    (03:50:45) <@Foyboy> you can tell easily
    (03:50:48) <@Foyboy> if a clan pulls of snipers
    (03:50:52) <@Junior`> wow i forgot arrows
    (03:50:53) <@Junior`> fml
    (03:50:57) <@Brian``> now theyre going north
    (03:50:57) <@Paul-> lol.
    (03:51:48) <@Scleritis> lets take em back
    (03:51:52) <@Scleritis> and get a nice 40+ main pile
    (03:52:03) <@Jonezy50> i second that
    (03:52:07) <@Oergg> we can try it
    (03:52:09) <@Oergg> for 15 minutes
    (03:52:12) <@Oergg> but if ti doesnt work
    (03:52:14) <@Oergg> its back to this plan
    (03:52:15) <@Oergg> deal?
    (03:52:18) <@Jonezy50> sure
    (03:52:24) <@inf`> no more boszy piles
    (03:53:03) <@Zach-> well
    (03:53:12) <@Zach-> no more hickbilly, boszy, etc piles
    (03:53:16) <@Zach-> hard to ko with 15 people lol
    (03:54:24) <@Jonezy50> fuck
    (03:54:25) <@Jonezy50> fuck
    (03:54:30) <@Jonezy50> dammit
    (03:55:01) <@Junior`> Brian`` can i stay sniping df binders
    (03:55:04) <@Brian``> ye
    (03:56:09) <@inf`> theyre making a push to end it
    (03:56:45) <@Paul-> like in their favor?
    (03:56:52) <@Brian``> get spunds to come inf`
    (03:56:57) <@inf`> k
    (03:57:00) <@inf`> yes Paul-
    (03:57:14) <@Brian``> df have 38 on ts
    (03:58:43) <@Brian``> gonna turn into a real shit fest soon
    (03:58:47) <@Oergg> ?
    (03:58:55) <@Brian``> when no one has enough to kill each other
    (03:59:12) <@Jonezy50> this is fucking dumb. literally they've just held on the past 3 fuckin hours
    (04:00:02) <@Oergg> has nick been doing that all night?
    (04:00:10) <@inf`> nah not as bad
    (04:00:13) <@inf`> hes just clueless
    (04:00:47) <@Jonezy50> [USERNAME REDACTED]
    (04:00:47) <@Jonezy50> [PASSWORD REDACTED]
    (04:00:50) <@Jonezy50> fuck
    (04:00:58) <@inf`> alright [REDACTED]
    (04:01:03) <@Jonezy50> i'll change that later
    (04:01:05) <@Brian``> n forest left
    (04:01:10) <@inf`> hes a keypart
    (04:02:00) <@Scleritis> there pile
    (04:02:01) <@Scleritis> is 
    (04:02:01) <@Scleritis> so 
    (04:02:02) <@Scleritis> easy
    (04:02:12) <@Scleritis> keep it up Paul-
    (04:02:12) <@inf`> is it me or are people going louder/softer
    (04:02:34) <@Brian``> oergg had priority speaker i fixed it
    (04:02:42) <@Oergg> sorry
    (04:03:12) <@Brian``> i think
    (04:03:17) <@Brian``> if they leave here for like moss etc
    (04:03:19) <@Brian``> we should take the win
    (04:05:11) <@inf`> teamcrap might come soon
    (04:05:27) <@Brian``> we could do with them
    (04:05:28) <@Brian``> big time
    (04:05:45) <@inf`> he wants you to pm him Brian``
    (04:05:49) <@Brian``> who
    (04:05:49) <@inf`> sounds_
    (04:05:50) <@Brian``> sounds?
    (04:05:51) <@Brian``> ok
    (04:06:14) <@inf`> we gaining
    (04:10:21) <@Foyboy> Oergg bring me back arrows when you return
    (04:10:25) <@Scleritis> ye
    (04:10:29) <@Scleritis> we got momentum
    (04:11:20) <@Brian``> theyre bailing to moss or whatever
    (04:11:24) <@Brian``> if they go single we win lol
    (04:12:29) <@Brian``> they still got
    (04:12:33) <@Brian``> 66 opts main pile
    (04:12:46) <@inf`> shitting on them tho
    (04:12:50) <@Brian``> ye
    (04:13:15) <@Junior`> holy fuck its 1am lol
    (04:13:29) <@Scleritis> 4AM
    (04:13:30) <@C6> no its not
    (04:13:33) <@C6> for you
    (04:13:35) <@Brian``> gotta be in work in 4 hours
    (04:13:35) <@Brian``> lol
    (04:13:39) <@Foyboy> rofl
    (04:13:40) <@C6> r0f
    (04:14:10) <@Junior`> 10k addy arrrows -> 1k left
    (04:14:24) <@Brian``> fucking gcliff killed sounds inf`
    (04:14:32) <@inf`> goddamn
    (04:14:41) <@inf`> gotta have more Junior` i bought 100k
    (04:14:42) <@inf`> #READY
    (04:14:52) <@Brian``> this guy saying
    (04:14:55) <@Brian``> df will end at 12 est
    (04:15:11) <@C6> 45 mins lol
    (04:15:17) <@Paul-> if we win
    (04:15:18) <@Paul-> this
    (04:15:20) <@Paul-> that will b
    (04:15:21) <@Paul-> so epic
    (04:15:32) <@Paul-> i have a fuking migraine
    (04:15:37) <@Paul-> from oxygen deprivation
    (04:15:41) <@Scleritis> if we lose i quit rs quti uni
    (04:15:44) <@Scleritis> quit everything
    (04:15:48) <@inf`> you want some mouth to mouth boy
    (04:15:58) <@C6> lol
    (04:16:10) <@Scleritis> Jonezy50 Paul- Zach-
    (04:16:13) <@C6> sounds like youve drank through the fihgt
    (04:16:14) <@Scleritis> neds on lobbies apparently
    (04:16:41) <@Foyboy> I need arrows man someone bring em for me
    (04:16:51) <@inf`> think i have jonny sniping df Brian``
    (04:16:55) <@Brian``> ye
    (04:16:55) <@inf`> bit odd but it works
    (04:18:37) <@Foyboy> Paul- bring me arrows
    (04:18:41) <@Paul-> kk
    (04:18:42) <@Paul-> how many
    (04:18:42) <@inf`> gcliff etc killing zbrezniak
    (04:18:43) <@Foyboy> 500
    (04:18:53) <@Paul-> w14 mg
    (04:18:55) <@Foyboy> k
    (04:19:04) <@Brian``> fuck they still got a good bit
    (04:19:11) <@Foyboy> im here
    (04:19:14) <@Paul-> brt
    (04:19:16) <@Oergg> kill binders not fallin leaders
    (04:19:25) <@Foyboy> ty
    (04:23:49) <@inf`> blindorman an unsung hero
    (04:24:06) <@Oergg> ya no shit
    (04:25:37) <@Junior`> i feel like chewing my arm off for a smoke
    (04:25:59) <@Zach-> smoke inside pussy
    (04:26:00) <@Zach-> !!
    (04:26:15) <@Junior`> brb while the gf wakes up n beats me
    (04:26:26) <@Zach-> my wife is making fun of me
    (04:26:28) <@Zach-> morale is low
    (04:26:53) <@Paul-> mn its like a 40v40 now
    (04:26:54) <@Paul-> if that
    (04:26:55) <@Paul-> lol
    (04:27:45) <@Brian``> reminder: this is for #2
    (04:28:14) <@Zach-> lol
    (04:28:50) <@Brian``> op die flaming you inf`
    (04:28:53) <@Brian``> saying you went to bed
    (04:28:55) <@inf`> hes camping me
    (04:28:59) <@inf`> last 6h
    (04:28:59) <@inf`> no lie
    (04:29:01) <@Brian``> lol
    (04:29:03) <@Brian``> isnt he vit
    (04:29:07) <@inf`> its membersgate
    (04:29:07) <@inf`> ye
    (04:29:12) <@inf`> he might get striked in vit
    (04:29:15) <@inf`> cause hes so useless tonight
    (04:29:22) <@inf`> hes done nothing other than camp me for 6h
    (04:29:27) <@inf`> even df flaming him
    (04:30:00) <@Brian``> slayer still here
    (04:30:00) <@Brian``> lol
    (04:30:08) <@inf`> ye
    (04:30:10) <@inf`> unexpected
    (04:30:12) <@Zach-> did scott come
    (04:30:13) <@inf`> from useless
    (04:30:14) <@Zach-> for most of it
    (04:30:14) <@inf`> to this
    (04:30:17) <@inf`> like 2h
    (04:30:20) <@inf`> he already left
    (04:30:27) <@Zach-> poor chap
    (04:31:23) <@Brian``> df 35 on ts
    (04:31:27) <@inf`> good shit
    (04:31:37) <@Paul-> need mother fuckers to get in game
    (04:31:37) <@Paul-> lol
    (04:31:38) <@Brian``> i think they'll end in 30 mins
    (04:31:54) <@Brian``> we're never fighting these guys again
    (04:32:01) <@Oergg> ya
    (04:32:04) <@Oergg> wtf is ther fucking problem
    (04:32:14) <@Brian``> we;ve never done this to them
    (04:32:15) <@Oergg> they legit just killed the game tonight
    (04:32:15) <@Oergg> 100%
    (04:32:23) <@inf`> also
    (04:32:28) <@inf`> joko calls good
    (04:32:29) <@inf`> wtf
    (04:32:39) <@C6> all or nothing
    (04:33:09) <@Brian``> like
    (04:33:18) <@Brian``> some belgian guy just went to bed inf`
    (04:33:22) <@Brian``> not sure who
    (04:33:25) <@Jonezy50> inf`
    (04:33:27) <@Brian``> but hes got a belgian flag on ts
    (04:33:27) <@inf`> andresbond?
    (04:33:29) <@Jonezy50> do you have any contact with SV
    (04:33:34) <@Brian``> name is "sleeping"
    (04:33:36) <@Brian``> so idk who
    (04:33:56) <@inf`> hes a good member probs
    (04:34:05) <@inf`> ffs op die still camping
    (04:35:08) <@Paul-> last rune kite
    (04:35:08) <@Paul-> fuk
    (04:35:12) <@Paul-> gonna take rrosses acc after this
    (04:35:15) <@Paul-> actually fuk it
    (04:35:16) <@Paul-> now
    (04:35:23) <@Brian``> ye he went to bed like 5 hours ago
    (04:36:09) <@inf`> spec2kil looting rune
    (04:36:10) <@Paul-> ye
    (04:36:11) <@Paul-> lol
    (04:36:43) <@inf`> boszy demotivated
    (04:36:45) <@inf`> might end for tonight
    (04:36:48) <@Brian``> their pile
    (04:36:52) <@Brian``> is still almost 90
    (04:38:06) <@inf`> next spam on rope
    (04:38:15) <@inf`> do somethign with him using it or w\e
    (04:39:46) <@Scleritis> neds then rope?
    (04:40:35) <@inf`> neds lovelost
    (04:40:37) <@inf`> hes shit
    (04:40:45) <@Foyboy> dont
    (04:40:47) <@Foyboy> tell anyone
    (04:40:50) <@Foyboy> to kill themself
    (04:40:51) <@Foyboy> you'll get mutd
    (04:40:55) <@inf`> nah
    (04:40:56) <@C6> ye
    (04:40:56) <@Zach-> ^
    (04:40:58) <@inf`> theyve spammed that for 4-5wars
    (04:40:59) <@inf`> (df)
    (04:41:02) <@Zach-> they have a pmod
    (04:41:03) <@inf`> like over n over
    (04:41:06) <@Zach-> if they spam it to us ill mute them
    (04:41:31) <@inf`> sem choking
    (04:41:33) <@inf`> seems tired
    (04:41:40) <@Scleritis> he choked loads
    (04:41:43) <@Scleritis> earlier
    (04:41:45) <@Scleritis> when i was sniping
    (04:41:54) <@inf`> hes tired i think real bad
    (04:43:42) <@Junior`> south Paul-
    (04:43:43) <@inf`> holy 108 opts
    (04:43:51) <@Brian``> us or them
    (04:44:01) <@Foyboy> .
    (04:44:01) <@Foyboy> .
    (04:44:10) <@Foyboy> "spam burrito"
    (04:44:25) <@Brian``> now theyre running back the other way
    (04:44:30) <@Jonezy50> 45 people at 12am est
    (04:44:37) <@Oergg> damn they found out our spy
    (04:44:38) <@Oergg> lol
    (04:44:46) <@inf`> maybe warky can join the war Brian`` since he should be up soon
    (04:44:51) <@Brian``> yea
    (04:44:51) <@Jonezy50> did they? lmao
    (04:45:00) <@Oergg> ya cuz eh said off
    (04:45:03) <@Oergg> someone prob saw him
    (04:45:09) <@Oergg> they just called him a faggot and piled him
    (04:45:09) <@Oergg> lol
    (04:45:13) <@inf`> fuck
    (04:45:23) <@inf`> rip our intel
    (04:45:27) <@Zach-> 1 less for them lmfao
    (04:46:11) <@Brian``> gaining lol
    (04:46:20) <@inf`> de mech left
    (04:46:22) <@inf`> irc atleast
    (04:47:18) <@Paul-> ts update Brian``.
    (04:47:30) <@Brian``> he went to bed
    (04:47:51) <@Paul-> why cuz we piled him
    (04:47:52) <@Paul-> what a g00n
    (04:47:58) <@Oergg> df piled him
    (04:49:39) <@Paul-> wtf how
    (04:49:40) <@Paul-> why
    (04:49:40) <@Paul-> lol
    (04:49:52) <@Foyboy> im gonna hate work tomorrow
    (04:49:55) <@Foyboy> already was sick
    (04:49:55) <@Oergg> 20:45 @Oergg • ya cuz eh said off
    (04:49:55) <@Oergg> 20:45 @Oergg • someone prob saw him
    (04:49:55) <@inf`> cause he said
    (04:49:55) <@Paul-> me2
    (04:50:06) <@Paul-> he gna intro
    (04:50:07) <@Paul-> lol
    (04:50:14) <@Brian``> nah
    (04:51:44) <@Foyboy> Paul- bring me 500 more? lol
    (04:51:51) <@Oergg> im gonna suicide for 1k
    (04:51:53) <@Oergg> ill bring you 1k
    (04:52:15) <@Foyboy> k
    (04:52:56) <@Brian``> true aint even here anymore
    (04:53:29) <@inf`> mkwasnt lyin
    (04:53:34) <@inf`> he actually came back after 2h or so
    (04:53:34) <@Paul-> aint ded Foyboy
    (04:53:35) <@Paul-> but ye
    (04:53:36) <@Jonezy50> Paul- when i gave you kites i had 30 left
    (04:53:37) <@Paul-> just remin d me
    (04:53:38) <@Jonezy50> i now have 6
    (04:53:38) <@Paul-> when i die
    (04:53:41) <@Paul-> lol jonezer
    (04:53:43) <@Foyboy> nvm Paul-
    (04:53:44) <@Oergg> Jonezy50 17 edge
    (04:53:45) <@Foyboy> orgg is bringing
    (04:53:46) <@Oergg> ill give you 20
    (04:53:47) <@Paul-> iv died 40 times
    (04:53:51) <@Jonezy50> omw Oergg
    (04:54:07) <@Jonezy50> ty
    (04:54:19) <@Scleritis> tell ppl to tank around?
    (04:54:22) <@Scleritis> we can transition
    (04:54:36) <@Zach-> i cant tank long straight melee pray
    (04:54:39) <@Zach-> like in circles
    (04:54:42) <@Zach-> ive gotta mage pray bail
    (04:54:51) <@Foyboy> just tank em off
    (04:54:53) <@Foyboy> its bnetter
    (04:54:54) <@Foyboy> to demoralize
    (04:54:58) <@Zach-> ye
    (04:55:09) <@Alex_Dawg> IM BACK
    (04:55:10) <@Alex_Dawg> IDIOTS
    (04:55:12) <@Foyboy> LOL
    (04:55:16) <@Oergg> trade me Foyboy
    (04:55:23) <@Foyboy> whjere
    (04:55:26) <@Oergg> the back
    (04:55:38) <@Foyboy> inb4
    (04:55:39) <@Foyboy> i die
    (04:55:58) <@Foyboy> wanna unmute l
    (04:55:58) <@Foyboy> Alex_Dawg
    (04:56:02) <@Paul-> hey if they pull a lpa
    (04:56:03) <@Paul-> wanna take ending
    (04:56:04) <@Paul-> lmao
    (04:56:14) <@Alex_Dawg> WORD
    (04:56:14) <@Alex_Dawg> IM RDY
    (04:56:16) <@Alex_Dawg> TO END THEM
    (04:56:19) <@Alex_Dawg> JUST GOT BACK FROM DINNER
    (04:56:21) <@C6> are they ending??
    (04:56:31) <@inf`> soon
    (04:56:38) <@Brian``> in 5 mins supposedly
    (04:56:41) <@Brian``> but i wouldnt count on it
    (04:56:42) <@C6> just meant since
    (04:56:48) <@inf`> theyre getting bashed now
    (04:56:49) <@C6> basically those guys didnt try to tank rofl
    (04:59:33) <@Foyboy> nice Scleritis
    (04:59:39) <@Paul-> gj Scleritis
    (04:59:43) <@Jonezy50> :)))))))
    (04:59:43) <@C6> that was fucking awesome
    (04:59:44) <@Paul-> that was our fuking savior
    (05:00:21) <@inf`> ye i got wet panties
    (05:01:39) <@Junior`> Paul- 1 screen east
    (05:01:42) <@C6> yikes
    (05:02:01) <@Alex_Dawg> Oergg
    (05:02:02) <@Alex_Dawg> Oergg
    (05:02:03) <@Alex_Dawg> w22
    (05:02:05) <@Alex_Dawg> for pizzas?
    (05:02:12) <@Oergg> ok
    (05:02:28) <@Alex_Dawg> how much Oergg?
    (05:02:31) <@Brian``> 2 more just left for them
    (05:02:32) <@Oergg> idk
    (05:03:34) <@Foyboy> mute him Zach-
    (05:04:45) <@Foyboy> rofl Alex_Dawg
    (05:07:08) <@Zach-> i was afk
    (05:07:15) <@Zach-> wife is facetiming her family
    (05:07:16) <@Zach-> .......
    (05:08:22) <@Scleritis> wot the fak
    (05:08:25) <@Scleritis> iv used 800 pizzas
    (05:08:31) <@Scleritis> need to hop on igors acc after this return
    (05:08:35) <@inf`> ye it aint ideal
    (05:09:01) <@inf`> drag ahrimps outta sets
    (05:09:13) <@C6> i mean if we spammed “you’re muslim” implying they’re terrorists itd be racist lol
    (05:09:31) <@Jonezy50> should just take the win
    (05:09:35) <@inf`> no
    (05:09:36) <@Jonezy50> it'sbeen 7 hours
    (05:09:38) <@inf`> we gotta end these fucktards
    (05:09:42) <@Scleritis> dude
    (05:09:44) <@Scleritis> im sweating
    (05:09:45) <@Scleritis> so
    (05:09:46) <@Scleritis> hard
    (05:09:50) <@Alex_Dawg> YE SWAMP ASS
    (05:09:51) <@Alex_Dawg> THATS WHAT U GET
    (05:09:53) <@Alex_Dawg> FROM CALLING GOOD
    (05:10:00) <@Scleritis> iv barely called 2nite tbf
    (05:10:00) <@Brian``> lol
    (05:10:01) <@Scleritis> lol
    (05:10:18) <@Alex_Dawg> ENDING?
    (05:10:20) <@Alex_Dawg> ENDING?
    (05:10:22) <@inf`> no
    (05:10:24) <@inf`> gotta find them
    (05:10:27) <@Brian``> rot saying df at corp
    (05:10:48) <@inf`> theyre going
    (05:10:50) <@inf`> to loop
    (05:10:55) <@inf`> dwarves>gap>mg>spiders
    (05:11:00) <@Alex_Dawg> I HAD
    (05:11:01) <@Brian``> we gotta be quick
    (05:11:02) <@Alex_Dawg> 2 MUCH TO DIRNK
    (05:11:03) <@Alex_Dawg> AT DINNER
    (05:11:24) <@Oergg> im gonna start scouting them
    (05:11:26) <@Oergg> if theyre gonna do this
    (05:11:33) <@Brian``> they didnt log
    (05:11:36) <@Brian``> 100%
    (05:11:38) <@Brian``> they didnt log
    (05:11:50) <@Scleritis> (05:11:43) <OA> grats Scleritis
    (05:11:51) <@inf`> they ended
    (05:11:52) <@Scleritis> we won
    (05:11:54) <@Brian``> ok
    (05:11:54) <@inf`> chris antos
    (05:11:55) <@inf`> w67
    (05:11:56) <@Jonezy50> we won
    (05:11:56) <@Brian``> they logged
    (05:11:57) <@Jonezy50> !!!!!!!
    (05:11:59) <@Brian``> go to gate
    (05:11:59) <@Junior`> WOOOOO
    (05:12:00) <@Junior`> WOOOOO
    (05:12:01) <@Junior`> WOOOOO
    (05:12:02) <@Brian``> and get a good ending
    (05:12:09) <@C6> ye’
    (05:12:14) <@Junior`> this should of ended
    (05:12:16) <@Junior`> 5 hrs ago
    (05:12:18) <@Alex_Dawg> I ENDED THIS
    (05:12:20) <@Alex_Dawg> IN 14 MIN
    (05:12:23) <@Junior`> scu did
    (05:12:28) <@Junior`> with his 15 man train
    (05:13:17) <@Brian``> make sure everyone LOGS Oergg and ont quick hops
    (05:14:04) <@Brian``> wanna do this quick i gotta go to bed lol

  2. Do you still consider Last Clan Standing/Ending opts as the best way to determine a win? 

    Nah, we all old as hell now. You're a genuine loser if you want to fight for hours and hours on end just to be the last clan standing on runescape these days. We all got responsibilities/better shit to be doing now.


    If no, what would you suggest instead?

    Whoever performed better


    Could non returning fights ever be an option again?



    Do we even need to have a clear cut winner anymore?

    I mean everyone claims a win regardless these days anyway so doesn't really matter


    What do you think contributed to the rise of the "Last Clan Standing" mentality?

    Goons like @Brian getting returns off. In all seriousness there was a point in time where the last clan standing was fine to judge who won but when most people are 25+ with jobs/kids/uni etc, you can't really justify doing it these days unless you live for runescape.

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