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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. Finally another fucking Giants fan.
  2. This counts for you-know-what competition btw.
  3. Wonder lol, thunder is tempest. "Taste the rainbow" - alluding to our love for cape switching in EoS.
  4. might need to kill people if ur gonna call them trash lol
  5. ROT, but it's led by Ghjjf and Gochance1 or DI but it's led by B289 and Zulu
  6. Midweeks. Atmosphere is way better due to being quieter, I'm not a huge nightclubber and there aren't many clubs for alt/90s kids. I basically have to get a boat to get to the mainland for some decent clubs there's only like 3 in the country.
  7. 14 years of CWA and that's the first time I've ever been cut from a round LOL
  8. My lawyer and my agent will handle all legal representation and media enquiries. Thank you. (And ye it's FFDP again, told you I was mad)
  9. Football's not the only thing coming home. Proud to be on my main m8 Filz's friendfinder since 2020.
  10. Think we're doing this again on Sunday lol.
  11. RoT still picking up their bits from alkharid rooftop then lol
  12. iPhones are notorious for patching their phones to a point where the performance is cripplied in order to "save battery integrity". We all know that's bullshit because what they really want you to do is upgrade, but unlike Android phones iPhones aren't the easiest to fuck around with, mechanically and technically. So it's either that or they're telling you their batteries are piss. Imagine having a battery last for only 2 years in a $1000 phone.
  13. Yeah Xiaomi are really good. Blu were pretty bad but their phones were almost 100 euros cheaper than the equivelant Xiaomi line and it shows. I'd have signal randomly dropping out, calls dropping, the phone randomly would switch off or not link to my car etc, most of these problems were after a year, but I still figured a year phone for €150 was good value, but wanted something a bit more reliable than that, so swapped to Xiaomi and had two of their Note phones, will be getting a new phone soon because this one is pre 5g era so it doesn't have compatibility for it and 5g just launched here, but it's not urgent as I don't have a 5g data plan yet. Huawei are good though, my Mum has one of those, after she lost two expensive iPhones.
  14. The vast majority of people I know own like a brand new iPhone or Galaxy every other year. Phones that are costing upwards to a thousand euros/dollars. I don't understand it. I used to own those kinds of phones when I was younger and it was flash to have the latest Android and I had an iPhone once before deciding I hated iTunes. Ever since I was in my early 20s, I switched to Chinese branded phones, originally Blu but my last two phones (inc current one) have been by a company called Xiaomi. An upper-mid range Xiaomi phone is around 200-250 euros and I would say have maximum 3 year life span, I've had mine two years and 3 months and it's slowly starting to go to shit, but then again I dropped it about a month ago and cracked the screen whilst playing golf so I think it coulda gone longer. So those of you that own expensive pieces of metal and plastic, why? E: Probs worth mentioning I don't take a lot of pictures (although the camera quality is very good, just not iPhone level), and my phone is a "neccesity" item, not a luxury one, I mostly only use it for the car as I have AndroidPlay. I don't use Whatsapp or Social Media (have a gaming twitter but no IG/SNAP/FB etc). I usually respond to texts as and when I can and typically will only accept phone calls from saved numbers, I don't give my number out to companies, etc and my workplace gave me a phone as I refused to give them my number as my phone is personal to me, and told them I only accept e-mails otherwise.
  15. Was out with some mates in Hanam in Korea, I ordered a taxi from the hotel and it went into an indefinite loop of trying to find a driver and I couldn't cancel it even by closing the app. After 10mins I called a local taxi which arrived in 5 minutes, then whilst we were on our way into the city centre the uber showed up and I still got charged for it and uber wouldn't refund so I had my credit card company the reverse the payment, which is an instant ban.
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