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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. Current VR because they're actually all things considered a decent clan, DR barely qualifies as a clan, just Nullusion's wet deluded dream. Dragonwood or Shadow Elves.
  2. Never playing this game again lol. I think I was probably the only one who didn't have fun or get a drop all week to the point I stopped coming on TS after day 3.
  3. 1. Who the hell made this? Only Veto is this autistic. Plus without a doubt 95% of clanners past and present have no idea who Veto is and his has the most detail probably on the whole site. I doubt anyone else would go far enough to go on WBM and go through the entire of RSD's intro boards to pull his entire clan history. 2. Do you have a page? Thank fuck no. 3. If so, is is accurate? J50 only DI member how they gonna do my boy milfhunter50 like this. 4. Who do you suspect made 1.4k fucking pages of these? Respect. Only Veto is this autistic. 5. Find your favorite page Veto's.
  4. Well known old name. Welcome buddy. Show dog.
  5. Well done lads and thanks for the action again PD. Much love.
  6. meme social justice holiday but because it's a day off people will be like w.e thx again blackies. Blacks always observed it - but they just didn't get the day off, but now it's a federal holiday for whites who were the forefront of slave labour? America is a strange country to me. Let's give federal holidays for all black people who were freed from black slavers (who were arguably worse than white slavers and I say arguably because some white slavers were brutal, but black ones always were) into white slavery where they were probably better off. Also, black people are still enslaved on a daily basis in Africa but that's fine I guess cos they free in the land of freedom. Gone full Jebrim here but as an European born black kid who's just sat back and observed the spectrum through my teen years and adult life, I find most of this stuff to be absolute fucking bullshit. And it's not because I spend too much time around Hatebreeder either lol. If it was really this important then your black president would have signed it off... during any of his two terms. Nigga grew up in the 60s and you mean to tell me he didn't think of this shit but his white vice president did?
  7. @Flukejiver @Nancy @Nanne30 @Ashley @Victoria No particular order. In fact I'm having @Carolina on the list too so 6, deal with it.
  8. Off-topic but really happy to see someone else who knows EXACTLY what I mean. I couldn't do it anymore man, there's one more season of solo q ranked pvp left probs ever but I decided to give it a miss because it was literally killing me on a mental level lol. I enjoyed the mode and the game is fantastic, but seriously, fuck the people that play it. Can't imagine any of those people surviving in the RS clanning community or frankly any other MMO, but that's probably the point, XIV is supposed to be some kind of safespace and in return, people who care about doing well have to suffer. For a while, FF players weren't even allowed to join REIGN discord, I wanted my mates in there but I had to run it through everyone else in a poll, and the vote was a straight no. In the end we compromised and made a second less serious mingle discord for our FF mates. And the exact reason for that is a lot of us come from RS, WoW and Counter Strike and they wouldn't last long before being bullied out, despite the fact it's our normal banter. Needless to say, within a month of this discord we fell out with an FF discord called FoE because someone flamed them for having members that griefed matches lol, and immediately FoEs leader demanded people choose between REIGN or FoE. Instantaneously point proven as far as many of my members were concerned. Also agreed RE ROT, they were always one of the original "NH" clans, but I would agree with them despite any other circumstances the reason it initially kicked off is no-one would fight them, so rather than let their clan die they decided to just crash and people can say what they want about them going up against VR, DF, EOS, DI & AF all at the same time, but it got them some kind of event twice a week.
  9. No. only reason I got it on RS2 was because I could afk it entirely
  10. underwear, pjs are for kids and nonces.
  11. 1. Are you motivated to clan by -> "positive" things, like warring skills (honing & using), gaming with friends, gameplay, the thrill of competition; or -> "negative" things like giving bad people what they deserve, demotivating your opponents, weakening / closing bad clans, or your enemies' impotent hatred towards you? (And if both, which one chiefly?) Competition & m8s - you learn the latter means more than anything else at some point. I don't care for negative shit. I've run a multigaming community for 17 years and seen everything, we've had our forums hacked, teamspeak hacked, counter strike servers griefed, solo queue matches griefed, members doxed, ddosed, and we've done everything in the book back because over the years we've had police, tax officials, all kinds of shit working in REIGN and it's like "whatever they do to us we'll do worse back". Then we became adults and we don't want any of that shit, we just remove the entire clan from the situation and outright ban anyone from being involved in the other side (for example, people in REIGN are not allowed to join Method on WoW, Entropy on FFXIV, or Revenant & Reign of Terror on RS. FoE (FFXIV) players cannot join REIGN. Our eSports players are not permitted to play for Method, Evil Geniuses or Team Dignitas due to previous issues - they would have to leave REIGN and most won't.). So yeah, when I see ROT and Revenant dox each other I'm like "fuckin grow up both of you". Being proud of it is super cringe. 2. Which type of motivation ("positive" or "negative"), if any, do you perceive as having better driven clans to succeed? Negative, I'm pretty sure if most clans flame or ddos you you wanna beat the shit out of them. Look at ROT, they thrive on having pissed everyone off and being 1v3'd at almost every turn. But I'd say it was balanced pre-EOC. Positive in the sense that many clans wanted to rank up on RAW or just prove they were better whilst keeping it respectful (EH, RSD, FEAR etc), whilst some wanted to just be kings of settling beef in the wild (VR, EOS, TT, ROT) 3. What are your moral (ethical) and psychological (health-related) thoughts on these types of motivation – in RS and life in general? FFXIV players are worse, mentally than people on this game ever will be lol. I think the fact people on this game take pride out of taking issues out of the game and affecting people's personal lives is extremely fucked.
  12. Also as a yank I'm not sure if you're aware - but good name change. Bolton is a shitty British football club.
  13. I miss topics like these. Damn that is one hell of a boomer rule.
  14. This unironically would probably cover 80% of wishes on this post. On one hand I was like "with the state of the game just before the end of rs2, they'd be doing us a favour." On the other I'm like "for the amount of clans we lost going into EOC and the ones that died in EOC after getting tired of legacy 15v15s, I'll take going back to F2P combat and gfx that didn't remotely resemble what we grew up with"
  15. Need to sort my shoulders out, struggling to balance my bulking atm because I'm not putting on weight with a clean bulk (I'm 6 ft 2 and need to reach around 90kg atm, I'm stuck around 85) but I'm getting unhealthy attempting to dirty bulk it instead to force the growth. Meanwhile I don't think I have a good plan in place for my shoulders as results are at best, inconsistent.
  16. I miss clean pure fights, these are all from Pre EOC with my time in TLP when I took a break from main clanning. Making @keirezz lose her tent and imbued slay helm whilst she was on a task. We were 1iteming her as a joke and then she somehow skulltricked herself LOL
  17. One more DI spiders trip with the lads. Unless it can be rs related out of the game, then definitely a drink with downfall.
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