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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. No surprise they've gone back to doxing and DDoSing, it's the only thing they have left.
  2. Considering my first class in vanilla was Shaman, gonna have to say doubt.
  3. How did a spastic like you ever get into EH.
  4. No. Just like classic it was only good when it was current. It's not as fun when it becomes a massive speedrun and TBC PvP was probably the worst era of WoW PvP ever, idk who ever thought Arena was a good idea and whilst it was fun, TBC was not the expansion for it because combat in the game was still piss.
  5. no its just fantasy cos im not on the list of known wat is er gebeurt jonge
  6. My opinion on this is every Ben Sharpiro video ever. I'll call you whatever you want, but expect mistakes because if you're quite clearly a bloke, then you're a bloke.
  7. GF and thanks for giving Tika to scare of his life.
  8. Almost beat the topic.
  9. Did more than slip it mate 😎
  10. Ello mate I remember you.
  11. Has True asked if there were any porking scandals on this thread yet?
  12. I did not - I use OBS to record so this is very welcome. Thanks SSJ!
  13. Probably never going to be allowed to range again now. I think for once I might except the DMCA Youtube gods, but if they copyright mute/disable it LMK so I can upload to Streamable instead. Tempest video host when @true?
  14. Latvian were pmuch pre-BH and Lithuanias main competitors. Notable Aussie clans were CL, DS, AA and to some extent TNC had a high Aussie count too, idr if they were actually marketed as an Aussie clan.
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